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(Measuring and analyzing the impact of financial crises on the main source for financing the public budget in Iraq) *
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    Form recurrence of financial crises phenomenon disturbing and attention , and returns the reasons so that its negative effects were sharp and dangerous , because of the nature and cause of Ncaha , threatened political and economic stability of the countries in which they occur these crises , in addition to Machmlh these crises spread of contagion across multiple channels to include other countries many developed and developing , and the reason for this to the openness of the economic and financial witnessed by the countries affected by crises and other countries concerned, the financial crisis is a case of financial turmoil appears in one of the sections of the financial system one and extends to

the regulations and other states within the country of the crisis spreading to other countries, depending on the severity The depth of the crisis. That the Iraqi economy is not in isolation from all these financial crises , the economy is the Iraqi economy is unilateral ( yield ) because of its heavy dependence and increasing returns of crude oil as a source of financing of the public budget

, as it constitutes oil revenues, the largest and most important of the proceeds from general revenues compared to other income in Iraq , as the form of oil revenues accounted for 90 % of the proceeds from general revenues and weak contribution of tax revenue and other income in the outcome of overall revenues , which reflects the extent of the imbalance in the structure of public revenues , and that one of the negative effects of financial crises recession associated with crises , which is reflected clearly on global demand for crude oil , and thus drive up the prices of crude oil , and therefore, the exposure rate this resource economic turmoil will affect the outcome of the oil revenues and the Iraqi economy as a whole makes it vulnerable to these financial crises as a result of the low price of crude oil in the market.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Test Wisdom of Postgraduates at the University of Samarra and Its Relationship to Learning and Psychological Tension: Test Wisdom of Postgraduates at the University of Samarra and Its Relationship to Learning and Psychological Tension
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The aim of the present research is to identify the test wisdom and the preoccupation with learning and psychological tension among postgraduate students at the University of Samarra according to the variables of the department,  gender,  age,  and employee or non-employee, and revealing the relationship between the test wisdom and the preoccupation with learning and psychological tension. The research sample consisted of (75) students randomly selected from postgraduate students at the college of Education. The researcher applies test –wisdom of (Mellman & Ebel) and measurement of preoccupation with learning prepared by (Al-zaabi 2013) also, the researcher used the scale of t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 12 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation
The Development of the US Federal System
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Geographical, economic, historical, environmental and security factors play a role in strengthening the drive towards union, as well as addressing the need to express regional and federal identity. This is a clear example of this tendency. One legal or one political system with the parts of this united personality retaining their privacy and identity, and there is a delegation to the central entity of the union with some of the common powers while retaining some powers for these parts or states, which means the availability of autonomy for the constituent states of the union and this is the most important characteristic of the federal states or federations It is the autonomy of each state or country participating in the union. Accordingly,

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The speaking Skill the Children of Kindergartens
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Language is fundamental and important for the development of various skills especially in the kindergarten stage where the child begins to approach others and interact with them linguistically listen to them and make sentences to communicate his ideas to them and without the ability to talk and expression, the child's benefit of his experiences in the kindergarten remains limited.

       And that children at any stage of early education are subject to different stages of linguistic development, and these stages are a fundamental feature in learning, especially for the skills of speaking, listening and reading,  Therefore, the researcher chose the speaking skill the

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The architectural design of the holy shrines
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As an architectural philosophical concept, Islamic architecture cannot be considered arches, doors, domes and lighthouses, since Islamic architecture is based on a structural system of religious, mental, philosophical and logical origins and beliefs shared by the arts, technology and the requirements of the surrounding environment. Rather, the architectural designer's distance from it becomes as if it is for people not from this world, and Islamic architecture is not abbreviated on the heritage side as much as it is a renewed "modern" state, dealing with the concepts of Islam that are valid for every time and place. This can be seen through the mechanisms that produced heritage architecture and what was built on it, which is not a simula

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
The Fate of the Mandibular Reconstruction Plate
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The verbal opinions of the Najjar band
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This research is a study in which the researcher follows the al-Najjariya sect, which is attributed to Abi Abdullah al-Hussain bin Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Najjar, who died around (220 AH) and aims to:

1- Finding out the time of the emergence of this sect, and removing the confusion as to whether it was from the origins of the sects, or just an independent sect, or affiliated with one of the famous sects.

2- Standing on the most prominent theological opinions adopted by this sect, and in which of them did the Mu'tazila sect agree, and in which of them did the Sunnis and the community agree.

3- Statement of the most prominent sects that branched out from this sect.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Imagination and Emotional Impact by Constructional Methods:Al-Almohdeen’s (Believers’) Poetry in AhlAl-Bayt, (peace be upon them) as a Model
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The language that consists of only twenty-eight letters, but it is so broad that we are unable to understand it from all sides and this expansion is mainly caused by imagination, so Arab imagination, whose language goes in all directions And as it always responds to our ears, ancient critics divide imagination into holistic and partial But the language is not limited to these parts only. Do we wonder, where is the structural method of wishing, hope, questions and other methods of all this? In this paper, we try to show the importance of the method of writing in moving imagination in an interactive way, and what is related to human feelings in most, if not all, of its methods By studying the poetry of the believers in the Ahl al-Bayt, pea

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Minister Historian, The Granadian Ibnul Khateeb, The Sheikh of Granada scientists
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1- The Granadian, Lisan Ad-Din Ibn ul Khateeb, was a brilliant thinker and a great writer who filled Andalus and Morocco with literature and poetry and his genius emerged in different knowledge fields.
2- He was one of Andalus famous people, as he was a first class physician and philosopher, a great historian, a farsighted politician and had a strong cognition.
3- Ibnul Khateeb proved that his age, that he lived in, was a sophisticated in which arts, literatures and sciences thrived.
4- Ibnul Khateeb dedicated his life for the service of Granada Kingdom and that was clear in his writings, both prose and poetry.
5- Ibnul Khateeb witnessed a group of great Andalus scientists and writers, firstly the thinker Ibn Khaldun who sing

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of Immersion Period on the Corrosion Behavior of Heat Treated Biomedical Alloy Ti -5Al - 2.5Fe
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Heat treatment by solid solution method in the ?+? phase region was used at 970°C for Ti-5Al-2.5Fe alloy. The specimens cooled under different cooling media [water quenched (WQ), air cooled (AC) and furnace cooled (FC)], and subsequently aged at 550°C for 4 hours. Five specimens from each treatment were immersed in simulated body fluid SBF for a period of time (3 months). The dependence of corrosion rate on compositional variation in the phases resulted from various type of cooling rates are discussed based on immersion tests. The EDXA results show the precipitation of phosphate and calcium compounds on the alloy after 3 months of immersion in blood plasma solution forming a bone-like apatite, which enhanced the alloy biocompatibility ma

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Evaluation of the efficiency of the regional transport network of the district center of Mahmudiya
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The Study aims at evaluating the efficiency of the regional transportation net in Al-mahmoodiya Qadaa center. The bus station of the Qadaa center is suffering from heavy traffic jam, which is due to the ongoing movement of the adjacent provinces, particularly the small cities. They vary in the degree of their link by the regional transportation net that links the province with the centers of big cities. That affects the traffic flow of the civilians of these cities and their daily activities in hierarchical way To achieve the purpose of the study, a questionnaire has been constructed to collect data through selecting a random sample including the passengers who are coming to the bus station in Al-Mahmoodiya center to know the flo

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