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The Organizational Climate Development in the Light of Job Stress Treatment: A Field Study in Governmental Sheltered Accommodation Houses in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
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        Job stress is considered one of the most important obstacles that may appear in the work field. In order to deal with the obstacles and challenges , the idea to deal with job stress has come to address job stress as one of the most important trends that enable organizations to face those challenges through focusing on the role of job stress and the organizational climate of the organization.

       The research deals with two variables: the job stress as an independent variable, and the organizational climate as a dependent one. Each variable includes five sub-dimensions. These dimensions have been involved in an interaction to form the framework of this research. The research aims to define the impact of the job stress as an independent variable, on the dependent variable, organizational climate in the service sector which represents one of the most important bases of the state society and its development through presenting social-service activities including those presented to the orphans, the handicapped and the elderly. The research has adopted the analytic descriptive approach. The data have been collected from (125) employees working in six of the sheltered accommodation houses (Ederly-care house, Alhanan house for severely-handicapped Children, Braum Al-Wazeriya Orphanage in Wazeriya, Zhour Al-Dameia Orphanage in Al-Dameia, Al-Alweya'a Orphanage in Al- Alweya's, Childhood House in Alsalehya. The questionnaire method has been used as a main tool for collecting the data besides the personal interviews and pamphlets issued by these accommodation houses. In order to process the data, many statistical methods have been used including  arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentages, coefficient, and the Kruskel- Wallis. Based on the measurement of the research variables and diagnosis of the relations of correlation and impact, the research has reached a number of conclusions whose most important one is that there is no correlation and impact relations between the job stress and the organization climate in the sheltered accommodation houses. On the other hand, the difference-test has showed that there are value differences at all the sheltered accommodation houses.


     The researcher has provided a number of recommendations including the need of the studied sheltered accommodation houses to adopt the job description process as well as increasing the attention paid to the human resources and developing  and rehabilitating their physical and intellectual capacities through continuous training and enhancing the possibilities required for achieving this goal through studying need analysis on objective grounds.


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Publication Date
Thu Apr 08 1999
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Abhath Al- Yarmouk [basic Sciences And Engineering]
Model for Predicting the Cracking Moment in Structural Concrete Members
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
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Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
The Factors Affecting on Managing Sensitive Data in Cloud Computing
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Cloud computing represents the most important shift in computing and information technology (IT). However, security and privacy remain the main obstacles to its widespread adoption. In this research we will review the security and privacy challenges that affect critical data in cloud computing and identify solutions that are used to address these challenges. Some questions that need answers are: (a) User access management, (b) Protect privacy of sensitive data, (c) Identity anonymity to protect the Identity of user and data file. To answer these questions, a systematic literature review was conducted and structured interview with several security experts working on cloud computing security to investigate the main objectives of propo

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 13 2023
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Aip Conference Proceedings
Results for the (b,t)-blocking sets in PG(2,8)
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Exactness for complex sequence in the skew shape (8,8)/(1,0)
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 25 2021
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2021 7th International Conference On Contemporary Information Technology And Mathematics (iccitm)
Anomaly Detection in Flight Data Using the Naïve Bayes Classifier
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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluating the Crop Coefficient for Cherries Plants in Michigan State
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Crop coefficient for cherries was evaluated by measure the water consumption in Michigan State to find its variation with time as the plant growth. Crop coefficients value (Kc) for cherries were predicated by Michigan State University (MSU) and also by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) according to consume of water through the season. In this paper crop coefficients for cherries are modified accordingly to the actual measurements of soil moisture content. Actual evapotranspiration (consumptive use) were measured by the soil moisture readings using Time Domain Reflectometers (TDR), and compared with the actual potential evapotranspiration that calculated by using modified Penman-Monteith equation which depends on metrological statio

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Intellectual And Artistic Concepts of The Cultural Context And Their Impact On Contemporary Ceramic Sculpture
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 The current specialized research tagged (intellectual and artistic concepts of the cultural context and their impact on contemporary ceramic sculpture) paves the way for the emergence of the context in ceramics active in life, so that this relationship will indicate the development and presence of ceramics or not and the volume of its circulation in the joints of the culture of the Arab recipient. As a result, the researcher collected scientific materials to serve the subject of the research in four chapters: Chapter One (General Methodological Framework) To clarify the problem of the research, the importance of the research to achieve benefit in higher education and education for scholars and teachers, while the research aims to revea

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Violence and Islam
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Most of the texts of Islamic law provide for the payment of damage and the denial of the human ... Damage of all kinds of material and moral, which is in the harm that affects the human being in himself or his offer or money or other affairs respected by Sharia. A person can defend himself, his mind, his religion, his offer and his money (the five imperatives) as much as he can. Islam rejects violence directed without a legitimate right and does not endorse aggression against others. Violence has been defined in language as a lack of compassion or against it or is a reprimand, bashing, and the blame ... It is in psychology: human behavior tainted by cruelty, oppression, and aggression, and is defined politically: it is deliberate civil d

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Numerical Simulation of the Collector Angle Effect on the Performance of the Solar Chimney Power Plant
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Sloped solar chimney system is a solar chimney power plant with a sloped collector. Practically, the sloped collector can function as a chimney, then the chimney height can be reduced and the construction cost would be reduced.The continuity, Naver-stockes, energy and radiation transfer equations have been solved and carried out by Fluent software. The governing equations are solved for incompressible, 3-D, steady, turbulent standard model with Boussiuesq approximation  to develop for the sloped solar chimney system in this study and evaluate the performance of solar chimney power plant  in Baghdad city of Iraq numerically by Fluent (14) software with orking conditions such as solar radiation intensity (30

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A new Cumulative Damage Model for Fatigue Life Prediction under Shot Peening Treatment
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In this paper, fatigue damage accumulation were studied using many methods i.e.Corton-Dalon (CD),Corton-Dalon-Marsh(CDM), new non-linear model and experimental method. The prediction of fatigue lifetimes based on the two classical methods, Corton-Dalon (CD)andCorton-Dalon-Marsh (CDM), are uneconomic and non-conservative respectively. However satisfactory predictions were obtained by applying the proposed non-linear model (present model) for medium carbon steel compared with experimental work. Many shortcomings of the two classical methods are related to their inability to take into account the surface treatment effect as shot peening. It is clear that the new model shows that a much better and cons

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