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Methods of Foreign Trade Payments -Comparative Accounting Study-
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 The research has been concerned with the modalities of foreign trade payments (foreign trade financing), and made an accounting comparison between them to choose the best way to pay for the imported goods (payment of the real values of imported goods), given the importance of the impact of this activity on the national economy of all countries of the world, especially Iraq for the adoption of a very large amount of imported goods to meet the requirements of the people, which require the flow of huge amounts of foreign currency outside Iraq to pay for these goods, and therefore dealing incorrectly with it leads to the destruction of the national economy and the spread of a number of negative social and economic phenomena of funds smuggling and financing of terrorism also financial and administrative corruption and flooding the local markets with bad and non-standard goods, this issue is becoming increasingly important in Iraq because the high reliance on imported goods to meet the needs of people, the research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which are:

  • The method of Foreign Bank Transfers differs from the method Documentary Credits Issued for Import in terms of enhanced documents for each of them, where the method of foreign bank transfers depends on one or two documents, which makes it easy to falsify, while the method of documentary credits issued for import depends on a complete set (package) of documents, making it difficult to falsify.
  • Although the Documentary Credits method is based on a complete set (package) of documents that are difficult to falsify, in fact, it is also possible to falsify their documents but at a much lower level than the level of falsifying the documents of the method of Foreign Bank Transfers.

   The researcher also recommends using Documentary Credits Issued method for import exclusively in the process of foreign trade payments and to prevent the use of foreign bank transfer method for this purpose in order to maintain the strength of the Iraqi national economy to reduce or eliminate the following negative phenomena:

  • Money smuggling.
  • Financing terrorism.
  • Financial and administrative corruption.
  • Dumping markets with poor and non-standard goods.


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Determination of some biochemical parameters in sera of normotensive and hypertensive obese female in Baghdad
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Abstract<p>Obesity is a disease describe a case of excessive accumulation of body fats. Obesity is linked to the morbidity of human health, such as the development of hypertension. The study designed to investigate the levels of glucose, urea, creatinine, and lipid profile parameters in sera of obese female and hypertensive obese female. The study included 90 subjects who divided onto three groups equally, in which they are healthy control, normotensive obese, and hypertensive obese. A significant elevation (P<0.01) has observed in the level of glucose, urea, creatinine, triglycerides (TGs), cholesterol, LDL-C, and VLDL-C in obese females compared with control, yet only TGs and VLDL-C were si</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 10 2025
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Development of an HPLC method for the determination of tramadol hydrochloride using ZIC-HILIC columns
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Mathematics
The Dynamics of a Tritrophic Leslie-Gower Food-Web System with the Effect of Fear
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The avoidance strategy of prey to predation and the predation strategy for predators are important topics in evolutionary biology. Both prey and predators adjust their behaviors in order to obtain the maximal benefits and to raise their biomass for each. Therefore, this paper is aimed at studying the impact of prey’s fear and group defense against predation on the dynamics of the food-web model. Consequently, in this paper, a mathematical model that describes a tritrophic Leslie-Gower food-web system is formulated. Sokol-Howell type of function response is adapted to describe the predation process due to the prey’s group defensive capability. The effects of fear due to the predation process are considered in the first two levels

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Cleaner Production
Modeling of biogas production and biodegradability of date palm fruit wastes with different moisture contents
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Evalution of the effect of Gigaspora margarita and Glomus desriticola fungi in stimulating the resistance of the capsicum annuum L. plant towards chromium and lead
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The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of fungi Gigaspora margarita and Glomus desriticola in stimulating the resistance of the capsicum annuum L. towards the chromium and lead after 60 days, planting and using the pots in the glass house. The highest concentration of chromium and lead in the root was found in the presence of the mycorrhizal mixture (194.93, 150.40) μg / g, respectively, compared to the lowest concentration (90.69, 79.37) μg / g respectively, while the highest concentration of chromium and lead in the shoot was found in the presence of the mycorrhizal mixture (94.63, 79.33) μg / g respectively, compared with the lowest concentration in the control treatment (72.58, 60.70) μg / g respectively. The results

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Sports Sciences
The effect of RTX traning and plastic hurdles on some kinematic variables and learning the performance of the event of 100 mH for female students
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research &amp; Development
The Effect of Special Exercises for those with (Cognitive Concentration) in the Development of Motor Satisfaction and Learning Some Types of Scoring Basketball for Students
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The importance of the research in the preparation of special exercises to develop some types of basketball scoring as a contribution to help the physical education teacher to find successful educational alternatives. The purpose of the study was to prepare special exercises for the cognitive (cognitive) survey in the development of motor satisfaction and learning some types of Scoring for basketball for students. Learn about the effect of cognitive exercises in cognitive development in students. The survey included students from the first stage of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science \ University of Diyala (159) divided into 6 people. The sample was randomized by (b) and (b) D) and after dispersion by the standard method In

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Turbidimetric Method for Measuring of Antibacterial Effect of 2-Methyl-4-(3,4 dihydroxy Phenyl)-Thiazole on the Growth Activity of Escherichia Coli and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
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Thiazoles are heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds, which were given a great attention due to their antibacterial effect, antihypertensive, stimulating glucose absorption (like antibiotics), acts as cytoprotective agent. The present work is conducted to evaluate the degree of antibacterial activity on the growth activity of Escherichia Coli (E.Coli) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) by incubation with 2-methyl-4-(3,4 dihydroxy phenyl)-Thiazole compound (MDHPT). Optical density (O.B) was measured by turbidmetric method, any increase in O.D would represent the increase in the bacterial growth .The results showed that there was a 75.7 % inhibition when using 190.4 g/ml (MDHPT) solution and 64.3% was obtained when using concentr

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 14 2022
Journal Name
Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils,
Estimate The Amount of Amino and Fatty Acids in The Liver Tissue of Uromastyx Aegyptius Microlepis During the Periods of Hibernation (December) And Activity (May)
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Amino and fatty acids in the liver tissue of Uromastyx aegyptius microlepis during the periods of hibernation (December) and activity (May) were estimate by a high performance liquid chromatography, liver of a lizard during the activity and hibernation seasons, contained 18 amino acids, which include, 10 essential amino acids and 8 non-essential amino acids, and the liver in the male lizard contained five fatty acids during each season, the concentration rates of all the amino acids during the activity season were higher than their counterparts during the hibernation season, the total concentrations of essential and non-essential amino acids during the activity season were 19434.8 µg/ml, which was greater than the total concentrations leve

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An evaluation of the influence of different finishing lines on the fracture strength of full contour zirconia CAD/CAM and heat press all-ceramic crowns
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ABSTRACT Background: One of the major problems of all ceramic restorations is their probable fracture against the occlusal forces. The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of two gingival finishing lines (90°shoulder and deep chamfer) on the fracture resistance of full contour CAD/CAM and heat press all-ceramic crowns. Materials and Methods: Thirty two maxillary first premolars were prepared to receive full contour CAD/CAM (zolid) and heat press (Cergo Kiss) ceramic crowns using a special paralleling device (Parallel-A-Prep). The teeth were divided into four groups according to the type of finishing line prepared. Each crown was cemented to its corresponding tooth using self-etch, self-adhesive dual cure resin ceme

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