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Measuring and analyzing the relationship between the fiscal policy indicators and the bank stability index in Iraq for the period 2010-2016 using the ARDL model.
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The importance of this research is to clarify the nature and the relationship between the indicators of financial policy and banking stability in Iraq, as well as to find a composite index reflects the state of banking stability in Iraq in order to provide an appropriate means to help policymakers in making appropriate decisions before the occurrence of financial crises.

     Hence, the problem of research is that the fiscal policy has implications for the macro economy and does not rule out its impact on banking stability. Moreover, the central bank does not possess a single indicator that reflects the stability of the banking system, rather than the scattered indicators that depend on determining the stability of banking through changes Relative to those indicators.                               

    The paper used quarterly data for the period 2010-2016. It apply the ARDL model to examine the hypothesis that financial policy had an effect on banking stability through the proposed aggregate index of banking stability. The paper found that government’s borrowing by treasury bills enhance the banking stability and this Positive relationship emerged because of the classification of the treasury bills within the liquidity components during the period of the study (2016-2010). This is done if there is a capacity of fiscal policy to repay the debt, but if the debt exceeded the capacity of the government to repay will have a negative impact on the banking stability. The paper suggested that the fiscal policy must build sovereign fund for the purpose of exploiting the surplus in fiscal policy in times of prosperity and use them in times of crisis in which the fiscal policy needs funds to carry out its duties and the purpose of not to crowd out the economic units especially the banking system through continuous borrowing. This may lead to a decline in the ability of the government to repay debts. The Central Bank of Iraq should adopt than aggregated index of banking stability, which is a mean for forecasting early warning of banking crisis.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Die sytaktische Struktur und semantische Bedeutung der konzessiven Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten im Deutschen und Arabischen Eine interpretierende Studie
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Die vorliegende Forschung erklärt ein sprachliches Phänomen im Deutschen und Arabischen, dessen Aspekte die Grund-Folge-Relation (Kausalität) im Allgemeinen sowie den wirkungslosen Gegengrund (Konzessivität) im Besonderen behandeln.

In diesem Kontext wird der Unterschied der verschiedenartigen Gründe der Kausalität im Deutschen, wie wirklicher Grund (kausal), möglicher Grund (konditional) und wirkungsloser bzw. unzureichender Gegengrund (konzessiv) gezeigt.

Die theoretischen Darlegungen der konzessiven Ausdrucksmittel in dieser Forschungsarbeit werden durch diverse praktische Beispiele aus der deutschen und arabischen Literatur fundamentiert.

Das Hauptziel dieser For

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اخبار أخبار الزمان في تاريخ بني العباس للخزرجي (ت812هـ) دراسة وتحقيق العصر العباسي الأول
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تحيا الأمم بتراثها فهو الأساس الذي تنطلق منهُ، وما من أمة إلاّ ولها تراث، وهو سر حياتها وديمومتها ، فالأمة العربية الأسلامية لها تراث تليد التي تشرفت بحمل أقدس رسالة سماوية وأكملها لأمم الأرض، فكانت نبراساً أهتدت به البشرية حتى انتشلتها من واقعها المريض إلى أرغد عيش وأقوم خلق وأنبل نفس .

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الجوانب الاجتماعية والعلمية في كتاب (الغنية) للشيخ عبد القادر الكيلاني وانعكاساتها على المجتمع البغدادي
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The importance of the topic lies in explaining the extent of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani’s interest in social and scientific life in Baghdad

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
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أثر استراتيجية المماثلة في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء والذكاء الانفعالي لطلاب الصف الخامس العلمي الاحيائي
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هدف البحث الى الكشف عن فاعلية استراتيجية المماثلة في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء والذكاء الانفعالي لطلاب الصف الخامس العلمي الاحيائي. وتكونت عينة البحث من (28 ) طالبا من طلبة الصف الخامس العلمي الاحيائي في اعدادية الشاكرين للبنين, التابعة لمديرية تربية بغداد – الكرخ الثانية, موزعين بين شعبتين بالتساوي, شعبة (أ) وهي المجموعة الضابطة التي درست على وفق الطريقة الاعتيادية, وشعبة ( ب) وهي المجموعة التجريبية والتي درست على و

