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Integrated Framework for technologies to reduce costs and reengineering processes to develop strategies companyes An Empirical Study In some companies affiliated to the Ministry of Oil
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Began the process of re-engineering processes in the private sector as a way to assist organizations in re-thinking how to run the business in order to improve production processes and reduce operational cost, to get to compete on a global level. That was a major restructuring by further evolution in the use of technology to support innovative operations.

 Entered the technology in all areas of life and different regulations, This led to use as a change in all aspects The companies achieved success and progress today through the use of resources so as to ensure the wishes of the customers and their needs, and the requirements of the market primarily, Which is reflected on the basis of building strategies, Has enjoined accelerated changes in business environments and the intensity of competition on the companies follow the modern strategies to achieve excellence and development of these companies.  Was chosen model of research and hypotheses using statistical methods in the treatment of multiple data collected using a questionnaire  Promised that the main tool explaining aspects of the relationship  Between the first two variables are important techniques to reduce costs The second re-engineering processes, through a series of questions to a number of sub-elements, and used for the purposes of analyzing the form of the program (SPSS) by identifying mean, median, standard deviation and coefficient of correlation and linear regression. The research found a total of conclusions, including:

  1. affect technology morally and dramatically Mtgier search techniques to reduce costs and re-engineering processes.
  2. that human resources backed financially and morally qualified and well-trained and capable of innovation and excellence Face fullest.

3 to achieve lower costs should determine the practical steps that must be followed, methods and techniques that can be used

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact Kaizen Budget to reducing costs and continuous improvement the operations: study in General Company for Light Industries
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The budget represents a critical accounting tool used for planning and control. It is considered a measure of the results expected to occur.

This study aims to identify the impact of the Kaizen Budget in reducing costs and continuous improvement on the General Company's operations for Light Industries. The research idea is based on the fact that preparing the budget based on constant improvement supports the higher management of people, processes, materials, and production methods, thus enabling them to manage and reduce their costs.

Research results that the prepared budget suffers from many shortages that limit the materials' usefulness for management

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Environmental Auditing A proposed Framework For Practice In Industrial Companies: Practical Study In Iraqi State Company For Cement
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This research aims to studying and analyzing the theoretical
framework of the environmental auditing in industrial environment to its a broad and danger environmental effects . It aims to contribute in setting and testing a proposed procedure framework for environmental auditing in that vital activity .The practical aspect focused on testing a proposed framework within practice it in a one Iraqi industrial company that has a huge effect on environmental activity, represented by Iraqi state company

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Value engineering and process re-engineering and their role in reducing costs
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تسعى المحاسبة الى مسايرة القفزات الهائلة والمتسارعة في تطور العلوم الصرفة والتطبيقية والتقدم التكنولوجي، والتي ادت على ظهور مفاهيم جديدة الغت مسلمات وبديهيات كانت سائدة لمدة طويلة، فعلى سبيل المثال: كان مخزون المواد الاولية والبضاعة التامة في المؤسسات الصناعية او التجارية يشكل العمود الفقري لها بتكاليفه ومشاكله، حتى اذا ما جاء نظام (JIT) الغى بتطبيقاته هذه المفاهيم واعتمد م

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the market knowledge to improve marketing performance an empirical study for mobil communication companies in iraq
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       The study aimed to determine the extent of market knowledge in the companies researched, as if market knowledge is qualified to lead the companies researched to achieve marketing performance , for this purpose, formulated hypotheses of the study in three hypotheses, the first major hypothesis "there is a correlation with significance of market knowledge to improve the marketing performance  , "while the second major hypothesis, "there is a significant moral influence of market knowledge to improve the marketing performance  " these hypotheses targeting to determine the role played by market knowledge in the leadership of companies researched to achieve improvement in marketing perfor

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of empowerment strategies on the characteristics of work enrichment An exploratory research to the views of a sample of the leaders of the Ministry of Oil in Iraq
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The study aimed to investigate the relationship between empowerment strategies and their impact on the success of enrichment work, it included the dimensions of empowerment strategies (power, knowledge, information, rewards), The dimensions of Job enrichment are (Skill variety, Task identity, Task significance, Autonomy, Feedback). The study was conducted at the headquarters of the Iraqi Oil Ministry in Baghdad and was based on a sample of the leadership of the ministry of managers consisting of 215 people. The data were collected using the questionnaire method based on scientific standards adopted in previous st

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of cognitive processes in the areas of organizational changeApplied Study in the Directorate General of Training and Development / Ministry of Electricity
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Centric study on the interest of the Directorate General of Training and Development / Ministry of Electricity to consolidate the concept of process and enhancement of knowledge in the areas of organizational change، it reached a sample of the study (44) people who are highly heads of departments، technicians and administrators in different sections of the Directorate and by using the correlation coefficient (Spearman) & coefficient of simple regression been tested correlations between variables and the impact of the study، as has been reached to integrate the role of cognitive processes with the areas of organizational change and relationships that were significant at the level of overall dimensions and subsidiary organs.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Effect of Corporate Goverment in Tax Planning: An Empirical Study
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The purpose of this study is discuss the effect of Corporate Governance in the Tax Planning, has been made in a sample of Iraqi Industrial contribution Companies listed in Iraqi Stock Exchange Market (ISE) , for the period from 2008 to 2012.The study used the" Experimental Research Approach" . Also used the (Modified Jones Model, 1995) in order to measure the corporate governance, to measure the extent of the practice of corporate governance in the samples companies. While it use to measure tax planning, the model that used by studies and researches of tax that adopted in discussions of tax reform, by analyzing the financial statements of companies  to reach  a measurement  for  the two variables of the study.  T

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of merger in creating differences in the profitability of companies Analytical research between a sample of subsidiaries to the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals
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The research aims to identify the impact of the merger of the companies affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals on their financial profitability since the companies before the merger suffered a rise in losses and the deficit reached very high levels that affected its overall performance and even on the morale of workers as losses are increasing and solutions Efficiency is absent. The problem stems from knowing the impact of the merger on the profitability ratios of the companies. The research field was represented by the companies affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals (21) companies, while the research sample reached (6) companies after the merger (14) companies before the merger, was based on data The f

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Integration of Dissolved Analysis and Total Quality Management to reduce costs and improve product quality
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there is a need to use the teardown Technique in a various fields and different motives and used often by economic units as a technique to help other techniques for example, used by some economic units for the analysis of other economic units of products in order to work on the development of products and look for opportunities to improve product quality and avoid product errors competitor or reduce its costs, in addition to the services provided by quality control is used ISO 17025 integration with unassembled analysis to adjust the quality of the product by comparing the pieces produced with designed models that are also the product as a whole compared with the original design

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Public Relations Strategies in Building the State’s Reputation An analytical study of the publications of the website of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
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The aim of this paper is to know the persuasive methods and public relations strategies in building the reputation of the United Arab Emirates, since the UAE is progressing among the international indicators in good reputation. The researcher used the survey method, using the content analysis tool, to analyze the publications of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for the period from 10/1/2021 to 12/31/2021.The researcher reached a set of results, the most important of which are: The UAE Foreign Ministry relied on public relations strategies in order to build a good reputation for the country, as it focused on the media strategy and gave little importance to the consensus-building strategy, as well as focuse

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