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Measuring Service Delivery Orientation For Doctor and patients Perspective Experimental Study in Numan General Hospital

This research aims to Measurement provide the service from Two perspectives The first perspective Service Provider (doctors) and the second recipient of the service (patients) in Numan General Hospital, and represented the research problem in perceptions of medical staff in the hospital assigned to them responsibility by providing superior services satisfy customers, and how they maintained ready to assist customers and provide services that exceed their perceptions of these services through the use of the developer scale by (Frimpong and Wilson, 2012), includes orientation to provide the service scale four dimensions (Internal cooperative behaviors, service Competence, Service Responsiveness and Enhanced service) and includes doctors perspective Scale (22) items and scale customers perspective (patients) (16) items, and research involved doctors and by 54 doctors from various disciplines and (209) of customers (patients) Recumbent to the hospital, were verified validity and reliability of the scale, and used several methods Statistical to get the results such as ((Factor Analysis) and test (Mann - Whitney) of the differences moral using statistical software (SPSS) version twenty one, and research found several conclusions including the existence of significant differences for more than a dimension of orientation scale to provide the service (Internal cooperative behaviors, service Competence, Enhanced service), suggesting that the customer perspective to go to provide the service Alien from doctors for the same dimensional perspective, this confirms that the perceptions of customer service did not match with what is offered in the hospital, and recommended Find the need to address the opinions of the customers (patients) in the evaluation of the quality of services being provided give clearer indications of the level of the provider of services, since it is not clear dramatically this level of recognition without the opinion of service recipients and their conviction that these services had met the needs and perceptions about the service you wish to receive it

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
دراسة العلاقة بین وجبة الأفطار والمستوى الاقتصادي وعدد إفراد الأسرة وتأثیرھا في القابلیات الذھنیة لطلبة المرحلة الابتدائیة

Five mixed primary schools from the district of Tikrit/ Salah al- din province
with a total of 100 male and female pupils and two ages(8-9 and 10-11 years),
were selected randomly to study the relationship between the breakfast meal and
the academic level, the socioeconomic situation, and the number of family
members. The study showed a positive linear correlation between the morning
meal, and academic level of students for both two covered ages, also showed a
clear impact between the development of family's socioeconomic situation and
their nutrition level. There were an increase in the percentage of pupils aged 8-9
years with a poor nutrition when they were belonged to a poor or medium
socioeconomic families,

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 17 2024
Journal Name
مجلة كلية بغداد للعلوم الاقتصادية الجامعة
استعمال التحليل الهرمي لتطبيق بطاقة الأداء المتوازن في تقييم الأداء الاستراتيجي للهيئة العامة للأثار والتراث - دراسة تطبيقية

هدف هذا البحث الى استعمال الأسلوب الرياضي أسلوب التحليل الهرمي وتطبيقه وفق ابعاد بطاقة الاداء المتوازن في تقييم الأداء الاستراتيجي في الهيئة العامة للأثار والتراث، وتمثلت أدوات البحث باستعمال استمارات التحليل الهرمي وطبقت على معايير بطاقة الأداء المتوازن المتمثلة في (المالي، الزبائن، العمليات الداخلية، والتعلم والنمو)، وتم استهداف عينة قصدية متمثلة في رئيس الهيئة والمدراء العامون بعض من مدراء الأقسام ال

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Karbala Journal Of Physical Education Sciences
تأثير تمرينات وقائية للذراعين في تطوير بعض القدرات البدنية للاعبي المنتخب الوطني بكرة السلة على الكراسي المتحركة

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رسالة رسالة في طبقات القراء لتاج الدين أحمد عبد القادر بن مكتوم القيسي (ت 749هـ) دراسة وتحقيق

 The writer of this messagewas Tajaddin Ahmad Abdulqader bin Maktoom Al-Qaisy Al-masry.

