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Characteristics and pattern of organizational structure for general inspectors offices :Testing Research
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Concentrated research topic in addressing variable vital to the work of offices of inspectors general, construction and scale effectiveness and efficiency is the organizational structure, which are important as is obvious to any researcher in the management and organization and this variable would affect the exercise task supervision and inspection of financial and administrative corruption and combat efficiently, Thus this effect will be placed in the fold ability to achieve goals. That the creation of the organizational structure and requirements to achieve harmony between its properties is creating step towards success. This research aims to analyze the characteristics and style organizational structure of the offices of inspectors general and assess organizational structure to measure the requirements for success, using world class prepared for this purpose. Diagnosis requirements do design appropriate organizational structure for the offices of the inspectors general of the exit structure that balances mechanism and membership in building the organizational structure and the basis of the scientific bases studied. also lies the importance of research to reach organizational structure effective offices of Inspectors General meets achieve its objectives and functions that set him in the law, and then had achieved the primary purpose in their work, which is success in the practice of audit work and inspection, which flows in the fight against financial and administrative corruption was rampant in Iraq.

       The research was conducted on (8) offices inspectors general of the (36) operating in Iraqi ministries, and reached the research sample (99) individuals included five levels of employees, they (the inspectors general,) aides inspectors, department managers, officials of the people, and other staff. The list of standard examination is the primary means to collect information used in the research adopted by the researchers.

     In light of the results research found a set of conclusions was the most important "that the organizational structure of offices of inspectors general have characterized general mechanism, and too far for practices organic, so that the characteristics of structure of b (central, official, complexity, and specialty) was high usage of very, which was formed to be obstacles in the exercise of the most important functions of the offices of inspectors general oversight and inspections, and creating a situation of mistrust workers, as well as the length of the working procedures and the complexity of the steps, and the large number of administrative and organizational problems.
     Find concluded with a set of recommendations highlighted the need to take the process of devolution of powers, and the tendency toward decentralization as a catalytic method is training for workers, as it leads to make them feel their importance, through their exercise of power and decision-making in whole or in part. As well as the fact that administrative decentralization is an appropriate way to train them to exercise responsibility successfully, and are motivated to fill important jobs in the future.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Intellectual vision of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey
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شهد العالم مع بداية القرن الحادي والعشرين تدشين مرحلة جديدة من التطور شملت مختلف الميادين لاسيما في مجال التطورات العلمية والثورة المعلوماتية.. كما إن مسار الديمقراطية في بعض دول العالم يصبح سالكا خاصة في تركيا, فمنذ اواسط الثمانينيات من القرن الماضي فتح المجال السياسي امام قوى كانت مسحوقة ومهمشة, ويكاد ان لا يكون لها وجود في الحياة السياسية للنزول الى ساحة العمل السياسي اسوة ببقية القوى ا

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Doping And Annealing Effect On Evaporation Of ZnO Thin Films
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 02 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Cultural Activities The Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquilies
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It’s an attempt to identify the cultural activities of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities, which are provided by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities and the departments affiliated with the Ministry of Culture only, not tourism and antiquities. The most important results areIs that the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities has many cultural activities such as (festivals, exhibitions, conferences, fashion shows, concerts, musical evenings, theatrical and cinematic performances) in addition to literary series and cultural magazines, which are directed to the public in general, whether it is elite or not, and this shows the extent The importance of cultural activities published by the Ministry of Culture, Tou

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Fundamentalist graduation of customary celebrations and holidays in Islamic societies
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esearch Summary

Holidays and occasions in Islamic societies have a legal character and origin. Some of them are proven by the words and actions of the legislator, and some are within the scope of custom that is regulated by the honorable Sharia, and others are approved by scholars and people because of their connection, piety and charity.  It has a kind of good.

 One of the purposes of the noble Sharia is to glorify the honorable times associated with the blessed events, so that lessons and lessons may be recalled in them, and to activate the legitimate gifts in those events that develop in the individual, the family and the community the meanings of goodness and honor and all that is good and good.  Accord

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 26 2022
Journal Name
Thermal and Mechanical Behaviour of Heat-resistant Clay-silica Composites
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The ceramic composite with different proportions of clay and silica was prepared with a grain size of 70 μm and the weight percentage was selected for four groups (clayx silica100-x) were x q15, 25, 30 and 50. In this manuscript, for each pressured sample, a sintering procedure was carried out for 3 hours under static air and at various sintering temperatures (1000, 1100, 1200, 1400)°C. After sintering, the density, porosity, water absorption, compression strength and thermal conductivity were measured. The best results were obtained using a mixture of 15% clay and 85% silica which were sintering at 1400°C for three hours under air.

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Image Improvement Using The Combination of Wavelet and Multiwavelet Transform
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      This paper introduces method of image enhancement using the combination of both wavelet and Multiwavelet transformation. New technique is proposed for image enhancement using one smoothing filter.

    A critically- Sampled Scheme of preprocessing method is used for computing the Multiwavelet.It is the 2nd norm approximation used to speed the procedures needed for such computation.

  An improvement was achieved with the proposed method in comparison with the conventional method. 

The performance of this technique has been done by computer using Visual Baisec.6 package.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Applying Quran Security and Hamming CodesFor Preventing of Text Modification
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The widespread of internet allover the world, in addition to the increasing of the huge number of users that they exchanged important information over it highlights the need for a new methods to protect these important information from intruders' corruption or modification. This paper suggests a new method that ensures that the texts of a given document cannot be modified by the intruders. This method mainly consists of mixture of three steps. The first step which barrows some concepts of "Quran" security system to detect some type of change(s) occur in a given text. Where a key of each paragraph in the text is extracted from a group of letters in that paragraph which occur as multiply of a given prime number. This step cannot detect the ch

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Advances In Remote Sensing And Geo Informatics Applications
Correlation Between Surface Modeling and Pulse Width of FWF-Lidar
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Association of Aquatic worms and infected snails with Digenean larvae
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Six species of aquatic snails were sorted from three sites, the irrigation canal of Baghdad University campus (S1), River Tigris at Al-Za'afaraniah district / Baghdad(S2) , and River Euphrates at Al-Haideriah district Al-Najaf province(S2). The species included Melanopsis nodosa ;Melanoides tuberculata ; Thaiodaxsas jordani ; Lymnaea auricularia ; Physa acuta and Bellamya bengalensis. The first specis recorded the highest total number and was found in high density in the R. Euphrates site (S3), while the last species was the most widely distributed species, and found in all study sites. The last three species were found in Tigris river (S2) , while the first and last species were collected from the irrigation canal (S1).The result reveal

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of frequency Chirp on the black and gray solitions
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the behavior of the first-order black and gray solitons propagtedin optical fiber in the presence of frequency chirp is studied analytically and numerically results show that phase profile of black solitons changes abruptly

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