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Knowledge of marketing and its impact on the performance of the company for the distribution of oil products –an exploratory study of the views of asample in the general company for oil products distribution/ Distribution Authority, Baghdad
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This study seeks to address the impact of marketing knowledge dimensions (product, price, promotion, distribution) on the organizational performance in relation to a number of variables which are (efficiency, effectiveness, market share, customer satisfaction), and seeks to reveal the role of marketing knowledge in organizational performance.

In order to achieve the objective of the study the researcher has adopted a hypothetical model that reflects the logical relationships between the variables of the study. In order to reveal the nature of these relationships, several hypotheses have been presented as tentative solutions and this study seeks to verify the validity of these hypotheses.

For the purpose of application of this study practically on the ground and in order to test its hypotheses Iraq Oil Products Distribution Company has been selected as the study sample and Baghdad Distribution Commission has been used for the questionnaire tool in the collection of data from the field.

The size of the sample included in this study is (53) members of the senior management of the company and the SPSS statistical program has been used for the purpose of conducting statistical processing, and the study have arrived at a number of very important conclusions: -

1-The adoption of marketing of knowledge by the surveyed organization contributes to enhancing the effectiveness of its strategy.

2-The results showed an effective correlation of marketing knowledge in organizational performance and this confirms that the organization of the study sample has sought to achieve excellence in the performance by means of its technical and marketing staff which is able to achieve the desired level of performance.


The Most Prominent Recommendations: -

1- Recognizing the importance of specialization in the field of business, it would be wrong to find many of those responsible for marketing activity holding degrees in such fields as engineering or other disciplines, because there are differences between the field of engineering and the field of marketing so the organization officials should employ people with experience and degree in marketing or make for the lack of marketing knowledge through participating in marketing training courses to improve their performance.

2- Calling on the surveyed company to spread the concept of marketing knowledge among decision makers through conferences, seminars and training programs which aimed at raising awareness of the role played by this knowledge in the process of making strategic effective decisions by the organization, which will be reflected in this knowledge on organizational performance.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أستخدام الضريبة البيئية للحد من الملوثات الناجمة عن عوادم السيارات: أنموذج مقترح للضريبة البيئية في العراق
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 The researcher tried to show the importance of using environmental taxes as an effective economic factor for reducing contaminators resulting from cars exhausts, and presenting a suggested pattern for  environmental taxes as a nucleus and a starting point for a wider implementing of environmental taxes in Iraq.                                                                      &nbs

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
تقدير كمية الغاز الحيوي المنبعث من مناطق الطمر الصحي في المدينة العراقية الحالة الدراسية-مدينة الرمادي
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Entre l'Emile de Jean-Jacques Rousseau et Paul et Virginie de Bernardin de Saint Pierre : un refus constant de la civilisation :
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A la fin du XVIIIe siècle, les penseurs français dont Rousseau et Saint-Pierre, commencent à mettre en question la civilisation européenne. Dans leurs œuvres les plus importantes, ces deux auteurs parlent de la société européenne d'une façon très banale. Ils font, par contre, une invitation à la Solitude et l'isolement dans la nature afin d'éviter la corruption de l'âme par la société mondaine. Ces écrivains-penseurs croient que la société peut gâter l'humanité de l'individu. Ils suggèrent à travers les images innocentes de leurs principaux personnages vivant dans la campagne, un monde idéal où il n'y a que pureté et chasteté.  Dans les deux œuvres que nous avons choisies (Paul et Virginie de Bernardin de

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة المستنصرية لعلوم الرياضة
الثقافة التنظيمية لدى اللجنة الأولمبية الوطنية العراقية من وجهة نظر أعضاء الهيئات الإدارية في الاتحادات الرياضية
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
مجلة علوم اللغة العربية
وعي الدم وسبر القاع المكاني : مقاربة نقدية سردية في رواية (نساء البخور ) للروائي السعودية خالد اليوسف
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دراسة في رواية سعودية

