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Building discriminant function for repeated measurements data under compound symmetry (CS) covariance structure and applied in the health field
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Discriminant analysis is a technique used to distinguish and classification an individual to a group among a number of  groups based on a linear combination of a set of relevant variables know discriminant function. In this research  discriminant analysis used to analysis data from repeated measurements design. We  will  deal  with the problem of  discrimination  and  classification in the case of  two  groups by assuming the Compound Symmetry covariance structure  under  the  assumption  of  normality for  univariate  repeated measures data.


The importance of this research represented to find the best model  to classify  a  group of  patients who  suffer  from diabetes.  For  the purpose of studying the effects of  the number of correlations, variances, and umber of  repeated  measurements  on the performance of classification rules for this  type of  data  based on monthly measurements  of  glycosylated  hemoglobin (HbA1C) in the blood was taken in three stages, which  is  the beginning  of  the experiment, and after three months, and  then  six  months for two groups of patients, the first group consists of  (38)  patients  was  suffered  from  diabetes  type (I)  and  the second group includes (33) patients suffered from diabetes type (II).


And through this research, concluded that when the number of parameters began to increase. Thus, the apparent error rate  begin to increasing, and this is what reduces the efficiency of classification rules for this type of data. And  we  recommend  by  using  the linear discriminant function when you focus on the least number of parameters to build the classification rule. And quadratic discriminant procedure Represented by equal the variance and different correlation parameters  under compound symmetry covariance structures

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Scientific Reports
Environmental microcystin targets the microbiome and increases the risk of intestinal inflammatory pathology via NOX2 in underlying murine model of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
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Abstract<p>With increased climate change pressures likely to influence harmful algal blooms, exposure to microcystin, a known hepatotoxin and a byproduct of cyanobacterial blooms can be a risk factor for NAFLD associated comorbidities. Using both <italic>in vivo</italic> and <italic>in vitro</italic> experiments we show that microcystin exposure in NAFLD mice cause rapid alteration of gut microbiome, rise in bacterial genus known for mediating gut inflammation and lactate production. Changes in the microbiome were strongly associated with inflammatory pathology in the intestine, gut leaching, tight junction protein alterations and increased oxidative tyrosyl radicals. Increased lactate produ</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 29 2018
Journal Name
Environmental Earth Sciences
A preliminary assessment of the geochemical factors affecting groundwater and surface water quality around the rural communities in Al-Anbar, Western Desert of Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of orthodontic relapse on the proliferation of fibroblast and epithelial rests of Malassez in periodontal ligament of rat molars (A histopathological study)
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Background: Relapse of previously moved teeth, is major clinical problem in orthodontics with respect to the goals of successful treatment. This study investigated the effect of orthodontic relapse on the proliferation of fibroblast and epithelial rests of Malassez cells in periodontal ligament of rat molars. Materials and Methods: Sixteen ten-week- old male Wister rats were randomly divided into four groups composed of four animals each: Group I received no orthodontic force (control). In both Group II and Group III, uniform standardized expansive springs were used for moving the maxillary first molars buccally for periods of one and three weeks respectively. The spring initially generated an average expansive force of 20 g on each side.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 24 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Biotechnology And Experimental Therapeutics
Influence of the high mobility group A1 genetic polymorphism on indices of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance in the Iraqi population: Case-control study
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The high mobility group A1 gene (HMGA1) rs139876191 variant has been related to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, but data are lacking in Middle Eastern populations. The study aimed to assess whether the HMGA1 rs139876191 variant is associated with metabolic syndrome risk and whether this variant predicts the risk of insulin resistance. This case-control study was carried out at single center in Kirkuk city/ Iraq from February to August 2022. Polymorphisms in HMGA1 and genotyping were identified by Sanger sequencing of genomic DNA obtained from 91 Iraqi participants (61 patients with metabolic syndrome and 30 control). Lipid profile, serum (glucose and insulin), glycated hemoglobin, blood pressure, body mass index, and waist circumfer

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 20 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Dental Hygiene
A randomized double‐blind clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of chlorhexidine, antioxidant, and hyaluronic acid mouthwashes in the management of biofilm‐induced gingivitis
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To investigate the antiplaque and antigingivitis efficacy in addition to evaluating side effects and subjects’ perceptions of three commercially available mouthwashes.


This study was a double‐blind, parallel, and short‐term trial. A total of 75 dental students with biofilm‐induced gingivitis were included in the final analysis of the current study. Clinical parameters (plaque index and bleeding on probing) and the staining effect were measured at baseline and after 7 days. In addition, a VAS‐based assessment questionnaire was completed by the participants.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Effects of international variables on the principle of citizenship in Arab countries: "Kuwait as a Model"
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The principle of citizenship has international dimensions that affect the application of the principle, such as the structure of the international system, and the control of the concepts of globalization, international organizations which played an important role in the consolidation of this principle.

The problem of the study revolves around the effects of international variables on the principle of citizenship in Kuwait during the period 1991-2018.

The study used several indicators, such as: the rule of law, achieving the principle of separation of powers, the right to form parties, the application of the law of nationality, and racial discrimination, women's rights, and freedom of expression.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study on the Utilization of Anthracitic Acid as a Reagent for Solvent Extraction of Tellurium Ion (IV)
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A study on solvent extraction of Tellurium with Anthranilic acid in

water has been made. The effect of different parameters such as type of medium, time of equilibration, concentration of metal ion, solvent polarity and effect of anions and  catins distribution  ratio of tellrim (IV) were evaluated. The stoichometric ratio of the extracted species is determined  by using two methods suh as slope analysis and mole ratio method and found to be (M: L) (1:4). The instability constant of complex was calculated as well.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modified BFGS Update (H-Version) Based on the Determinant Property of Inverse of Hessian Matrix for Unconstrained Optimization
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The study presents the modification of the Broyden-Flecher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) update (H-Version) based on the determinant property of inverse of Hessian matrix (second derivative of the objective function), via updating of the vector s ( the difference between the next solution and the current solution), such that the determinant of the next inverse of Hessian matrix is equal to the determinant of the current inverse of Hessian matrix at every iteration. Moreover, the sequence of inverse of Hessian matrix generated by the method would never  approach a near-singular matrix, such that the program would never break before the minimum value of the objective function is obtained. Moreover, the new modification of BFGS update (H-vers

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Experimental Analysis for the Influence of Ignition Time on Combustion Characteristics of a Free Piston Engine Linear Generator
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Abstract<p>Free Piston Engine Linear Generator (FPELG) is a modern engine and promising power generation engine. It has many advantages compared to conventional engines such as less friction, few numbers of parts, and high thermal efficiency. The cycle-to-cycle variation one of the big challenges of the FPELG because it is influence on the stability and output power of the engine. Therefore, in this study, the effect of ignition time on combustion characteristics is investigated. The single-cylinder FPELG with spark ignition (SI) combustion type by using compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel type was set to run. LabVIEW is used to run the engine and control of input parameters. All experimental data</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 08 2017
Journal Name
Neural Computing And Applications
A new algorithm of modified binary particle swarm optimization based on the Gustafson-Kessel for credit risk assessment
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