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(Measuring and analyzing the impact of financial crises on the main source for financing the public budget in Iraq) *
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    Form recurrence of financial crises phenomenon disturbing and attention , and returns the reasons so that its negative effects were sharp and dangerous , because of the nature and cause of Ncaha , threatened political and economic stability of the countries in which they occur these crises , in addition to Machmlh these crises spread of contagion across multiple channels to include other countries many developed and developing , and the reason for this to the openness of the economic and financial witnessed by the countries affected by crises and other countries concerned, the financial crisis is a case of financial turmoil appears in one of the sections of the financial system one and extends to

the regulations and other states within the country of the crisis spreading to other countries, depending on the severity The depth of the crisis. That the Iraqi economy is not in isolation from all these financial crises , the economy is the Iraqi economy is unilateral ( yield ) because of its heavy dependence and increasing returns of crude oil as a source of financing of the public budget

, as it constitutes oil revenues, the largest and most important of the proceeds from general revenues compared to other income in Iraq , as the form of oil revenues accounted for 90 % of the proceeds from general revenues and weak contribution of tax revenue and other income in the outcome of overall revenues , which reflects the extent of the imbalance in the structure of public revenues , and that one of the negative effects of financial crises recession associated with crises , which is reflected clearly on global demand for crude oil , and thus drive up the prices of crude oil , and therefore, the exposure rate this resource economic turmoil will affect the outcome of the oil revenues and the Iraqi economy as a whole makes it vulnerable to these financial crises as a result of the low price of crude oil in the market.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
political culture as a tool to analyse Decentralization Experience in
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It sheds light on the cultural dimension in the decentralized administration experience in Iraq as evaluation tool by adding a new dimension in studying decentralization in addition to the administrative, political and legal dimensions .The proposal of study is that without the civil political culture ,the administrative decentralization in Iraq which remains weak and it may be imposed to a set of problems. - The study includes an introduction, conclusion and a set of political and cultural issues , its components and it may have the political analysis of this culture and its role in determining the movement of the administrative decentralized movement in Iraq post 2003.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Probability of Implementation Some Rules of Process Organization –Study of the Production Air-cooler engines
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This research is Interested in how the performance and implementation of factory production engine coolants of the General Company for Electrical Industries of its work, and to facilitate the flow of the decisions of senior management and access to all configurations, to ensure differentiation desired and reduce lost sales, resulting from poor scheduling of operations through the application of certain rules of scheduling operations in the production plant Engines Air-cooler, the objectives of research in identifying the best base and working to reduce the time and cost of Same Rules of Process which are considered the most influential of any organization and thr

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Some responses to ancient grammarians And contemporary researchers In monograms
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Some responses to ancient grammarians
And contemporary researchers
In monograms

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 22 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of thermocycling on microleakage analysis of bulk filled base composite in comparison to incrementally placed nanohybrid composite in class II MOD restorations (An in vitro study)
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Background: The study aim was to evaluate thermocycling effect on microleakage of occlusal and cervical margins of MOD cavity filled with bulk filled composites in comparison to incrementally placed nanohybrid composite and to evaluate the difference in microleakage between enamel and dentin margins for the three materials groups. Materials and method: Forty eight maxillary first premolars were prepared with MOD cavities. Samples were divided into three groups of sixteen teeth according to material used: Grandio: Grandio. SDR: SDR +Grandio. X-tra: X-tra base + Grandio. Each group was subdivided into two according to be thermocycled or not. After 24 hrs immersion in 2% methylene blue, samples weresectioned and microleakage was estimated. Res

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
AComparative Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Anthraquinone Derivatives in the Roots of Rheum ribes and Rheum emodi by HPLC
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High performance liquid chromatography was applied for the separation and identification of four antharquinone derivatives, aloe emodin, emodin, chrysophanol and physcion. The separation was carried out using Eurospher 100, C18 column (4.6 mm i.d. x 250 mm, 5 µm) under the following conditions: acetonitile (solvent A) and water: acetic acid (99.9: 0.1 v/v, pH 3.5)( solvent B) as a mobile phase with isocratic elution with 30% solvent B at flow rate 0.8 ml/min. The detection wavelength was set at 254 nm. The four antharquinone derivatives were isolated from the Iraqi rhubarb, Rheum ribes root by preparative TLC, their structures were identified by 1H NMR and used as standards for HPLC analysis. The percentages of alo

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The effect of compound exercises in developing front and back stroke skills and some physiological indicators of badminton juniors
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The accuracy of the skillful performance of the front and back dimensions of badminton in volleyball, occurs through the investment of complex exercises (physical skills) in a single performance and its characteristics that give the correct movement behavior and speed to the accuracy of the performance of the strokes as well as the identification of changes in some physiological indicators of By using these compound exercises. The research problem lies: I found a weakness in the accuracy of the performance of the front and back dimensions strike and diagnosed this through the tests that it conducted on the players to identify and know the problem, and attributed this weakness to a weakness in the necessary physical and skill abilities and t

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Link between Serum Omentin Level and Insulin Resistance Biomarkers, Lipid Profile, and Atherogenic Indices in Iraqi Obese Patients.
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Omentin (or intelectin) is a main visceral fat secretory adipokine.  There is a growing interest to link omentin, obesity and co-morbidity factors. The aim of the present study is to evaluate serum omentin and its association to insulin resistance biomarkers, lipid profile and atherogenic indies. This cross – sectional study was conducted in Obesity Research and Therapy Unit-Alkindy College of Medicine by recruiting (115) individuals; 49 males /66 females. Subjects between (20 to 60) years of age were selected and classified into two groups according to their Body mass index (BMI). Group1 involved healthy lean volunteers (25 male/ 36 female; BMI 18.5 - 24.9). Group2 involved obese subjects; (24 male / 36 female with BMI ≥ 30). The s

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The norms of Minnesota multi faces personality inventory (second edition) MMPI-2 and the sixteen personality factor questionnaire of catel (fifth edition)
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The aim of the current study is to create special norms of the second edition of Minnesota multi faces personality inventory, and the fifth edition of the sixteen personality factor questionnaire of catel. To this end, the researcher applied the Minnesota multi faces personality inventory over a sample of (1646) secondary and university students as well as plenty of disorders. She also applied the sixteen personality factor questionnaire of catel on (4700) secondary and university students. SPSS tools were used to process data.  

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Judicial tools in the development of civil law rules ( France as a model )
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Despite the principle of separation of powers brought by the French Revolution, which entrusted the task of drafting legislation and its amendment to the legislative authority and the task of settling disputes and settling them in the judiciary. However, since that date, the French judiciary has played a major role in the development of French civil law (In spite of all the economic and social developments that have taken place in French society throughout these years) since its promulgation until February of 2016, the date of the Legislative Decree No. 131 of the year 2016 A modification is the largest in the history of the French Civil Code (which was the judicial precedents in which a significant impact), was assisted by the French judic

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Characteristics of English Linking Adverbials
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Linking adverbials are used to organize and bridge together extended stretches of discourse to make the text coherent. They are explicit indicators of the communicative function of the sentence and writers use them to let their readers follow what has already been said and to help them anticipate what is about to follow.
Linking adverbials include those relations of addition, enumeration, summation, apposition and so on. Through the use of these adverbials, the writer is able to organize and develop his ideas and help the reader follow him from one sentence to another. Thus, a linking adverbial is a semantic relation used to show the way in which what is to follow is systematically connected to what has gone before. So, they have anap

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