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The economic policy trends in Iraq beyond 2003
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Gaining economic policy of exceptional importance in severe unilateral Iraqi economy such as the economy, as oil revenues constitute the center of gravity in the internal and external balances, Economic policy have seen in Iraq beyond 2003 in absentia economic strategic vision and failure in the application of policies to achieve economic development, as there was a disconnect and lack of integration and coordination between macro policies of monetary policy and fiscal policy, especially as if they were floating two policies are not linked by a link

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 10 2019
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal Of Engineering In Medicine
The speed, reflection and intensity of waves propagating in flexible tubes with aneurysm and stenosis: Experimental investigation
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A localized stenosis or aneurysm is a discontinuity that presents the pulse wave produced by the contracting heart with a reflection site. However, neither wave speed ( c) in these discontinuities nor the size of reflection in relation to the size of the discontinuity has been adequately studied before. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study the propagation of waves traversing flexible tubes in the presence of aneurysm and stenosis in vitro. We manufactured different sized four stenosis and four aneurysm silicone sections, connected one at a time to a flexible ‘mother’ tube, at the inlet of which a single semi-sinusoidal wave was generated. Pressure and velocity were measured simultaneously 25 cm downstream the inlet of th

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Dna Repair
The interactions between DNA methylation machinery and long non-coding RNAs in tumor progression and drug resistance
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DNA methylation is one of the main epigenetic mechanisms in cancer development and progression. Aberrant DNA methylation of CpG islands within promoter regions contributes to the dysregulation of various tumor suppressors and oncogenes; this leads to the appearance of malignant features, including rapid proliferation, metastasis, stemness, and drug resistance. The discovery of two important protein families, DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) and Ten-eleven translocation (TET) dioxygenases, respectively, which are responsible for deregulated transcription of genes that play pivotal roles in tumorigenesis, led to further understanding of DNA methylation-related pathways. But how these enzymes can target specific genes in different malignancies;

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Useing the Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Fuzzy Cluster Analysis Methods for Classification of Some Hospitals in Basra
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In general, the importance of cluster analysis is that one can evaluate elements by clustering multiple homogeneous data; the main objective of this analysis is to collect the elements of a single, homogeneous group into different divisions, depending on many variables. This method of analysis is used to reduce data, generate hypotheses and test them, as well as predict and match models. The research aims to evaluate the fuzzy cluster analysis, which is a special case of cluster analysis, as well as to compare the two methods—classical and fuzzy cluster analysis. The research topic has been allocated to the government and private hospitals. The sampling for this research was comprised of 288 patients being treated in 10 hospitals. As t

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Tri-Gene Ontology Migration Operator for Improving the Performance of Meta-heuristics in Complex Detection Problems
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      Detecting protein complexes in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks is a challenging problem in computational biology. To uncover a PPI network into a complex structure, different meta-heuristic algorithms have been proposed in the literature. Unfortunately, many of such methods, including evolutionary algorithms (EAs), are based solely on the topological information of the network rather than on biological information. Despite the effectiveness of EAs over heuristic methods, more inherent biological properties of proteins are rarely investigated and exploited in these approaches. In this paper, we proposed an EA with a new mutation operator for complex detection problems. The proposed mutation operator is formulated und

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Tri-Gene Ontology Migration Operator for Improving the Performance of Meta-heuristics in Complex Detection Problems
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      Detecting protein complexes in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks is a challenging problem in computational biology. To uncover a PPI network into a complex structure, different meta-heuristic algorithms have been proposed in the literature. Unfortunately, many of such methods, including evolutionary algorithms (EAs), are based solely on the topological information of the network rather than on biological information. Despite the effectiveness of EAs over heuristic methods, more inherent biological properties of proteins are rarely investigated and exploited in these approaches. In this paper, we proposed an EA with a new mutation operator for complex detection problems. The proposed mutation operator is formulate

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 19 2023
Journal Name
Plos One
Knowledge sharing behaviour among head nurses in online health communities: The moderating role of knowledge self-efficacy
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Head nurses are vital in understanding and encouraging knowledge sharing among their followers. However, few empirical studies have highlighted their contribution to knowledge-sharing behaviour in Online Health Communities (OHCs). In addition, scant literature has examined the moderating role of knowledge self-efficacy in this regard.


This study examines the moderating role of self-efficacy between the association of four selected individual factors of head nurses (i.e., Trust, Reciprocity, Reputation, and Ability to Share) and their knowledge-sharing behaviour in OHCs in Jordan.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2023
Journal Name
East European Journal Of Physics
Investigation of the Impact of Glass Waste in Reactive Powder Concrete on Attenuation Properties for Bremsstrahlung Ray
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Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is one of the most advanced recent high compressive strength concrete. This work explored the effects of using glass waste as a fractional replacement for fine aggregate in reactive powder concrete at levels of 0%, 25%, 50%, and 100%. Linear and mass attenuation coefficients have been calculated as a function of the sample's thickness and bremsstrahlung energy. These coefficients were obtained using energy selective scintillation response to bremsstrahlung having an energy ranging from (0.1-1.1) MeV. In addition, the half-value thickness of the samples prepared has been investigated. It was found that there is a reversal association between the attenuation coefficient and the energy of the bremsstrahlu

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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The current paper was designed to find the possible synergic effect of EBV infection with the HPV-16 in Iraqi women suffering from cervical carcinoma. This retrospective study involved paraffinized blocks of two groups. The research included 30 carcinomatous cervical tissues and 15 samples from normal cervical biopsies. After sectioning using positively charged slides, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed to detect anti-Epstein Barr Virus LMP1 and Human papillomavirus type 16 primary antibodies. Sixty-three percentage (19 out of 30) of the studies group showed positive overexpression as shown in with a significant association of the expression with cervical cancer with a significant association (p = 0). The co-infection of the EBV and H

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Food Chain Borne Effect of Cadmium and Cyanide on Some Biochemical Indices in the Liver of Rats
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       Diverse organismsuch as mammals and fishes exposure to noxious waste in the surroundings is a continuous routine and the active absorption and propagation of contaminants in humans is through the food chain. In order to determine the level of toxicity across the food chain,this research was structured to identify some biochemical alterations in the hepatic tissue of rats fed cadmium, cyanide and a mixture of cyanide and cadmium contaminated catfish diet. Fish were assigned into four groups and were exposed to both toxicants (cadmium and cyanide) in the single and combined states. Each toxicant was administered as cadmium chloride (CdCl2) and potassium cyanide (KCN) on a dose of 0.4 mg of the toxicant/100 ml water

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Correlation the Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM Antibodies and Viral DNA Presence with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in Iraqi Patients
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     In the Iraqi population, a high incidence (82.7%) of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been reported among the suspected patient. Many investigators studied the microbial infectious present in Iraqi patients with RA; however, to the best of our knowledge, there is no previous study detected the CMV DNA and antibodies to RA disease. Hence, the current study aimed to investigate the presence of CMV DNA and antibodies in Iraqi RA patients. A total of 58 blood samples were collected from patients with clinical signs of rheumatoid arthritis, along with 32 samples of apparently healthy individuals as a control group. These samples were tested for rheumatoid factor (RF), CMV IgM antibodies and viral DNA during the acute and

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