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The viral marketing ( Its orgins, understandable, his campaing (stages, measured

The concept of viral marketing is a modern concepts in the field of marketing studies and research in marketing functions, by relying on the notion of the spoken word and the written word, it is worth mentioning the lack of local research on viral marketing, research, analysis, and application and significantly encouraged interest in this topic by addressing basic concepts stand on its first seeds with focus theoretically on the viral marketing campaign planning across a field research adoption questionnaire prepared for this purpose had been distributed to a sample on a random sample of students of the Business Administration Department / College of administration and economics / University of Baghdad of 56 students and using the adequate statistical tools to analyze these data depending upon using the ( spss ) program.
One of the most important results of the research the information sent over the Internet sites of interest and credibility can be used positively a relationship between the viral marketing concept and the proliferation of advertising messages via websites.


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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Alcoholic Extract of Nigella sativa Seeds on Trichomomas vaginalis In Vitro

 The present study included experimental effect of Metronidazole drug and Alcoholic extract of Nigella sativa seeds on T. vaginalis that cultivated on  i               i    Results showed that the numbers of parasite began increasing during a period after 24-48 hrs then began decreasing after 72-96 hrs, so that 72 hrs from growth considered logarithmic phase of T. vaginalis growth. Present results showed poisonous effect of N. sativa alcoholic extract that was prepared in laboratory and imported at concentrations (450, 550, 650 and 750) mg/ml on T. vaginalis by observing gradual decrease of trophozoite numbers with concentrate increase of extra

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 19 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of MIG Welding Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steels

The present research  investigates joints welding of 304L austenitic stainless steel using metal inert gas (MIG) welding method. The research explores the effect of process parameters (arc voltage, wire feed rate, and electrode wire diameter) on the mechanical properties of stainless steel.  The above variables are varied  respectively with 18.5, 19, 19.5 V, 116, 127, 137 mm/s, and 0.8, 1, 1.2 mm, with E308L as a filler electrode. The design matrix of the experiments was determined using the design of experiment (DOE) program Minitab 17 based on the levels of input elements used. The Taguchi orthogonal matrix methodology (Taguchi) technique was used to develop some empirical analysis for the maximum tensile strength and proper surface

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

Curing of concrete is the maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content and temperature for a
period of time immediately following placing so the desired properties are developed. Accelerated
curing is advantages where early strength gain in concrete is important. The expose of concrete
specimens to the accelerated curing conditions which permit the specimens to develop a significant
portion of their ultimate strength within a period of time (1-2 days), depends on the method of the
curing cycle.Three accelerated curing test methods are adopted in this study. These are warm water,
autogenous and proposed test methods. The results of this study has shown good correlation
between the accelerated strength especially for

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Chromium (VI) on the Oxidation of Methylene Blue Dye by Fe3O4/ Chitosan Composite

     Heavy metal ion removal from industrial wastewater treatment systems is still difficult because it contains organic contaminants. In this study, functional composite hydrogels with photo Fenton reaction activity were used to decompose organic contaminants. Fe3O4 Nanoparticle, chitosan (CS), and other materials make up the hydrogel. There are different factors that affected Photo-Fenton activity including (pH, H2O2 conc., temp., and exposure period). Atomic force microscopy was used to examine the morphology of the composite and its average diameter (AFM). After 60 minutes of exposure to UV radiation, CS/ Fe3O4 hydrogel composite had degraded methylene blue (M.B.)

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Spectroscopic study the plasma parameters for Pb doped CuO prepared by pulse Nd:YAG laser deposition

In this work, plasma parameters such as, the electron temperature )Te(, electron density ne, plasma frequency )fp(, Debye length )λD(
and Debye number )ND), have been studied using optical emission spectroscopy technique. The spectrum of plasma with different values of energy, Pb doped CuO at different percentage (X=0.6, 0.7, 0.8) were recorded. The spectroscopic study for these mixing under vacuum with pressure down to P=2.5×10-2 mbar. The results of electron temperature for X=0.6 range (1.072-1.166) eV, for X=0.7 the Te range (1.024-0.855) eV and X=0.8 the Te is (1.033-0.921) eV. Optical properties of CuO:Pb thin films were determined through the optical transmission method using ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer within the ra

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Islamic Banks and Private Commercial Banks in Increasing Financial Depth in Iraq

The banks mobilize savings and channel them to the economy, whether commercial or Islamic banks and thus both contribute to increasing financial depth, the objective of this paper is to measure the contribution of the Islamic banks in increase financial depth in Iraq, and compared the role played by private commercial banks in contributing to increasing financial depth in Iraq. The paper has been applying the most used indicators of financial depth that used widely in the literatures, especially those applicable with the Iraqi economy.

The paper found via using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) that Islamic banks did not contribute to increasing financial depth in Iraq, as well as for the p

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
First record of click Beetle Agriotes lineatus (Linneaus ) (Coleoptera : Elateridae )In the middle of Iraq

Trials were carried out in the middle of Iraq ( 3 different sites ) during 2009 to detecation and determined the seasonal occurrence of Agriotes lineatus L. Three YATOR funnel traps were used in each of these sites which baited with the specific pheromone of A. lineatus from the first of March to the end of October in the College of Agriculture - Abu- Ghraib / Provenance of Baghdad and AL-Nile / Provenance of Babylon , while in AL-Radhwania was used through May- June. Pheromone dispenser were changed every 6 weeks in each of these traps . Males of A. lineatus were found in all of the three sites , and the total number capture were 208 , 897 and 57 male / 3 traps / season in College of Agriculture , AL-Nile and AL-Radhwania respectiv

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Assessing the performance of commercial Agisoft PhotoScan software to deliver reliable data for accurate3D modelling

3D models delivered from digital photogrammetric techniques have massively increased and developed to meet the requirements of many applications. The reliability of these models is basically dependent on the data processing cycle and the adopted tool solution in addition to data quality. Agisoft PhotoScan is a professional image-based 3D modelling software, which seeks to create orderly, precise n 3D content from fixed images. It works with arbitrary images those qualified in both controlled and uncontrolled conditions. Following the recommendations of many users all around the globe, Agisoft PhotoScan, has become an important source to generate precise 3D data for different applications. How reliable is this data for accurate 3D mo

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 29 2021
Journal Name
Eureka: Physics And Engineering

High smoke emissions, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter typically produced by diesel engines. Diminishing the exhausted emissions without doing any significant changes in their mechanical configuration is a challenging subject. Thus, adding hydrogen to the traditional fuel would be the best practical choice to ameliorate diesel engines performance and reduce emissions. The air hydrogen mixer is an essential part of converting the diesel engine to work under dual fuel mode (hydrogen-diesel) without any engine modification. In this study, the Air-hydrogen mixer is developed to get a homogenous mixture for hydrogen with air and a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio according to the speed of the engine. The mixer depends on the balance between th

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of the Anticancer and Antimicrobial Biological Activity of a New Series of Thiohydantoin Derivatives

        Recently, some prostate cancer patients have acquired resistance to the second -generation drugs (anzalutamide and apalutamide) prescribed for the treatment of this disease due to the emergence of the F876L mutation, which represents a challenge to modern medicine. In this study, a new series of 2-thiohydantoin derivatives were prepared through the reaction of different derivatives of maleimide (1c-4c) with isothiocyanate derivatives. The prepared compounds were diagnosed using FT-IR,1H-NMR ,13C-NMR, Mass spectra. The prepared series compounds has been studied against prostate cancer cells. The MTT assay was used to determine the activity of the prepared compounds against prostate cancer cells. The da

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