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Comparison of Partial Least Squares and Principal Components Methods by Simulation
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The methods of the Principal Components and Partial Least Squares can be regard very important methods  in the regression analysis, where they are used to convert a set of highly correlated variables to a set of new independent variables, known components and those components are be linear and orthogonal independent from each other , the methods are used to reduce dimensions  in regression analysis                                                                            

In this paper , we use Partial Least Squares method with  Non -linear Iterative partial least squares NIPALS(PLS1) algorithm and the principal components method with Singular Value Decomposition(SVD )algorithm  , the simulation experiments are conduct to compare between their methods  assuming that the error is normally  distributed , several combination are supposed in simulation for both sample size, number of observation, dimension, and we find that the partial least squares method is better than the Principal Components method in two case, number of observation is greater than the number of variables(n>p) and the number of variables is greater than the number of observation (p>n).                                       

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Simulation and Modelling of Electricity Usage Control and Monitoring System using ThingSpeak
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Renewable energy technology is growing fast especially photovoltaic (PV) system to move the conventional electricity generation and distribution towards smart grid. However, similar to monthly electricity bill, the PV energy producers can only monitor their energy PV generation once a month. Any malfuntion in PV system components may reduce the performance of the system without notice. Thus, developing a real-time monitoring system of PV production is very crucial for early detection. In addition, electricity consumption is also important to be monitored more frequently to increase energy savings awareness among consumers. Hardware based Internet-of-Thing (IoT) monitoring and control system is widely used. However, the implementation of

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Competitive Study Using UV and Ozone with H2O2 in Treatment of Oily Wastewater
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          In this study, ultraviolet (UV), ozone techniques with hydrogen peroxide oxidant were used to treat the wastewater which is produced from South Baghdad Power Station using lab-scale system. From UV-H2O2 experiments, it was shown that the optimum exposure time was 80 min. At this time, the highest removal percentages of oil, COD, and TOC were 84.69 %, 56.33 % and 50 % respectively. Effect of pH on the contaminants removing was studied in the range of (2-12). The best oil, COD, and TOC removal percentages (69.38 %, 70 % and 52 %) using H2O2/UV were at pH=12. H2O2/ozone experiments exhibited better performance compared to

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
North American Journal Of Medical Sciences
Urinary tract infections caused by staphylococcus aureus DNA in comparison to the candida albicans DNA
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Background: Bacterial DNA released upon bacterial autolysis or killed by antibiotics, hence, many inflammatogenic reactions will be established leading to serious tissue damage. Aim: the present work aimed to elucidate the histopathological changes caused by prokaryotic (bacterial) DNA and eukaryotic (candidal) DNA. Materials and methods: twenty one Staphylococcus aureus and 36 Candida albicans isolates were isolated from UTI patients. Viable cells and DNA of the highest antibiotic sensitive isolates were injected, intraurethraly, in mice. Results were evaluated via histopathological examination. Results: Mildest reactions were obtained from mice challenged with viable C. albicans compared with those challenged with viable S. aureus. Dos

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Some Properties of Mortar and Concrete Using Brick, Glass and Tile Waste as Partial Replacement of Cement
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The using of waste products as a recycled material was one of the most important studies for saving money and reduces the pollution. Mortar and concrete mixes with (10, 20 and 30)% of brick, glass and tile powder as replacement by weight of cement was investigated. The concrete mixes using brick or glass as 10%replacement of cement exhibited enhancement in compressive strength about (6, 4.7 and 2.0)% and (7.2, 5.6 and 2)% at age 7, 28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. The 20% replacement of glass powder also showed an increase in the compressive strength up to (8, 6.3 and 4) %at age 7,28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. Finally concrete mix using (10, 20 and 30) % tile powder as replacement of cement sho

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
Journal Name
جلة ابن الهيثم للعلوم الصرفةم
isolation and partial purification of cell wall lipopolysaccharides of pseduomonas areuginosa and using it as Vaccine it
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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Some Properties of Mortar and Concrete Using Brick, Glass and Tile Waste as Partial Replacement of Cement
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The using of waste products as a recycled material was one of the most important studies for saving money and reduces the pollution. Mortar and concrete mixes with (10, 20 and 30)% of brick, glass and tile powder as replacement by weight of cement was investigated. The concrete mixes using brick or glass as 10%replacement of cement exhibited enhancement in compressive strength about (6, 4.7 and 2.0)% and (7.2, 5.6 and 2)% at age 7, 28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. The 20% replacement of glass powder also showed an increase in the compressive strength up to (8, 6.3 and 4) %at age 7,28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. Finally concrete mix using (10, 20 and 30) % tile powder as replacement of cement sho

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Some Properties of Mortar and Concrete Using Brick, Glass and Tile Waste as Partial Replacement of Cement
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The using of waste products as a recycled material was one of the most important studies for saving money and reduces the pollution. Mortar and concrete mixes with (10, 20 and 30)% of brick, glass and tile powder as replacement by weight of cement was investigated. The concrete mixes using brick or glass as 10%replacement of cement exhibited enhancement in compressive strength about (6, 4.7 and 2.0)% and (7.2, 5.6 and 2)% at age 7, 28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. The 20% replacement of glass powder also showed an increase in the compressive strength up to (8, 6.3 and 4) %at age 7,28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. Finally concrete mix using (10, 20 and 30) % tile powder as replacement of cement sho

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparison Between Different DNA and Conventional
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Background: The discriminative power of the classical WHO parameters in relation to male fertility is quite low, because they only address few aspects of sperm quality and function. This has led investigators to focus their attention on the male gamete and in particular its genome.Objective: To explore which of the sperm DNA damage parameters measured by comet assay are more reliable, and their relations with the standard semen parameters.Methods: Study was done on 40 infertile men selected from couples attending the Institute of Embryo Reasearch and Infertility Treatment at Al-Kadhimiya City/ Baghdad in the period between February 2009 and May 2009, with a history of infertility of ≥1 years; and 15 healthy volunteers of proven fertili

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 25 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Phytochemical investigation of some active components in Iraqi conyza canadensis (Syn. erigeron canadensis)
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This study aimed to explore and separate the phytochemicals of the whole plant Conyza canadensis, a naturally growing plant in Iraq, since no phytochemical research was done previously in Iraq. The whole plant of C. canadensis was defatted by maceration in hexane for 24 hours. The defatted plant materials were extracted using Soxhlet apparatus, the aqueous ethanol 85% as a solvent extraction for 9 hours, and fractionated by petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol. The petroleum ether, chloroform, and ethyl acetate fractions were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for their steroids, alkaloids, and polyphenolic (phenolic acids and flavonoids) contents. One alkaloid was isolated from chloroform fractio

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
U.S. occupation of Iraq and its relationship to the psychological and political culture and social among university students
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The culture of the daily necessities of life of the individual in any society, whether advanced or simple, and the concept of multiple aspects of culture, including what is culture and education there holds that art is culture, and there are those who are classified according to human societies .. Some also go to it is not related to the study and learning .. And has been Iraq as a symbol of Arab culture, but they declined because of what passed by political crises and social in its modern history, and aims Current search to study culture psychological, political and social among the students of the university after the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the researcher prepared a questionnaire and after hold the appropriate statistical met

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