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Comparison between some of linear classification models with practical application
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Linear discriminant analysis and logistic regression are the most widely used in multivariate statistical methods for analysis of data with categorical outcome variables .Both of them are appropriate for the development of linear  classification models .linear discriminant analysis has been that the data of explanatory variables must be distributed multivariate normal distribution. While logistic regression no assumptions on the distribution of the explanatory data. Hence ,It is assumed that logistic regression is the more flexible and more robust method in case of violations of these assumptions.

In this paper we have been focus for the comparison between three forms for classification data belongs two groups when the response variable with tow categorise only.

The first form is the linear discriminant function ,The second is the probability form which it is derivative as alternative for the linear discriminant function while the third form is the probability function model. Of the logistic regression the comparison between these methods is based on measure of the probability  of misclassification .We show that the results of the  probability form  of the logistic regression has minimum probability of misclassification through the application on the data of two types of (leukemia).


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Publication Date
Tue Feb 04 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Seljuk Rum State in  Asia Minor and the Mongol Invasion 634 - 708 AH / 1236 - 1308 AD
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions.
And after:
      The research dealt with an important and critical era in the history of the Seljuk State of the Romans in Asia Minor, as that country, after the assumption of Sultan Ghiath al-Din Kehsaru II in the year 634 AH / 1236 CE, was subjected to the constant Mongol threat, so the research came marked with (the Seljuk State of Rome in Asia Minor and the Mongol invasion 634 - 708 AH / 1236 - 1308 AD) The research showed the succession of the Seljuk Sultans to the rulers whose rule after the death of Sultan Alaeddin Kikbad was weak and subject to the authority of the Mongols

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 16 2018
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriya Journal Of Arts
Difficulties Faced by Iraqi EFL Learners in Translating English Barnyard Verbs
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Translation is a vital process that needs much more understanding and mutual background knowledge on the part of ESL or EFL learners in terms of grammar , meaning and context of both the SL and TL . Thus , the main aim of the current research paper is to identify and figure out the techniques used by ESL or EFL learners when translating English barnyard verbs into Arabic . The main problem of this study is attributed to the fact that ESL or EFL learners may not be able to identify and understand the connotative meaning of barnyard verbs since these verbs are onomatopoeic (i.e,) a word that phonetically imitates, or suggests the source of sound that it describes. Therefore they may be unable to translate these verbs appropriately and accura

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Post Cesarean Section Surgical Site Infection; Incidence and Risk Factors
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The rate of births delivered by cesarean section (CS) has gone up substantially all over the world. Post-cesarean surgical site infection (SSI) is a common cause of maternal morbidity and mortality that results in prolonged period of hospitalization with increased cost and direct health implications, especially in low socioeconomic population, resource- restricted settings, and war- related conditions with internal forced movement. This study was aimed to find incidence of post cesarean section surgical site infection withthe accompanying risk factors.Pregnant ladies admitted to department of obstetrics and gynecology at Medical City Hospital in Baghdad who had undergone CSs were followed up prospectively from first of January 2017 till end

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Voice Identification Using MFCC and Vector Quantization
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The speaker identification is one of the fundamental problems in speech processing and voice modeling. The speaker identification applications include authentication in critical security systems and the accuracy of the selection. Large-scale voice recognition applications are a major challenge. Quick search in the speaker database requires fast, modern techniques and relies on artificial intelligence to achieve the desired results from the system. Many efforts are made to achieve this through the establishment of variable-based systems and the development of new methodologies for speaker identification. Speaker identification is the process of recognizing who is speaking using the characteristics extracted from the speech's waves like pi

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Scopus (4)
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Industries Based on the Petrochemical Industry in Iraq-Plastics Industry as a Model
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This study came to discuss the subject of industries dependent on petrochemical industries in Iraq (plastic as a model) during the period 2005–2020, and the study concluded that the plastic industries contribute to areas of advancement and progress and opportunities to deal efficiently with the challenges posed by the new variables, the most important of which is the information revolution. communications and trade liberalization, and this is what contributes to the competitiveness of these industries. And because the petrochemical industry in Iraq has an active role in establishing plastic industrial clusters and clusters of micro, small, and medium industries by providing the necessary feedstock for these industries in various fields

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Review: Saccharin Discovery, Synthesis, and Applications
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    Saccharin is firstly synthesized in 1879. It is a very well-known as an inexpensive substitute for sugar as it is a non-caloric sweetener. The article shows the properties, use, metabolism and various synthesis and reactions of saccharine. Moreover, the toxicological reports explain that saccharin is mostly responsible for the bladder tumors observed in the male rats, the relationship between the consumption of saccharin and bladder cancer is afforded by epidemiological studies.  The benefit-risk evaluation for saccharin is hardly to indicate. Saccharin is a sugar substitute, frequently used either in food industry, or in pharmaceutical formulations and even in tobacco products. The chemistry of saccharin is inter

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Crossref (8)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self-organized learning strategies and self-competence among talented students
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Investigating the strength and the relationship between the Self-organized learning strategies and self-competence among talented students was the aim of this study. To do this, the researcher employed the correlation descriptive approach, whereby a sample of (120) male and female student were selected from various Iraqi cities for the academic year 2015-2016.  the researcher setup two scales based on the previous studies: one to measure  the Self-organized learning strategies which consist of (47) item and the other to measure the self-competence that composed of (50) item. Both of these scales were applied on the targeted sample to collect the required data

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Hexapod Robot Static Stability Enhancement using Genetic Algorithm
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Hexapod robot is a flexible mechanical robot with six legs. It has the ability to walk over terrain. The hexapod robot look likes the insect so it has the same gaits. These gaits are tripod, wave and ripple gaits. Hexapod robot needs to stay statically stable at all the times during each gait in order not to fall with three or more legs continuously contacts with the ground. The safety static stability walking is called (the stability margin). In this paper, the forward and inverse kinematics are derived for each hexapod’s leg in order to simulate the hexapod robot model walking using MATLAB R2010a for all gaits and the geometry in order to derive the equations of the sub-constraint workspaces for each

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Phenomenon repercussions Globalization on pedagogical action and Educational in Arab society
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Globalization as phenomena has affected   all aspects of life and reflected its impacts to the Arab world politically, economically, and culturally and became a vital field that related directly to our life. This field of searching needs as many studies and Academics as for employing the means that needed to face a national challenge which targeting the Arabic man Character in its ethics and values. This very important thing needs a very important reaction to face that challenge to protect the cultural ARABIC & ISLAMIC characteristics and to take care of education in all its levels and   forms as it is an invincible fort. For that, this field has become as the priority of the studying and researches if the

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 07 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Automatic brain tumor segmentation from MRI Images using superpixels based split and Merge algorithm
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RA Ali, LK Abood, Int J Sci Res, 2017 - Cited by 2

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