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Comparison of Partial Least Squares and Principal Components Methods by Simulation
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The methods of the Principal Components and Partial Least Squares can be regard very important methods  in the regression analysis, where they are used to convert a set of highly correlated variables to a set of new independent variables, known components and those components are be linear and orthogonal independent from each other , the methods are used to reduce dimensions  in regression analysis                                                                            

In this paper , we use Partial Least Squares method with  Non -linear Iterative partial least squares NIPALS(PLS1) algorithm and the principal components method with Singular Value Decomposition(SVD )algorithm  , the simulation experiments are conduct to compare between their methods  assuming that the error is normally  distributed , several combination are supposed in simulation for both sample size, number of observation, dimension, and we find that the partial least squares method is better than the Principal Components method in two case, number of observation is greater than the number of variables(n>p) and the number of variables is greater than the number of observation (p>n).                                       

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Turbid of Water By Using Fuzzy C- Means and Hard K- Means
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In this research two algorithms are applied, the first is Fuzzy C Means (FCM) algorithm and the second is hard K means (HKM) algorithm to know which of them is better than the others these two algorithms are applied on a set of data collected  from the Ministry of Planning on the water turbidity of five areas in Baghdad to know which of these areas are less turbid in clear water to see which months during the year are less turbid in clear water in the specified area.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Combination Ovariectomy and D-galactose Administration on Alzheimer's Animal Model
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Background and purpose: Animal model helps researchers to evaluate new treatment plan for human and understand pathological mechanism involved in a development of disease. The use of rats as an animal model for Alzheimer's research has become a favorite among researchers. Rats are capable in mimicking Alzheimer disease due to their intelligence and quick adaptation to nature. At present there are several methods that can be used to induce Alzheimer's animals, but each method has advantages and disadvantages. We need to learn other methods that can provide many advantages and few disadvantages. The Amyloid-beta 42 (Aβ-42) and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are thought to play an important role in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease. Th

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Minor fatwas of the star of religion special Khwarizmi (v ....... e) Matters in the Book of Rentals
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Scholars have inherited a tremendous wealth in all sciences and knowledge, especially jurisprudence; therefore, the students of forensic science had to execute this precious heritage, achieving a serious scientific investigation; So I opted for the realization of this part of the Book of Leasing for the small book of fatwas of Yusuf bin Ahmed al-Khasi.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computing
Twitter Location-Based Data: Evaluating the Methods of Data Collection Provided by Twitter Api
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Twitter data analysis is an emerging field of research that utilizes data collected from Twitter to address many issues such as disaster response, sentiment analysis, and demographic studies. The success of data analysis relies on collecting accurate and representative data of the studied group or phenomena to get the best results. Various twitter analysis applications rely on collecting the locations of the users sending the tweets, but this information is not always available. There are several attempts at estimating location based aspects of a tweet. However, there is a lack of attempts on investigating the data collection methods that are focused on location. In this paper, we investigate the two methods for obtaining location-based dat

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Paripex-indian Journal Of Research
Inundation Map Development by Using HEC-RAS Hydraulic Simulation Modeling from Roseires to Khartoum Cities
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Inundation floodingmap aimedto find outearly warningsto avoidenvironmental damageandhumanin terms of theheight ofthe wave ofwater, speed time arrival, effects of inundation sideanddepth of the water/ distanceand reduce the impact of the flood wave after obtaining the process of collapse of the dam in the lower part of the river to the dam area. The study has been using a numerical model one-dimensional depends on the development of equations (Saint-Venant) so that parts of the river, any river channel main banks of the right and left treated as separate parts, that’s the difference in the characteristics of the hydraulic and engineering, along the line of the flow will take into account in each section of the sections and flow in the riv

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Operational assessment of biological wastewater treatment using advanced return-mass reactors based on principal component cluster analysis
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Abstract<p>In this study, field results data were conducted, implemented in 64 biofilm reactors to analyses extract organic matter nutrients from wastewater through a laboratory level nutrient removal process, biofilm layer moving process using anaerobic aerobic units. The kinetic layer biofilm reactors were continuously operating in Turbo 4BIO for BOD COD with nitrogen phosphorous. The Barakia plant is designed to serve 200,000 resident works on biological treatment through merge two process (activated sludge process, moving bed bio reactio MBBR) with an average wastewater flow of 50,000 m3/day the data were collected annually from 2017-2020. The water samples were analysis in the central labor</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
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In this article, a new deterministic primality test for Mersenne primes is presented. It also includes a comparative study between well-known primality tests in order to identify the best test. Moreover, new modifications are suggested in order to eliminate pseudoprimes. The study covers random primes such as Mersenne primes and Proth primes. Finally, these tests are arranged from the best to the worst according to strength, speed, and effectiveness based on the results obtained through programs prepared and operated by Mathematica, and the results are presented through tables and graphs.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Corynebacterium glutamicum and Plant Extracts
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           Biosynthesis of nanoparticles has received considerable attention due to the growing need to develop environmentally benign nanoparticle synthesis processes that do not use toxic chemicals. Therefore, biosynthetic methods employing both biological agents such as bacteria and fungus or plant extracts have emerged as a simple and a viable alternative to chemical synthetic and physical method .It is well known that many microbes produce an organic material either intracellular or extracellular which is playing important role in the remediation of toxic metals through reduction of metal ions and acting as interesting Nano factories. As a result, in the present study Ag NPs were syn

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The Effect of Vitamin B9 and E on the Yield and Its Components of the Wheat Crop
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Abstract<p>During the 2016–2017 and 2017–2018 winter semesters, researchers from the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences at the University of Baghdad conducted a field experiment at the university’s research station. This inquiry set out to examine how spraying wheat plants with vitamins B9 (Folic acid) and E (Tocopherol) affected certain yield characteristics (Al-Fourat variety). The studies were set up as three repetitions of a factorial experiment using a Randomized Full Block Design. Vitamin E was sprayed at 0, 1, and 2 ml.L<sup>-1</sup>, while vitamin B9 was sprayed at 0, 1, and 3 ml.L<sup>-1</sup> (0, 250, and 500 mg. L<sup>-1</sup>). While the </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2022
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جامعة بغداد مركز الدراسات الدولية
الحكم في أفغانستان بين المصالح و القانون الدولي الإنساني
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كان لسياسات االحتالل دور بارز في فشل مشروع إعادة بناء الدولة في افغانستان، وفي الوقت نفسه تتحمل دول االحتالل المسؤ و لية الكاملة عن بعض هذه ً كبي ارً السياسات مثل عدم التخطيط الجيد لمرحلة االحتالل وإعادة بناء الدول ة، ثم إن جزءا من فشل هذه السياسات يرجع الى البيئتين المحلية واإلقليمية ، كذلك كان للخبرة السياسية والدستورية وللواقع االجتماعي الثقافي األفغاني تأثيرهما المهم في قدرة المجتمع األفغاني ً على قبول

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