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
عبدالحميد الثاني والإستيطان الصهيوني في الولايات العربية من مشرق الوطن العربي مناطق الأختيار للإستيطان فلسطين والعراق
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ترك السلطان عبدالحميد الثاني بصماتهُ على أخاديد الزمان وعلى خارطة المشرق العربي الخاضع للسيطرة العثمانية أنذاك ، لكونهُ أهم شخصية أسلامية غير عربية واجهت الخطر الصهيوني ومحاولاتهم الإستيطانية في مشرق الوطن العربي ، على الرغم من صعوبة الظروف التي كانت تمر بها الدولة العثمانية داخليا ً وخارجيا ً، بما فيها من أطماع اقتسامها بين الاوربين ولذا سموها بالرجل المريض .

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 22 2018
Journal Name
New Journal Of Chemistry
Jahn–teller distortion in 2-pyridyl-(1, 2, 3)-triazole-containing copper (II) compounds
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The syntheses, characterization and experimental solid state X-ray structures of five low-spin paramagnetic 2-pyridyl-(1,2,3)-triazole-copper compounds, [Cu(Ln)2Cl2], are presented in this study, for the following five Ln ligands: L1 = 2-(1-(p-tolyl)-1H-(1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)pyridine), L2 = 2-(1-(4- chlorophenyl)-1H-(1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)pyridine), L3 = 4-(4-(pyridin-2-yl)-1H-(1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)benzonitril), L4 = 2-(1-phenyl-1H-(1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)pyridine) and L5 = 2-(1-(4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-1H-(1,2,3- triazol-4-yl)pyridine). These five [Cu(Ln)2Cl2] complexes each contain two bidentate 2-pyridyl-(1,2,3)- triazole (Ln) and two chloride ions as ligands, with the Cu–N(pyridine) bonds, Cu–N(triazole) and Cu–Cl bonds trans to each othe

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 09 2021
Journal Name
Romanian Neurosurgery
Primary multiple cerebral hydatid disease in a young patient with surgically-treated intracerebral haemorrhage
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Introduction:  Cerebral hydatid disease (CHD) is rare and the multiple-cystic variety is even rarer. In this paper, we report a case of multiple CHD and explore a possible link with a preceding spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH).   Case presentation: A 27-year old gentleman with a history of surgically-evacuated, spontaneous ICH presented with severe headache, left-sided weakness - Medical Research Council (MRC) grade II - and recurrent tonic-clonic seizures, while on a full dose of anti-epileptic medication. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans showed multiple intra-axial cystic lesions in the right hemisphere. The cysts were removed intact using Dowling’s technique through a large temporoparietal crani

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
He-Ne Laser Irradiation Encourages reparative processes After cartilage loss in New Zealand rabbits
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Many therapeutic methods used to encourage reparative processes of cartilage and accelerate their healing such as drugs, magneto-laser and so on. Twenty four adult New Zealand rabbits used in this study. They were divided in to two groups; control and treaded with He –Ne laser. A square skin flap done on the medial aspect of both auricles followed by pealing a square piece of cartilage from the auricle then the flaps sutured .The site of the operation in the rabbits of the treated group were irradiated with He –Ne laser 5mw power for seven days began after the operation directly. 3 rabbits from each group used for collection of specimens for histopathological examination at the 1, 2, 4 & 6 weeks post the operation. Significant

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Medical students’ attitudes concerning medical ethics courses in AL-Kindy medical college 2013-2014
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ABSTRACTBackground: In Medical ethics education, improving medical student’s attitudes toward respecting the right of patients is an essential task. The medical students’ attitude has been affected by social, educational and personality background factors.Objective: To investigate medical student’s attitudes regarding medical ethics courses.Method: The study was conducted in Al-Kindy College of Medicine on academic year (2013 -2014) for the period from January to September. A cross- sectional study design was adopted with a self- administered questionnaire form distributed to medical students in the 5th-6th under graduate grades. The questionnaire consisted of 31 items relevant to student’s opinion about attitudes concerning ethi

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