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The role of organizational learning ability to improve the performance of hospital organizations under the accumulation of intellectual capital Study hospital enterprise sector in Algeria
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        This study aims to identify the amount of the effect of the ability to learn the individuals within the organization on the accumulation of intellectual capital and the role it plays in improving the performance of the organization, and to achieve that, the researcher designed a questionnaire to collect data and information from the surveyed respondents and analyzed using SPSS software, the study concluded after testing hypotheses to have a direct impact between the capacity for organizational learning and the accumulation of intellectual capital, which in turn affects the accumulation of intellectual capital as a positive and direct impact on the performance of the organization, also found the existence of an indirect effect of the ability to organizational learning organization and performance, the study recommends the attention of hospital leaders circuit medical knowledge possessed by individuals acting on various qualities, since they represent the intellectual capital owned by the surveyed hospitals, and work to pay attention to the internal customer to the hospital if NH is in the end who has the ability to learn from his experiences in hospital, which accumulate has knowledge of the works published throughout the hospital to raise the level of performance and satisfaction among patients.


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Publication Date
Sun Jul 28 2024
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Networks And Systems
The Effect of the Audit Value on the Value Relevance of Accounting Information for Economic Units
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Abstract The study aims to clarify the value of auditing economic units and how it can be measured, which is one of the most important challenges to matching the Value Relevance of Accounting Information. The problem of the study was identified with questions that revolve around the extent to which it is possible to measure the value of auditing in Iraqi economic units and the extent to which the value of auditing affects the adequacy of accounting information. Through reviewing the studies discussing this topic, it was found that auditing can provide value through the performance of the auditor and adding value to the economic unit subject to audit. The study recommended the need to study the situational factors of auditing, whether exter

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Mar 10 2022
Journal Name
American Journal Of Economics And Business Management
Analysis and measurement of the financial sustainability of the Iraqi economy for the period 1990-2018
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The research aims to measure the sustainability of the Iraqi economy for the period 1990-2018 as well as to show the impact of fluctuations in the level of GDP on financial sustainability, where financial sustainability is the necessary and sufficient condition for achieving economic and financial balance in the country, as financial sustainability reflects the movement of the state budget and its relationship to GDP through the indicators of deficit, fiscal surplus and public debt internal and external, as well as reflecting the art of managing public debt, and the more managed public debt is achieved, the more the management of public debt is achieved financial sustainability. for the state in the sense that there is a reciprocal

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
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Aesthetic and Functional Dimensions of the Industrial Product and their Influence on Construction of Consumer's Visual Impression: جاسم احمد زيدان
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  The visual impression represents a compound process of a group of concepts that might be secondary and interrelated to constitute, in reality, a cognitive image stored in the memory that can be retrieved according the implications of the situation in which the individual lives in his environment, as it awakens in him an image from the sub consciousness, thus it gets stimulated, and it is among the tangible things.
Since we live in our contemporary world under the development of knowledge, micro and wide technology of the devices, tools, materials, mechanisms, current developments and openness… etc. this transformation created visual impressions that the individual in general and the consumer in specific enjoys concerning his

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Bayesian method to estimate the parameters of Exponential Growth Model with Autocorrelation problem and different values of parameter of correlation-using simulation
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We have studied Bayesian method in this paper by using the modified exponential growth model, where this model is more using to represent the growth phenomena. We focus on three of prior functions (Informative, Natural Conjugate, and the function that depends on previous experiments) to use it in the Bayesian method. Where almost of observations for the growth phenomena are depended on one another, which in turn leads to a correlation between those observations, which calls to treat such this problem, called Autocorrelation, and to verified this has been used Bayesian method.

The goal of this study is to knowledge the effect of Autocorrelation on the estimation by using Bayesian method. F

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The increase in obesity and the many accompanying diseases is attributed to the increased production and consumption of foods made of non-nutritive sweeteners without regard to the risks of consuming additional calories, and this in turn leads to hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders and the resulting imbalance and ill health that have spread to all segments of society. During the research, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 % of stevia sweetener was added to the cream instead of the sugar used. Physical and chemical tests were performed for the stevia extract and the microbial content in the cream, as well as the sensory evaluation. It was noted that fortifying the cream with calorie-free stevia sugar led to the production of

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2023
Journal Name
المجلة العلمية للتكنولوجيا وعلوم الاعاقة
دور التلفزيون في تربية وتعليم النشىء وتثقيفه
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جاءت هذه الورقة البحثية لتبين اهمية التلفزيون في حياة النشىء من حيث بناء شخصيته واكسابه مايلزم من المهارات التي تعدهم الاعداد الافضل للحياة في حاضرها ومستقبلها ولتظهر دوره كوسيلة تعليمية معينة يمكن الاستفادة منها في العملية التربويةفي البيت والروضة والمدرسة ولتواكب مراحل حياة الاطفال وخصائص النمو العقلي والجسمي والانفعالي في كل مرحلة

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2007
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
دور طلاب النور في الحياة السياسية التركية
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دور طلاب النور في الحياة السياسية التركية

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الادارة والاقتصاد للدراسات الاقتصادية
دور الاجراءات والتشريعات الضريبية في التهرب الضريبي
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تعد الضريبة مصدراً مهماً لتحقيق الاهداف الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية للدولة ولذلك فان مشكلة التهرب الضريبي تعد اهم المشاكل التي ينبغي معالجتها من خلال معرفة اسبابها . ان وجود مشكلة التهرب الضريبي في العراق يرتبط بمجموعة من الاسباب والدوافع الكامنة وراء ظهور هذه المشكلة والتي لا نستطيع ان نلقي بتباعها على تخلف النظام الضريبي من حيث تشخيص الاختلالات في الادارة الضريبية تارة بل يجب ابراز عيوب التشريع الض

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة الذكوات البيض
دور طرائق التدريس في تعزيز اخلاقيات العلم
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
دور اعادة التأمين في تغطية الاخطار الكوارثية
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The re-insurance of    the same important   role in the development programs and activities that reinsurance  companies   and   their   level    of development and the mechanisms of action and the laws that govern the relationship between the re-insurance companies and direct companies reflect the cultural level and degree of progress of any country.                                                     &n

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