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Enhanced Relative Humidity Sensor via Diameter of No-Core Fiber Structure
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Single mode-no core-single mode fiber structure with a section of tuned no-core fiber diameter to sense changes in relative humidity has been experimentally demonstrated. The sensor performance with tuned NCF diameter was investigated to maximize the evanescent fields. Different tuned diameters of of (100, 80, and 60)μm were obtained by chemical etching process based on hydrofluoric acid immersion. The highest wavelength sensitivity was obtained 184.57 pm/RH% in the RH range of 30% –100% when the no-core fiber diameter diameter was 60 μm and the sensor response was in real-time measurements

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر الانموذج المعملي في تصحيح المفاهيم الرياضية شائعة الخطأ لدى طلاب الصف الاول المتوسط
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ملخص الدراسة
سعت الدراسة تعرف اثراستعمال الأنموذج المعملي في تصحيح المفاهيم الرياضية شائعة الخطأ لدى طلاب الصف الأول المتوسط بالإجابة عن السؤال "ما اثر استعمال الأنموذج المعملي في تصحيح المفاهيم الرياضية شائعة الخطأ لدى طلاب الصف الأول المتوسط" ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة وضعت الفرضية الصفرية "لايوجد فرق ذو دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى الدلالة (0.05) بين متوسطي درجات طلاب المجموعة التجريبية الذين يدرسون المادة المقرر

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اخبار أخبار الزمان في تاريخ بني العباس للخزرجي (ت812هـ) دراسة وتحقيق - العصر العباسي الثاني
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The book "News of Time in the History of Bani Abbas" for Khazraji of important historical books, because of the news of the sons of Abbas, which is part of the book (Alosdp Almstok in the history of Islam, the layers of kings, ranked on the years starting from the emergence of Islam

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
منظمات الاداء العالي بحث أستطلاعي في الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية والشركة العامة لتصنيع الحبوب
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This study discussed modern variable in the organizational thought that is the high performance organizations in the two of Iraqi public organizations. The aim of study determines to know the level of the performance in this organizations (high or not). The data was Collected by questionnaire which contain (8) characteristics, the organizational design, strategy, process, technology, leadership, the roles, culture, and external environment). The sample contain from (76) employees;

Results points that the two organizations didn’t reach to the high level of performance, and there are significance's difference  among them.



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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
المناخ المدرسي وعلاقته بالتكيف الاجتماعي لدى تلاميذ الصف الاول الابتدائي في محافظة اربيل/ المركز
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The research aims at defining the level of the school environment and the social adjustment of the sample due to the sex and the relation among them. The two researchers have stated the school environment scale counting on the theoretical background and previous studies. As for the social adjustment scale, the researchers have used the scale of (Al-Kindy, 2001) and the school environment scale is implicated on (112) students. The schools and the students were elected in a random way. Whereas the social adjustment scale is implicated on (30) teachers in order to know their ratio of the student's adjustment. The results have appeared the satisfaction of the students on the private school environment within their school aspects (the directo

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
ما خالف به الامامُ ابن السبكي الامامَ الامدي في تشنيف المسامع باب القياس انموذجا
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The idea of ​​the research at first was to find out about the rare occurrence, which is the occurrence of a violation in the same madhhab and between two Shafi’i scholars such as Al-Amadi and Ibn Al-Subki. The scholarly had some brief and then moved on to the fundamentalist violations that occurred between them in the syllabus of the hearing within the chapter on analogy exclusively. The diffuse division (within the sounding and division) of the observer and the debates, or is it confined to the beholder without the debates, Imam Al-Amadi sees the inadmissibility of analogy with the reasons, while Imam Ibn Al-Subki argues that it is permissible, and Imam Al-Amdi sees that the widespread division is an argument for the observer (Muj

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