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Crude Oil Price in its Global Market

This paper addresses the factors responsible for changes in crude oil prices, in real market and financial sector. In order to prepare the analytical background for further investigation, it highlights the patterns of correlations of the real oil price and the most related prices of assets, exchange rate and government bond yield. The paper reviews the statistical behavior of oil price, quantities and the  global macroeconomic environment. Topics discussed include the theory of differential rent and scarcity effect ,the role of  future market and speculation, strategies of energy of the major economies to investigate the prospects of oil market and the potential demand for  OPEC's oil.  The paper explores the interrelationship between spot and future prices using daily data , explanatory power of real effective exchange rate in addition to conventional demand and supply functions. Although,  The paper finds regularities consistent with the predictions of economic theory, it concludes that the changes in real price of oil have historically tended  to be difficult to predict. Further research works are recommended  particularly in the areas of storage arbitrage and financial future contracts.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 12 2021
Journal Name
Medico Legal Update
Association between ABO Blood Group and Radiographic Findings in Periodontal Disease

ZM Al-Bahrani, Medico Legal Update, 2021

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 17 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Image Retrieval Using DCT/KWT and D4/KWT in Distributed System

This paper presents a proposed method for (CBIR) from using Discrete Cosine Transform with Kekre Wavelet Transform (DCT/KWT), and Daubechies Wavelet Transform with Kekre Wavelet Transform (D4/KWT) to extract features for Distributed Database system where clients/server as a Star topology, client send the query image and server (which has the database) make all the work and then send the retrieval images to the client. A comparison between these two approaches: first DCT compare with DCT/KWT and second D4 compare with D4/KWT are made. The work experimented over the image database of 200 images of 4 categories and the performance of image retrieval with respect to two similarity measures namely Euclidian distance (ED) and sum of absolute diff

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Importance of Using Concentrator Solar Energy Technologies in Anbar Province

The aim of the research is a techno-economic analysis of the use of concentrated solar energy technologies in the Iraqi city, considering the concentrated solar energy technology is a renewable energy technology that derives its resources from the sun and is replenished at a rate that exceeds its use. It is also inexhaustible and environmentally friendly energy from its environmental footprint, unlike traditional fossil energy which produces greenhouse gases and a major cause of global warming.

This research measures the costs of concentrated solar energy technology to Reduce the effects caused by other energies and work to fill part of the shortfall in the total electricity production, even at a specific percentage, in preparati

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 03 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research Studies In Biosciences
Study the Histopathology of Immuno-Therapytrail in Mice Infected with Hydatidcysts

The study was trail to treated secondary hydatid cysts in white micepost-infection with Echinococcosis of sheep origin, by immunization with a mixture of CFAgs/PSAgs prepared from haydatid Cyst Fluid antigens (CFAgs) and Proto scolices antigens (PSAgs) respectively, two concentrations (7.5 &15 mg/ml) in addition to two derivatives of benzimidazole; albendazole (A) and mebendazole (M) 10 and 40μg/gm body weight, respectively, one week after challenged dose with protoscolices. to determine the efficacy of immunization and chemotherapy simultaneously in reduction the number of growing cysts, then measured both humoral and cell-mediated immunity. Results: elevation the immune responses that reflected decrease number and diameter of hydatid cys

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2002
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
theoretical study of the drift velocity of electron in sf6-n2

Publication Date
Wed Nov 03 2021
Journal Name
European Journal Of Humanities And Educational Advancements (
Impact of ASSURE Model on Mathematical Correlation and Achievement in Mathematics

Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Survey In Fisheries Sciences
Evaluation of the Serum Asprosin Levels in Patients with Double Diabetes

Background : Double diabetes (DD) is the term used to describe situations in which a patient exhibits characteristics that are a combination of type 1 diabetes mellitus(T1DM) and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) a large epidemiological study found that 25.5% of people with T1D also had the metabolic syndrome. A new protein hormone called asprosin is predominantly released by white adipose tissue. It was initially discovered in 2016 . Asprosin is important diagnoses marker for insulin resistant in diabetes patients ,additionally is very important denotation about early diagnoses of type 2 diabetes. Objectives: The current study aims to find predictive significance of diagnosis a double diabetes by evaluating the asprosin in the blood serum of

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Survey In Fisheries Sciences
The Elevation of Serum Subfatin Levels in Patients with Double Diabetes

Background: Hybrid diabetes (or double diabetes, DD) occur when the patient which exhibits characteristics that combine type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Formerly epidemiological studies found that quarter of people with T1D also had the metabolic syndrome. Subfatin, Also called cometin, it is a small (~27kDa) cytokine secreted by protein encoded by a gene called METRNL (simeler of meteorin). is much expressed in skin in the mucosal tissues and activated macrophages. Subfatin has also been described as a hormone that effected in some diseases such as metabolic diseases (including dyslipidemia), type 2 diabetes and obesity. Objectives: The current study objective is evaluating the subfatin in the blood serum of double diabet

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Geological Modeling and Resource Estimation for Mishrif Formation in Nasiriyah Oilfield

Resource estimation is an essential part of reservoir evaluation and development planning which highly affects the decision-making process. The available conventional logs for 30 wells in Nasiriyah oilfield were used in this study to model the petrophysical properties of the reservoir and produce a 3D static geological reservoir model that mimics petrophysical properties distribution to estimate the stock tank oil originally in place (STOOIP) for Mishrif reservoir by volumetric method. Computer processed porosity and water saturation and a structural 2D map were utilized to construct the model which was discretized by 537840 grid blocks. These properties were distributed in 3D Space using sequential Gaussian simulation and the variation in

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment Efficiency Evaluation of Al-Diwaniya Sewage Treatment Plant in Iraq

This study aims to evaluate the performance of the sewage treatment plant in Al- Diwaniya, one of cities in the southern part in Iraq. This evaluation could be used to facilitate effluent quality assessment or optimal process control of the plant. The influent reaching the plant is considered a medium to strong in strength with BOD5/COD ratio in the range 0.23 and 0.69 which can be considered an easily degradable sewage by the biological processes performed by the activated sludge unit. The quality of the effluent was found to be higher than the Iraqi standards for disposal to water bodies. The BOD5/COD ratios of the treated sewage varied over a wide range as low of 0.13 to 1.48 indicating operational problems in the plant. Regressio

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