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the challenges of accounting measurement of intangible assets of create additional value for the company and ways to address them
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   This research seeks to shed light on what you add intangible assets of benefit to the company and this antagonize pause for consideration because it makes the company in a good competitive position stimulates the rest of the companies to acquire those assets.

   That many companies have achieved competitive advantages in the market do not even achieved monopolies increased the value and reaped extraordinary profits as a result of those assets which requires the need to be measured to determine the extent to which contribution in the emergence of the value added to the value of the company on the one hand and to make the presentation of financial statements The more credibility, has touched Quite a few authors in the scientific and academic research efforts to find benchmarks for those assets.

The research found a number of conclusions, including

  1. Intangible assets that need time to build and difficult to imitate by competitors، which is a source of strength for the formation of a competitive advantage.
  2. that the process of measuring the intangible assets fall under the measuring technique by which the derivative is determined by the values ​​of measurements indirectly based on mathematical models because it is not just a historic economic event depends accountant in measured on simple methods of the kind of direct.

The key findings of the research recommendations are as follows:

  1. should be classified as intangible assets and business applications as mentioned research as we believe that it helps in determining what kind of assets that add value to the economic unit.
  2. should resort to model market capitalization model or return on assets as a way to indirectly measure the intangible assets because it does not stray too far from the accounting rules as well as limited to the measurement of cash.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Cancellation in the Life Insurance Policies and its Impact on the Financial Solvency of Insurance Companies: Applied Research in the Iraqi General Insurance Company
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This research cancellations in life insurance policies and their impact on the solvency of the insurance companies (Applied Research in the Iraqi general insurance company), The study was descriptive approach in identifying and addressing variables which consists of {cancellations in life insurance} independent variable, the financial solvency of insurance companies as the dependent variable, and for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the research were formulated one hypothesis has been tested in the Iraqi insurance company, the researcher used the financial statements in the collection data needed for the study and information . The research found a number of conclusions highlighted that inflation, as well as economic variables

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Fuzzy Inference to Evaluation Suppliers in Diyala General Electric Industries Company
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The research aims to evaluate the suppliers at Diyala general electric industries company conducted in an environment of uncertainty and fuzzy where there is no particular system followed by the company, and also aims to use the problem of traveling salesman problem in the process of transporting raw materials from suppliers to the company in a fuzzy environment. Therefore, a system based on mathematical methods and quantity was developed to evaluate the suppliers. Fuzzy inference system (FIS) and fuzzy set theory were used to solve this problem through (Matlab) and the problem of the traveling salesman in two stages was also solved by the first stage of eliminating the fuzzing of the environment using the rank function method, w

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality and fundamentals of the poultry industry and its implications on the prices of eggs and chickens in Iraq for the period from 2000 to 2009 (analytical study)
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Despite all the possibilities held by Iraq for the production of poultry , but there is low and clear in the level of production and a rise in costs and a decline in per capita consumption is due to a number of reasons, including poor investment , stop government subsides , dumping policies , market Bolmottagat imported , the contribution of the merchant squandering of national capacity , weak base material for the growth of this sector , the security situation and the crisis of energy and others .

Despite all this research has shown that there are great investment opportunities in this very sector of the market size and absorptive capacity of his and the growth of per capita income  and level of cul

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the requirements of Total Quality Environmental Management in promoting environmental sustainability-An Empirical Study in the Iraqi Drilling Company
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quality issue is the only issue the interesting in recent years of the last century, but also came out of sync with the other issue is the issue of environment, Where they have become represent two sides of one currency, challenges faced by the world and raised by the environmental problems have made industrial organizations pay great attention to the environment by improving their environmental performance, and that's where the oil industry is one of the most dangerous industries, influential and damaging to the environment due to the organizations move away from oil for adoption The application of EMS then a tool to improve environmental performance has been chosen sam

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The possibility using of Accounting Information in Rationalizing the Decisions of Capital Expenditure (A case study: Companies Listed in Khartoum Stock Exchange)
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The research aims at the identity of the accounting information and its characteristics, and then to study the possibility of using accounting information in rationalizing the decisions of capital expenditure. The study relied upon the descriptive analytical approach it is suitable to the nature of this study, the hypotheses of the study were tested by using a number of statistical methods by relying on statistical package program (SPSS), and the research concluded that the companies listed in Khartoum Stock Exchange using accounting information in the comparison between investment alternatives available and estimating the number of years required to recover of the investment cost, the challenges that cause weakness in using the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
A New Measurement Scale for Evaluating Health-Related Quality of Life in Men with Prostate Cancer
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Objectives: This study aimed to identify and study most properties of the specific and general health-related
quality-of-life (HRQoL) in prostate cancer patients, as well as creating a new measurement scale for assessing QoL
among prostate cancer patients.
Methodology: A cross sectional (descriptive) study was conducted to evaluate General Quality of life in patients
with prostate cancer. A sample of 100 prostate cancer patients from Al-Amal National hospital for cancer
management and Oncology Center in Baghdad Medical City. This study applied format of General World Health
Organization Quality of Life-BERF questionnaire. The methods used descriptive statistics to evaluate the General
QoL-Improvements, as well as inf

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the auditor in allocating common costs in the gas industry and its reflection on the company's performance: Applied Research in North Gas Company
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The auditor has a role in allocating joint costs in the gas industry, and the auditor's procedures are considered as systematic critical examination, analysis and evaluation of everything related to costs in general and joint costs in the gas industry in particular, with the aim of controlling the joint costs of gas industry products, and knowing the share of the cost of each product from the total industry costs Gas products reflect the reality of the company's performance by discovering weaknesses, defects and any errors, to ensure increased effectiveness and efficiency of the parties concerned with auditing them and imposing control and control over the company's resources, as well as

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Positive Definiteness of Symmetric Rank 1 (H-Version) Update for Unconstrained Optimization
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Several attempts have been made to modify the quasi-Newton condition in order to obtain rapid convergence with complete properties (symmetric and positive definite) of the inverse of  Hessian matrix (second derivative of the objective function). There are many unconstrained optimization methods that do not generate positive definiteness of the inverse of Hessian matrix. One of those methods is the symmetric rank 1( H-version) update (SR1 update), where this update satisfies the quasi-Newton condition and the symmetric property of inverse of Hessian matrix, but does not preserve the positive definite property of the inverse of Hessian matrix where the initial inverse of Hessian matrix is positive definiteness. The positive definite prope

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Scopus (9)
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 14 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation
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One of the most important phenomena facing the athlete is the anxiety of sports competition, as he faces many psychological problems during training and in competitions of psychological tension, fear and anxiety that accompany him sometimes, which leads to affecting his level, and sports competition anxiety is a special type of anxiety that occurs in the athlete It is related to the attitudes of sports competitions and that participation in sports competitions and the associated emotional experiences are among the important factors that motivate the practice of sports activity and try to advance and develop his sports level. It is assumed that when the individual begins to practice any activity, he aims to reach a level or degree of achie

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Adoption of multi – model Assignment Fuzzy to find Optimizing for the use of internet line in the Ministry of Science and Technlogy
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We have provided in this research model multi assignment  with  fuzzy function goal has been to build programming model is correct Integer Programming fogging  after removing the case from the objective function data and convert it to real data .Pascal triangular graded mean using Pascal way to the center of the triangular.

The data processing to get rid of the case fogging which is surrounded by using an Excel 2007 either model multi assignment  has been used program LNDO to reach the optimal solution, which represents less than what can be from time to accomplish a number of tasks by the number of employees on the specific amount of the Internet, also included a search on some of the

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