This message dealt with the biographies of twenty scientists of readers about Quran readings in Cairo . He comprehended these biographies and make it an appendage

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Secondary Metabolite Crude of Metarhizum anisopliea Fungus on the Second Larval Stage of the Housefly Musca domestica

         The house flies Musca domestica )Diptera:musidae) are the primary carrier of many pathogens such as cholera, typhoid, anthrax, and others. The use of chemical pesticides as a basic method of control leads to many problems at the environmental and health level. The use of safe alternatives to chemical pesticides has become an urgent necessity. The research aims to find biological alternatives that are environment-friendly and non-pathogenic to humans in controlling house flies through the possibility of extracting and diagnosing some secondary metabolites produced by the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae and testing their effects on the second larval stage of house flies using different treatment methods that include

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Real-Time Cloth Simulation on Virtual Human Character Using Enhanced Position Based Dynamic Framework Technique

     Cloth simulation and animation has been the topic of research since the mid-80's in the field of computer graphics. Enforcing incompressible is very important in real time simulation. Although, there are great achievements in this regard, it still suffers from unnecessary time consumption in certain steps that is common in real time applications.   This research develops a real-time cloth simulator for a virtual human character (VHC) with wearable clothing. This research achieves success in cloth simulation on the VHC through enhancing the position-based dynamics (PBD) framework by computing a series of positional constraints which implement constant densities. Also, the self-collision and collision wit

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Scopus (23)
Crossref (20)
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 15 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رؤساء رؤساء النصارى في كتاب أخبار بطاركة كرسي المشرق (132- 542هـ/ 749- 1147م) دراسة تاريخية (القسم الثاني)

The research deals with the Presidents of the Christians who called themselves (Ghaltka) in the book titled (orient chirsy patriarchs) that talked about their scientific practical biography adding to) that their completeness on the position of Ghaltka with its decrees and caliphs who were contemporaries to them ,as well as their places, deaths, cemeteries and their accomplishments In accordance with the powers granted to them and also it mentions the situation of The Abbasid caliphate with them and with the sons of their sect .

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
اعتماد منهج ال Six Sigma كالية لتحسين جودة اداء السلطة الضريبية: دراسة حالة في الهيئة العامة للضرائب

This research aims to improve the process Tax accounting by using the scientific method to such as Six Sigma DMAIC steps called in General. Authority for Tax accounting . this approach has been described Tax accounting process Fully and identify problems experienced by the measurement and analysis and identify the critical success factors to satisfy customers and adoption process redesign Tax accounting process with the possibility of obtaining a high-quality revenue to be used by the body to improve its performance . Collected data and information from interviews with officials, staff and see the details & the conduct & operations in the body, and used well as a questionnair to measure the quality & services present action b

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Intelligence Research
الوعي بالتدوير الكيميائي وعلاقته بالتفكير العلمي لدى طلبة قسم الكيمياء في كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة ابن الهيثم

يهدف البحث التعرف على مستوى الوعي بتقنيات إعادة التدوير غير الميكانيكية التي يجري تطويرها حاليًا في قطاع "إعادة التدوير الكيميائي" الجديد لدى طلبة كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة -ابن الهيثم. تكونت عينة البحث من (198) طالبا وطالبة من قسم الكيمياء للعام الدراسي (2021-2022) من أصل(250) أي (79%) من مجتمع البحث لدراسة الفصول الصباحية و(50) طالباً وطالبة من أصل (73) أي (68٪) من مجتمع البحث لدراسة الفصول المسائية لطلبة المرحلة الرابعة.وت

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The official business style of the Russian literary language. Problems of formation.: Официально-деловой стиль русского литературного языка. Проблематика формирования.

In the article we consider features of official style, its functions and factors which influence the definition of the style. The topicality of the issue can be explained by rapid development of market economy which affects in its turn business correspondence. In this regard, there are a lot of cliché, terms and professionalisms appeared recently. Only correct usage of them can serve as a key to successful communication in Russian as well as other languages. This work highlights documents that are part of the diplomatic style such as declarations, credentials, notes, resolutions and other documents. The administrative style can include orders and instructions.


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