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Knowledge of marketing and its impact on the performance of the company for the distribution of oil products –an exploratory study of the views of asample in the general company for oil products distribution/ Distribution Authority, Baghdad
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This study seeks to address the impact of marketing knowledge dimensions (product, price, promotion, distribution) on the organizational performance in relation to a number of variables which are (efficiency, effectiveness, market share, customer satisfaction), and seeks to reveal the role of marketing knowledge in organizational performance.

In order to achieve the objective of the study the researcher has adopted a hypothetical model that reflects the logical relationships between the variables of the study. In order to reveal the nature of these relationships, several hypotheses have been presented as tentative solutions and this study seeks to verify the validity of these hypotheses.

For the purpose of application of this study practically on the ground and in order to test its hypotheses Iraq Oil Products Distribution Company has been selected as the study sample and Baghdad Distribution Commission has been used for the questionnaire tool in the collection of data from the field.

The size of the sample included in this study is (53) members of the senior management of the company and the SPSS statistical program has been used for the purpose of conducting statistical processing, and the study have arrived at a number of very important conclusions: -

1-The adoption of marketing of knowledge by the surveyed organization contributes to enhancing the effectiveness of its strategy.

2-The results showed an effective correlation of marketing knowledge in organizational performance and this confirms that the organization of the study sample has sought to achieve excellence in the performance by means of its technical and marketing staff which is able to achieve the desired level of performance.


The Most Prominent Recommendations: -

1- Recognizing the importance of specialization in the field of business, it would be wrong to find many of those responsible for marketing activity holding degrees in such fields as engineering or other disciplines, because there are differences between the field of engineering and the field of marketing so the organization officials should employ people with experience and degree in marketing or make for the lack of marketing knowledge through participating in marketing training courses to improve their performance.

2- Calling on the surveyed company to spread the concept of marketing knowledge among decision makers through conferences, seminars and training programs which aimed at raising awareness of the role played by this knowledge in the process of making strategic effective decisions by the organization, which will be reflected in this knowledge on organizational performance.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Relationship between Alpha-toxin production and biofiJm for1nation by Staphylococcus aureus isolated from Eye's infections
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Staphylococcus aureus is a common pathogen associated  with eye·s

infections.  S. aureus is capable of biofilm fonnation, which increases its persistence and boots its levels of antimicrobial resistance . A total of 50

  1. aureus isolated from eyes <>f patientwith eye's infection : 41( 82%)

isolates  were positive - alpha tox in production and 37 (74 %)  isolates were  posilive  - biofilm formation .Where as  32 (64%)    isolates were positive - alpha toxin production .and biotilm formation, 11 (22%) Lsolatcs were negative- alpha toxin production and biofilm formation and 7(14%) isolates  were showed &nbs

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 19 2024
Journal Name
Discover Sustainability
Groundwater quality assessment and pollution sources identification using statistical analyses at Missan Governorate, Southeast Iraq
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The shortage in surface water quantities led to a shift in dependence on the groundwater as an alternative water source in southern parts of Iraq. The groundwater is decreasing in quantity and water quality is degrading due to different factors. Therefore, it is important to assess the groundwater quality of the Missan Governorate of the country by analyzing the physicochemical parameters and distinguishing the probable sources of contaminants in the area. The present study used water quality diagrams and statistical methods such as factor analysis and agglomerative cluster analysis to determine the sources of chemical ions in the forty-four groundwater samples collected from wells in the study area. In addition, the Water Quality Index (WQ

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Periodontal &amp; Implant Science
Bio-hybrid dental implants prepared using stem cells with β-TCP-coated titanium and zirconia
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Purpose This study investigated periodontal ligament (PDL) restoration in osseointegrated implants using stem cells. Methods Commercial pure titanium and zirconium oxide (zirconia) were coated with beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) using a long-pulse Nd:YAG laser (1,064 nm). Isolated bone marrow mesenchymal cells (BMMSCs) from rabbit tibia and femur, isolated PDL stem cells (PDLSCs) from the lower right incisor, and co-cultured BMMSCs and PDLSCs were tested for periostin markers using an immunofluorescent assay. Implants with 3D-engineered tissue were implanted into the lower right central incisors after extraction from rabbits. Forty implants (Ti or zirconia) were subdivided according to the duration of implantation (healing period: 45 o

