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Knowledge of marketing and its impact on the performance of the company for the distribution of oil products –an exploratory study of the views of asample in the general company for oil products distribution/ Distribution Authority, Baghdad
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This study seeks to address the impact of marketing knowledge dimensions (product, price, promotion, distribution) on the organizational performance in relation to a number of variables which are (efficiency, effectiveness, market share, customer satisfaction), and seeks to reveal the role of marketing knowledge in organizational performance.

In order to achieve the objective of the study the researcher has adopted a hypothetical model that reflects the logical relationships between the variables of the study. In order to reveal the nature of these relationships, several hypotheses have been presented as tentative solutions and this study seeks to verify the validity of these hypotheses.

For the purpose of application of this study practically on the ground and in order to test its hypotheses Iraq Oil Products Distribution Company has been selected as the study sample and Baghdad Distribution Commission has been used for the questionnaire tool in the collection of data from the field.

The size of the sample included in this study is (53) members of the senior management of the company and the SPSS statistical program has been used for the purpose of conducting statistical processing, and the study have arrived at a number of very important conclusions: -

1-The adoption of marketing of knowledge by the surveyed organization contributes to enhancing the effectiveness of its strategy.

2-The results showed an effective correlation of marketing knowledge in organizational performance and this confirms that the organization of the study sample has sought to achieve excellence in the performance by means of its technical and marketing staff which is able to achieve the desired level of performance.


The Most Prominent Recommendations: -

1- Recognizing the importance of specialization in the field of business, it would be wrong to find many of those responsible for marketing activity holding degrees in such fields as engineering or other disciplines, because there are differences between the field of engineering and the field of marketing so the organization officials should employ people with experience and degree in marketing or make for the lack of marketing knowledge through participating in marketing training courses to improve their performance.

2- Calling on the surveyed company to spread the concept of marketing knowledge among decision makers through conferences, seminars and training programs which aimed at raising awareness of the role played by this knowledge in the process of making strategic effective decisions by the organization, which will be reflected in this knowledge on organizational performance.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Developing Arabic License Plate Recognition System Using Artificial Neural Network and Canny Edge Detection
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            In recent years, there has been expanding development in the vehicular part and the number of vehicles moving on the roads in all the sections of the country. Arabic vehicle number plate identification based on image processing is a dynamic area of this work; this technique is used for security purposes such as tracking of stolen cars and access control to restricted areas. The License Plate Recognition System (LPRS) exploits a digital camera to capture vehicle plate numbers is used as input to the proposed recognition system. Basically, the proposed system consists of three phases, vehicle license plate localization, character segmentation, and character recognition, the

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Minerva Dental And Oral Science
Salivary interleukin-1β as a biomarker to differentiate between periodontal health, gingivitis, and periodontitis
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 18 2022
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A Sustainable Cold Mix Asphalt Mixture Comprising Paper Sludge Ash and Cement Kiln Dust
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Concerns about the environment, the cost of energy, and safety mean that low-energy cold-mix asphalt materials are very interesting as a potential replacement for present-day hot mix asphalt. The main disadvantage of cold bituminous emulsion mixtures is their poor early life strength, meaning they require a long time to achieve mature strength. This research work aims to study the protentional utilization of waste and by-product materials as a filler in cold emulsion mixtures with mechanical properties comparable to those of traditional hot mix asphalt. Accordingly, cold mix asphalt was prepared to utilize paper sludge ash (PSA) and cement kiln dust (CKD) as a substitution for conventional mineral filler with percentages ranging fro

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Between Partial Least Square Regression(PLSR) and Tree Regression by Using Simulation(RT).
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This research discussed, the process of comparison between the regression model of partial least squares and tree regression, where these models included two types of statistical methods represented by the first type "parameter statistics" of the partial least squares, which is adopted when the number of variables is greater than the number of observations and also when the number of observations larger than the number of variables, the second type is the "nonparametric statistic" represented by tree regression, which is the division of data in a hierarchical way. The regression models for the two models were estimated, and then the comparison between them, where the comparison between these methods was according to a Mean Square

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
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Nano Hybrids And Composites
OLED Hybrid Light Emitting Devices with ZnS QDs, TPBi and Alq3 Electron Transport Layers
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Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have attracted tremendous attentions for their unique characteristics for solid-state lighting and thin-film display applications. A simple chemical method was used to synthesis quantum dots (QDs) of zinc sulfide (ZnS) with low cost. The XRD) shows cubic phase of the prepared ZnS with an average particles size of (3-29) nm. In UV-Vis. spectra observed a large blue shift over 38 nm. The band gaps energy (Eg) was 3.8 eV and 3.37eV from the absorption and photoluminescence (PL) respectively which larger than the Eg for bulk. QDs-LED hybrid devices were fabricated using ITO/ PEDOT: PSS/ Poly-TPD/ ZnS-QDs/ with different electron transport layers and cathode of LiF/Al layers. The EL spectrum reveals a bro

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Citric Acid Production: Raw Material, Microbial Production, Fermentation Strategy and Global Market: Critical Review
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Citric acid is an essential ingredient for the manufacture of (12) key industrial chemicals. Citric acid use is increasing steadily with a high annual growth rate as a result of the development of ever more sophisticated applications. Citric acid is widely utilized in the food and pharmaceutical industries due to its low toxicity when compared to other acidulous. Other uses for citric acid can be found in cleaning supplies and detergents. Based on information from a review of the literature, Citric acid production substrates and methods for surface fermentation, submerged fermentation, solid-state fermentation, and international market expansion are all covered in the current review study. Finally, there is still much to learn about the

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 21 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
A Comparison between Static and Repeated Load Test to Predict Asphalt Concrete Rut Depth
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Rutting has a significant impact on the pavements' performance. Rutting depth is often used as a parameter to assess the quality of pavements. The Asphalt Institute (AI) design method prescribes a maximum allowable rutting depth of 13mm, whereas the AASHTO design method stipulates a critical serviceability index of 2.5 which is equivalent to an average rutting depth of 15mm. In this research, static and repeated compression tests were performed to evaluate the permanent strain based on (1) the relationship between mix properties (asphalt content and type), and (2) testing temperature. The results indicated that the accumulated plastic strain was higher during the repeated load test than that during the static load tests. Notably, temperatur

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
American Presidential Elections- Mechanism and campaign Issues with special reference to 2008-2012 elections
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solving Some Fractional Partial Differential Equations by Invariant Subspace and Double Sumudu Transform Methods
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      In this paper, several types of space-time fractional partial differential equations has been solved by using most of special double linear integral transform ”double  Sumudu ”. Also, we are going to argue the truth of these solutions by another analytically method “invariant subspace method”. All results are illustrative numerically and graphically.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving Press Bending Production Quality through Finite Element Simulation: Integration CAD and CAE Approach
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Efficient operations and output of outstanding quality distinguish superior manufacturing sectors. The manufacturing process production of bending sheet metal is a form of fabrication in the industry of manufacture in which the plate is bent using punches and dies to the angle of the work design. Product quality is influenced by plate material selection, which includes thickness, type, dimensions, and material. Because no prior research has concentrated on this methodology, this research aims to determine V-bending capacity limits utilizing the press bending method. The inquiry employed finite element analysis (FEA), along with Solidworks was the tool of choice to develop drawings of design and simulations. The ASTM E290

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