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Methods of Foreign Trade Payments -Comparative Accounting Study-

 The research has been concerned with the modalities of foreign trade payments (foreign trade financing), and made an accounting comparison between them to choose the best way to pay for the imported goods (payment of the real values of imported goods), given the importance of the impact of this activity on the national economy of all countries of the world, especially Iraq for the adoption of a very large amount of imported goods to meet the requirements of the people, which require the flow of huge amounts of foreign currency outside Iraq to pay for these goods, and therefore dealing incorrectly with it leads to the destruction of the national economy and the spread of a number of negative social and economic phenomena of funds smuggling and financing of terrorism also financial and administrative corruption and flooding the local markets with bad and non-standard goods, this issue is becoming increasingly important in Iraq because the high reliance on imported goods to meet the needs of people, the research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which are:

  • The method of Foreign Bank Transfers differs from the method Documentary Credits Issued for Import in terms of enhanced documents for each of them, where the method of foreign bank transfers depends on one or two documents, which makes it easy to falsify, while the method of documentary credits issued for import depends on a complete set (package) of documents, making it difficult to falsify.
  • Although the Documentary Credits method is based on a complete set (package) of documents that are difficult to falsify, in fact, it is also possible to falsify their documents but at a much lower level than the level of falsifying the documents of the method of Foreign Bank Transfers.

   The researcher also recommends using Documentary Credits Issued method for import exclusively in the process of foreign trade payments and to prevent the use of foreign bank transfer method for this purpose in order to maintain the strength of the Iraqi national economy to reduce or eliminate the following negative phenomena:

  • Money smuggling.
  • Financing terrorism.
  • Financial and administrative corruption.
  • Dumping markets with poor and non-standard goods.


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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching skills for Public and Private Schools’ Teachers: comparative study : Teaching skills for Public and Private Schools’ Teachers: comparative study


The great expansion of teaching skills requires finding ways and methods to help teachers acquire experiences of all kinds. The researcher found in the subject of the teaching skills for teachers in public and private schools a fertile field for conducting a study that enables the measurement of these skills. Thus, the study aims to identify the skills of teaching lessons for teachers, the difference in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the years of service, the differences in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the specialized teachers and non-specialized teachers, the differences in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the public and private school. The

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Publication Date
Wed May 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparing Some Methods For A single Imputed A missing Observation In Estimating Nonparametric Regression Function

In this paper, we will study non parametric model when the response variable have missing data (non response) in observations it under missing mechanisms MCAR, then we suggest Kernel-Based Non-Parametric Single-Imputation instead of missing value and compare it with Nearest Neighbor Imputation by using the simulation about some difference models and with difference cases as the sample size, variance and rate of missing data.      

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(The trade-off between privatization Options General contracting firms Using the strategic analysis of the external environment

Discussed the research variables are important, privatization options and strategic analysis of the external environment, and that the purpose of the research is the trade-off between privatization options and choose the most appropriate alternative in proportion to the external environment, the research aims to determine the privatization the most appropriate option for companies and public contracting, showing the importance of the study provide the privatization of public companies as a strategy can all its way public sector organizations from the transfer of work practices or private sector organizations and mechanisms to it as contributing to improving the level of skills Develop the current and future level of performance,

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compare Linear Progamming With Other Methods to Finding Optimal Solution for Transportation Problem

The researcher studied transportation problem because it's great importance in the country's economy. This paper which ware studied several ways to find a solution closely to the optimization, has applied these methods to the practical reality by taking one oil derivatives which is benzene product, where the first purpose of this study is, how we can reduce the total costs of transportation for product of petrol from warehouses in the province of Baghdad, to some stations in the Karsh district and Rusafa in the same province. Secondly, how can we address the Domandes of each station by required quantity which is depending on absorptive capacity of the warehouses (quantities supply), And through r

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The moment of concluding the contract according to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) (A comparative study with some Arab and foreign legislations)

There are two ways that the contract might be formed with (contracting between persons who are attended and contracting between absence persons).the need for determining the precise moment of the contract , is so clear because there is a specify period separate between the declaration of acceptance and the knowledge with it .and it is clear from the four theories known for jurisprudence (theory of the declaration of the acceptance, theory of exporting the acceptance , theory of the arrival of the acceptance , theory of the knowledge with the acceptance ) . It is difficult to promote one theory on another one if we look at each one and the justification of its supporters and what the opponents of each theory expose. Legal background and diff

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Foreign policy of the Trump Administration Toward the United Nations

The Trump administration asserts that the actions of the United States are neither constrained by international organizations nor international controls, as they strive to seek a leadership position in a competitive manner, advance the reform of the United Nations in order to gain strength and support for US interests, and promote conservative social values. This negative policy is the result of the influence and mutual influence of long-term isolationism, the "American exception" and popular trends in the United States, as well as the result of the Trump administration's attempt to employ powerful means to revitalize the United States' strong position in the United Nations. However, the Trump administration’s policy toward the United

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational Thought of Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi: comparative study

This study aims to illustrate and compare the perspectives of Ibn Sahnun and    al-Kabasi about educational system. To this end, the researcher adopted the inductive-analytical approach to analyze their educational perspectives. The study included two chapters: one to give an overview of the life of Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi and the other to analyze their perspectives. The findings revealed Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi confirmed that compliance with the Islamic rules is an essential condition over all aspects. As for Ibn Sahnun pointed out to the important of teaching Quran as a basic reference and guide of Muslim daily-life skills and behaviors. On the other hand, al-Kabasi focused on the creation and religion as two-main aspe

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 19 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Diplomatic work and its importance in foreign policy planning

That the diplomatic work and its importance in foreign policy planning assumes the following points: 1. Choosing the tool in the sense of choosing the most correct tool that reflects the reality of the situation on the one hand and the disposal of strong energy to reach the implementation of the political decision. The declaration of war and entering into a resolution that uses force merely to face insulting ambassadors does not mean Power of the State concerned. But an imbalance in its foreign policy. 2. The coordination of the tools, that the foreign policy scheme must be such a role, and on the external style, diplomatic work, military action and propaganda must complement each other, to the extent that each of them is the first attac

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the effects of foreign direct investment in financial account of the balance of payments iraqi for 2003-2015

The study aims to make an in-depth  analysis and the financial account components in the Iraqi balance of payments because it reflects the economic center of the country towards outside world, it also helps in making decision about monetary and financial policies, finance and foreign Trade the importance of FDI for Iraq lies as an important sources as wells provides advanced technology  and job chances, It also avoids the country negative effects of borrowing processes from abroad . for analyzing direct and indirect foreign investment on the balance of payments and financial account in a period between (2003 to 2015), a community and research sample have been selected, presented in CBI/ Balance of payments. Department,

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Impact of Holy Qur’an on Pushkin’s Poetry A Comparative Study

Praise be to Allah , the Lord of Heavens , Who revealed His Scripture in plain Arabic, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of all creatures and the chosen one , Muhammad (PBUH).Pushkin was known as a poet in Russia, the sun of its poetry that set, the father of the Russian literature and the founder of its literary language. When he published his poems, trying to express his inner poetic feelings and creative visions, he presented them with creativity and special touch. The reason behind the selection of Pushkin as the subject of this study is that he was affected by Islam and Arabs. For the purpose of this study, the dissertation has been divided into introduction and three chapters; each chapter includes two topics. In the introdu

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