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering
Esterification Reaction Kinetics Using Ion Exchange Resin Catalyst by Pseudo-Homogenous and Eley-Ridel Models
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This work deals with kinetics and chemical equilibrium studies of esterification reaction of ethanol with acetic acid. The esterification reaction was catalyzed by an acidic ion exchange resin (Amberlyst- 15) using a batch stirred tank reactor. The pseudo-homogenous and Eley-Rideal models were successfully fitted with experimental data. At first, Eley-Rideal model was examined for heterogeneous esterification of acetic acid and ethanol. The pseudo-homogenous model was investigated with a power-law model. The apparent reaction order was determined to be (0.88) for Ethanol and (0.92) for acetic acid with a correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.981 and 0.988, respectively. The reaction order was determined to be 4.1087x10-3 L0.8/(mol0.8.min) with

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Sustainable Materials And Technologies
A sustainable pavement concrete using warm mix asphalt and hydrated lime treated recycled concrete aggregates
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Recently, increasing material prices coupled with more acute environmental awareness and the implementation of regulation has driven a strong movement toward the adoption of sustainable construction technology. In the pavement industry, using low temperature asphalt mixes and recycled concrete aggregate are viewed as effective engineering solutions to address the challenges posed by climate change and sustainable development. However, to date, no research has investigated these two factors simultaneously for pavement material. This paper reports on initial work which attempts to address this shortcoming. At first, a novel treatment method is used to improve the quality of recycled concrete coarse aggregates. Thereafter, the treated recycled

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Designing and Synthesising Novel Benzophenone Biscyclic Imides Comprising Drug Moity with Investigating their Antimicrobial Activity
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The present work involved designing and synthesizing of a series of new. compounds which their molecules are composed from two biologically active components namely sulfamethoxazole or β-lactam containing drugs and cyclic imides. The target new compounds were synthesized by two steps in the first one a series of six bis (N-drug phthalamic acid_4-yl) ketone (1-6) were prepared from the reaction of sulfamethoxazole or β-lactam containing drugs with benzophenone 3, 3′, 4, 4′ -tetracarboxylic dianhydride.

In the second step, compounds (1-6) were introduced in dehydration reaction via fusion process producing the target compounds bis (N-drug phthalimidyl-4-yl) ketone (7-12). The antibacterial and antifungal high

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 17 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Adaptive Control And Signal Processing
Single channel informed signal separation using artificial-stereophonic mixtures and exemplar-guided matrix factor deconvolution
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Relationship between serum Nesfatin-1, Adiponectin, Resistin Concentration, and Obesity with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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            Diabetes mellitus caused by insulin resistance is prompted by obesity. Neuropeptide Nesfatin-1 was identified in several organs, including the central nervous system and pancreatic islet cells. Nesfatin-1 peptide appears to be involved in hypothalamic circuits that energy homeostasis and control food intake. Adiponectin is a plasma collagen-like protein produced by adipocytes that have been linked to the development of insulin resistance (IR), diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2), and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Resistin was first identified as an adipose tissue–specific hormone that was linked to obesity and diabetes.  The aim of this study was to estimate the relationship between human serum nesfatin-1, adiponect

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Publication Date
Wed May 08 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Science
How does media coverage affect a COVID-19 pandemic model with direct and indirect transmission?
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In this paper, a compartmental differential epidemic model of COVID-19 pandemic transmission is constructed and analyzed that accounts for the effects of media coverage. The model can be categorized into eight distinct divisions: susceptible individuals, exposed individuals, quarantine class, infected individuals, isolated class, infectious material in the environment, media coverage, and recovered individuals. The qualitative analysis of the model indicates that the disease-free equilibrium point is asymptotically stable when the basic reproduction number R0 is less than one. Conversely, the endemic equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable when R0 is bigger than one. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to determine which

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In this work an experimental study is performed to evaluate the thermal performance
of locally made closed loop solar hot water system using a shell and helical coiled tube
heat exchanger as a storage tank. Several measurements are taken include inlet and outlet
temperatures of both collectors and supply water and temperature distribution within the
storage tank. This is beside the water flow rate in both collectors and load cycle. The
main parameters of the system are obtained.

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