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Banking Governance According to the principles of the Basel Committee and its impact on the achievement of the strategic objectives of banks Study in a sample of private commercial banks Iraqi
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     This study aims to impact statement played by banking governance according to the decisions of the Basel Committee in achieving the strategic objectives of the banks, But order to achieve the this goal has been the adoption of two hypotheses in addition to the two main hypotheses as sub answered preliminary The study seeks to verify their health and two (no correlation relationship and impact between Banking  governance and achieve strategic objectives), has been tested hypotheses. Study has reached multiple of the most important conclusions: -
1 - There a correlation relationship between Banking governance and achieve strategic objectives.
2 -There is a impact relationship between banking governance and achieve strategic objectives.

The study included a number of recommendations, most notably the following: -
1 - Work encourage by the principles of Banking  governance as one important component of the financial safety to achieve strategic objectives of the banks.
2 Taking into account the importance of the relationship between the banking and Banking Governance standards to achieve strategic objectives, in the evaluation of performance deviations from what is planned and the subject within strategic objectives.


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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Toxicity effects of some heavy metals on the growth of alga Scenedesmus dimorphus
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The toxicity effect of some heavy metals (Lead, Cadmium, Copper, and Zinc) on the growth of alga Scenedesmus dimorphus which belongs to the Division of Chlorophyta was studied and depended on the total cell number . The growth rate and doubling time were also calculated accordingly in present of absent of the the heavy metals . There were differences in toxic effects of the metals (p<0.05) . The growth was decreased gradually with alga when exposured to Lead at 15,20 and 25 mg/l in comparison with the control , mean while 30 mg/l caused an acute decrease in growth . Treating the alga with 0.05,0.1,0.5 mg/l concentration of Cadmium the number of cells decreased while at 1 mg/l the effect was more pronounced . As for Copper the conc

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Publication Date
Sun May 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Quenching Media Variations on the Mechanical Behavior of Martensitic Stainless Steel
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The purpose of this study is designate quenching and tempering heat treatment by using Taguchi technique to determine optimal factors of heat treatment (austenitizing temperature, percentage of nanoparticles, type of base media, nanoparticles type and soaking time) for increasing hardness, wear rate and impact energy properties of 420 martensitic stainless steel. An (L18) orthogonal array was chosen for the design of experiment. The optimum process parameters were determined by using signal-to-noise ratio (larger is better) criterion for hardness and impact energy while (Smaller is better) criterion was for the wear rate. The importance levels of process parameters that effect on hardness, wear rate and impact energy propertie

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 26 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of the Effect of Some Plant Extracts on Mice Mammary Adenocarcinoma (AMN3).
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   The cytotoxic effect of different concentrations of Crude extracts of  Solanum melongena  , Curcuma longa and  Daucus carota  on  mice mammary adenocarcinoma cell line was  studied . The concentrations  used were 62.5 125 , 250, 500 Microgram/militer for 24,48 and 72 hour . These exracts were prepared by  using alcoholic and  hot water methods . The preliminary chemical tests revealed acidic pH of all  extracts. The results showed  a clear  toxic effect of all extracts in a time and dose –dependent manner . The Curcuma longa  had the highest effect on adenocarcinoma 94.61% , followed by Solanum melonga( 93.20%)   and the lowest effect was by Da

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Influence of substrates on the properties of cerium -doped CdO nanocrystalline thin films
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Transparent thin films of CdO:Ce has been deposited on to glass and silicon substrates by spray pyrolysis technique for various concentrations of cerium (2, 4, and 6 Vol.%). CdO:Ce films were characterized using different techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy(AFM) and optical properties. XRD analysis show that CdO films exhibit cubic crystal structure with (1 1 1) preferred orientation and the intensity of the peak increases with increasing's of Ce contain when deposited films on glass substrate, while for silicon substrate, the intensity of peaks decreases, the results reveal that the grain size of the prepared thin film is approximately (73.75-109.88) nm various with increased of cerium content. With a sur

