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 The objectives of this research are to determine and find out the reality of crops structure of greenhouses in association of Al-Watan  in order to stand on the optimal use of economic resources available for the purpose of reaching a crop structure optimization of the farm that achieves maximize profit and gross and net farm incomes , using the method of linear programming to choose the farm optimal plan with the highest net income , as well as identifying production plans farm efficient with (income - deviation) optimal (E-A) of the Association and derived, which takes into account the margin risk wich derived from each plan using the model( MOTAD), as a model of models of linear programming alternative programming models squared used to determine the production farm optimal plans under conditions of risk and uncertainty . The study relied on the use of the model of linear programming in determining the farm optimum  production plan and sensitivity analysis of these plans, using the program Statistical QSB, also used the model MOTAD to determine the farm efficient plans of expected return(E) and lower risk  at  a sensitivity analysis to it: the match results that have been obtained for  first  plans of model MOTAD to the results of a solution model of linear programming crop itself in terms of cropping and agricultural areas, and also plans of the  first and the second scenario the efficient plans that take into account the margin risk may differ from the optimal plans and that does not take into account the circumstances of the risk , which aims to veneration absolute income expected of the first plan obtained from the use of model (LP), as they differ from plan farm actual and conclusions that have been reached can offer a number of recommendations, the most important : the use of linear programming method to determine the investment of available resources more efficiently, which helps to increase production. Crop recombination of the Association and as shown by the results of the (LP)in order to achieve the economic efficiency of farmers Association and the exclusion of agricultural crops is economically important.


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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determine the optimal policy for the function of Pareto distribution reliability estimated using dynamic programming
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The goal (purpose) from using development technology that require mathematical procedure related with high Quality & sufficiency of solving complex problem called Dynamic Programming with in recursive method (forward & backward) through  finding series of associated decisions for reliability function of Pareto distribution estimator by using two approach Maximum likelihood & moment .to conclude optimal policy

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The spatial analysis for Greenhouses in province Baghdad
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Greenhouses are provide that produce of vegetable in non times seasons production by controlling the various environmental factors that appropriate atmosphere in temperature and humidity for the growth of plants in the plastic houses and owner plastic.
The objective of this research is to study of the most important natural and human factors affecting the Greenhouses in the province of Baghdad and study geographic distribution for the Greenhouses in the province.
Some properties on curriculum geographical descriptive analytical that used in describe and analysis of data and information that could be available from Directorate of agriculture in Baghdad to 2014. As it turns out that district of Mahmudiya acquired (45.3%) of the total

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Random Dynamic Programming in Production Planning with Application in the midland Refineries Company
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     This research deals with Building A probabilistic Linear programming model  representing, the operation of production in the Middle Refinery Company (Dura, Semawa, Najaif) Considering the demand of each product (Gasoline, Kerosene,Gas Oil, Fuel Oil ).are random variables ,follows certain probability distribution, which are testing by using Statistical programme (Easy fit), thes distribution are found to be Cauchy distribution ,Erlang distribution ,Pareto distribution ,Normal distribution ,and General Extreme value distribution .              &

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Replacement Models On Determine the Optimal Time to Replacement
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            The approach maintenance and replacement one of techniques of operations research whom cares of the failure experienced by a lot of production lines which consist of a set of machines and equipment, which in turn exposed to the failure or work stoppages over the lifetime, which requires reducing the working time of these machines or equipment below what can or conuct  maintenance process once in a while or a replacement for one part of the machine or replace one of the machines in production lines. In this research is the study of the failure s that occur in some parts of one of the machines for the General Company for Vege

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determining the Quality and Quantity of Bioethanol Production using Golden Shower (Cassica fistula) Fruit
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Depletion of fossil fuel is one of the main reasons why the bioethanol has become popular. It is a renewable energy source. In order to meet the great demand of bioethanol, it is best that the bioethanol production is from cheap raw materials. Since the golden shower fruit is not being utilized and is considered as waste material, hence, this study was conducted to make use of the large volume of the residue as feedstock to test its potential for bioethanol extraction.The main goal of this study is to obtain the most volume of bioethanol from the golden shower fruit liquid residue by the factors, days of fermentation (3, 5, and 7 days) and sugar concentration (15, 20 and 25 brix) of the liquid residue. Also, part of the study is to compu

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Production Function Analyze For Almansoor General Company For Engineering Industries In Iraq
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The production function forms one of the techniques used in evaluation the  production the process for any establishment or company, and to explain the importance of contribution of element from the independent variable and it's affect on the dependent variable. Then knowing the elements which are significant or non-significant on the dependent variable.

    So the importance of this study come from estimating the Cobb-Douglas production function for Al- Mansoor General Company for Engineering industries in Iraq during the period (1989-2001)

     To explain the importance which effects the independent variable such as

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Quality of Nasopharyngeal plans Using Evaluation Indexes of IMRT and VMAT Treatment planning Techniques
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Radiation treatment has long been the conventional approach for treating nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) tumors due to its anatomic features, biological characteristics, and radiosensitivity. The most common treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma is radiotherapy. This study aimed to assess the better quality of radiotherapy treatment techniques using intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT). The VMAT and IMRT are comparative techniques. Forty patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma and forwarded for radiotherapy were treated with both advanced techniques, IMRT and VMAT, using eclipse software from Varian. The x-ray energy was set at 6 MV. The total prescribed dose was 70 Gy. The results show that the

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigating the Sensitivity Effect of Actuarial Assumptions on Pension Liabilities in Malaysia
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Malaysia will be an ageing population by 2030 as the number of those aged 60 years and above has increased drastically from 6.2 percent in 2000 and is expected to reach 13.6 percent by 2030. There are many challenges that will be faced due to the ageing population, one of which is the increasing cost of pensions in the future. In view of that, it is necessary to investigate the effect of actuarial assumptions on pension liabilities under the perspective of ageing. To estimate the pension liabilities, the Projected Unit Credit method is used in the study and commutation functions are employed in the process. Demographic risk and salary risk have been identified as major risks in analyzing pension liabilities in this study. The sensitivity

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Gulf Economist
The Bayesian Estimation in Competing Risks Analysis for Discrete Survival Data under Dynamic Methodology with Application to Dialysis Patients in Basra/ Iraq
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Survival analysis is one of the types of data analysis that describes the time period until the occurrence of an event of interest such as death or other events of importance in determining what will happen to the phenomenon studied. There may be more than one endpoint for the event, in which case it is called Competing risks. The purpose of this research is to apply the dynamic approach in the analysis of discrete survival time in order to estimate the effect of covariates over time, as well as modeling the nonlinear relationship between the covariates and the discrete hazard function through the use of the multinomial logistic model and the multivariate Cox model. For the purpose of conducting the estimation process for both the discrete

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using the Box Jenkins models to predict Iraq's cement production and to demonstrate its adequacy under future construction projects
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تعد صناعة السمنت في العراق من اقدم الصناعات الحديثة واكثرها تطورا وتقدما ومن اقواها تاثيرا في الاقتصاد القومي. واذ توفر في صناعة السمنت العراقي كافة المستلزمات الناجحة من حيث توفر المواد الاولية والخبرات الفنية والتقنية واسواق ثابتة وراسخة محليا وعالميا فقد كان من المفروض ان يتم التوسع في هذه الصناعة، وان التخطيط لهذه الصناعة امرا ضروريا خاصة وان مادة السمنت هي احدى اهم المواد الرئيسة التي يؤثر توفره

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