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of zirconia surface treatments on the shear bond strength of veneering ceramic
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Background: The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of surface treatments of zirconia (grinding and sandblast with 50μm, 100 μm) on shear bond strength between zirconia core and veneering ceramic. Material and methods: Twenty-eight presintered Y-TZP ceramic specimens (IPS e.max ZirCAD, Ivoclar vivadent) were fabricated and sintered according to manufacturer’s instructions. The core specimens were divided randomly in to 4 groups, group 1: no surface treatment, group2: zirconia specimens were ground with silicon carbide paper up to1200 grit under water cooling, group3: zirconia specimens were ground and sandblast with 100 μm alumina, group 4: zirconia specimens were ground and sandblast with 50 μm alumina. Surfa

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Power He-Ne Laser on Growth of Dermatophyte Trichophyton mentagophytes
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This study aims to evaluate the effect of low power a semi-conductor He-Ne laser 4 mw power with 635 nm length on the growth and cell viability of dermatophyte Trichophyton mentagophytes. For this study, skin samples of 22 patents were collecting; those patients were suffering from dematophytsis caused by the dermatophytes, three isolates were diagnosed in dermatophytes group were T. mentagophytes.  Results showed that rays of semi-conductor laser with 635 nm wavelength of 4 mn power have affected the fungal growth T. mentagophytes (the ideal isolates) in sold media when exposed to laser radiation in different periods of 10-20 second duration, but the other two isolates gave negative results. The effects of He-Ne laser rays in dry w

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of Optical Fiber Diameters on the Performance of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor
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In this research, a sensor for chemical solutions was designed and formed using optical fiber-based on a surface Plasmon resonance technology. A single-mode optical fiber with three different diameters (25, 45 and 65) µm was used, respectively.  The second layer of the low refractive fiber was replaced by gold, which was electrically deposited at 40 µm thickness. For each of the three types of optical fiber, different saline concentrations (different index of refraction) were used to evaluate the performance of the refractive index sensor (chemical sensor) by measuring its sensitivity and resolutions. The highest values we could get for these two parameters were 240mm/RIU, and 6*10-5 RIU respectively, when the diameter of a

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Studying the Effects of Different Polymers on Rheological Properties of Water Base Muds
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This research is focusing on finding more effective polymers that leads to enhance the rheological properties of Water Base Muds. The experiments are done for different types of mud for all substances which are Polyacrylamide, Xanthan gum, CMC (Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose). This study shows the effect of add polymer to red bentonite mud, effect of add polymer to Iraqi bentonite mud, the effect of add bentonite to polymer mud. The mud properties of Iraqi bentonite blank are enhanced after adding the polymers to the blank mix, CMC gives the highest value of plastic viscosity and Gel strength than others; X-anthan gives the highest value of yield point and gel strength than others. For the red bentonite mud, Polyacrylamide has the highes

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Transverse Base Width Restraint on the Cracking Behavior of Massive Concrete
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The effect of considering the third dimension in mass concrete members on its cracking behavior is investigated in this study. The investigation includes thermal and structural analyses of mass concrete structures. From thermal analysis, the actual temperature distribution throughout the mass concrete body was obtained due to the generation of heat as a result of cement hydration in addition to the ambient circumstances. This was performed via solving the differential equations of heat conduction and convection using the finite element method. The finite element method was also implemented in the structural analysis adopting the concept of initial strain problem. Drying shrinkage volume changes were calculated using the procedure suggested

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Effect of increased axle load weight on the response of local flexible pavements
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Traffic loading and environmental factors are among the most serious variables that cause the spoilage of flexible pavements and lead to a decrease in their design life. The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of axle load raise and the change in resilient modulus on the flexible pavement design life. Locally, Highway geometric design code for Iraqi building code has assign certain admissible maximum load limits per every axle truck type that should not be overrun. In this paper nine different axle truck loads (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16) tons, single axle with dual tire and, and two different resilient moduli of asphalt pavement were chosen. The evaluation was carried out assuming high temperature to represent

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