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Multi-dimensional poverty and sustainable human development in Iraq
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The problem of poverty and deprivation constitute a humanitarian tragedy and its continuation may threaten the political achievements reached by the State. Iraq, in particular, and although he is one of the very rich countries due to availability of huge economic wealth, poverty indicators are still high. In addition, the main factor in the decline in the standard of living due to the weakness of the government's performance in the delivery of public services of water, electricity and sanitation. Thus, the guide for human development has been addressed which express the achievements that the state can be achieved both on a physical level or on the human level, so in order to put appropriate strategies and policies aimed at eliminating this phenomenon or mitigate the severity. And includes the most important indicators used to measure the finale indicators of deprivation (multi-dimensional poverty including health, education, housing and infrastructure), The study found the most effective dimensions on poverty and where it is most concentrated in governments and the status quo of poverty for a family of Iraq in light of the services provided by the state. Achieving sustainable development by the government requires performing new roles in the fields of ​​coordination, regulation, legislation and support, so as to create the necessary conditions and fertile ground for the work of civil society organizations, as well as the government and the private sector due to its vital role in the formulation and implementation of many complementary programs and goals of the government policies and programs and  the private sector, not to mention the economic programs such as eradicating poverty, employment and others. .

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 16 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Agricultural Research
Effect of seed priming on grain growth rate and effective filling period in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars
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A field experiment was conducted during winter, 2015-16 with the objective to investigate the effect of bread wheat cultivars (Abu-Ghraib3, Ibaa99, and Alfeteh) and seed priming 100, 100, 150 mg L-1 of benzyl adenine, salicylic acid, gibberellic acid (GA3), respectively, ethanolic extract of Salix Sp., water extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra and distilled water (control) on grain growth rate (GGR), effective filling period (EFP) and accelerating of physiological maturity. Randomized complete block design with three replicates was applied. GA3×Ibaa99 surpassed others in grain yield (7.432 tonne ha-1) when gave the highest grain weight (45.13 mg grain-1) and GGR (1.5 mg grain-1 day-1) with the fastest time to start and end EFP (5 and 34 days), w

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Effect of Molecular Imprinting on the Loading and Release of Poorly Water Soluble Drug in Hydrogel Gontact Lenses
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Therapeutic contact lenses TCLs is an approach used to enhance corneal residence time and reduce frequent instillation, which is a problem with eye drops.  The problem with CLs is loading of hydrophobic drugs. In this research the CLs were prepared with molecular imprinting MI to enhance the loading of itraconazole, which is used as antifungal drug for fungal keratitis. CLs using different  concentration of hydroxyethyl methacrylate HEMA and methacrylic acid MAA were prepared with and without MI using PEGDA (25 μL) and AIBN (37 mg) as crosslinker and initiator respectively. All the prepared CLs were clear and have good folding endurance. MICLs had significantly higher drug loading compared to conventional CLs. The release of i

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science | Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | January-2022
Esthetic Improvements of Various Degrees of White Spot Lesion Using Resin Infiltration and Micro-Abrasion (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: White spot lesions are esthetic problems caused by subsurface enamel demineralization that seen as white opacity. Aim of the study: This study aimed to evaluate and to compare the color change after the treatment of the white spot lesions with resin ‹nϔ‹Žtrƒt‹on and micro abrasion. Materials and Methods: rt‹ϔ‹…‹ƒŽ white spot lesions were generated on 48 premolar teeth by the use of a demineralization solution. The teeth were randomly divided using the Diagnodent into three study groups (16 teeth for each group) depending on the depth of the induced lesions: outer enamel, inner enamel and outer dentine. Then each group was fatherly subdivided into two groups (8 teeth for each group) the ϔ‹rst group was treated wit

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Spectroscopy
Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Naphazoline Nitrate in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Preparations by Using 1,2-Naphthoquinone-4-Sulfonate
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of varicocelectomy on sperm parameters, oxidative stress and Chromatin maturity in seminal fluid of infertile patients with varicocele
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This study aimed to determine the effect of varicocelectomy on sperm parameters, oxidant- antioxidant status and chromatin maturity percent. The current study has been conducted on 154 infertile patients complaining from varicocele and varicocelomized men in addition to 25 fertile men as control. The results revealed significant decrease (P<0.05) in sperm concentration, progressive motile sperm percent, normal sperm morphology percent, GSH, SOD1, CAT levels and chromatin maturity percent and significant increase (P<0.05) in MDA and ROS concentrations in infertile patients with varicocele when compared to fertile men. The results revealed improvement (P<0.05) of sperm parameters quality, GSH, SOD1, CAT, MDA, ROS concentration and chromatin m

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Some Medicinal Plants on the Activity of Some Immunological Factors in Saliva and Serum of Type –?? Diabetics
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The study involved 45 male and 45 females of diabetic patients type- ?? aged from 40-69years , and with the same numbers of males and females for control , all the patients and controls were without any periodontal diseases and without any systemic disease. Diabetic patients were divided in to three groups according to the degree of periodontitis , and the inflamed gingiva of all groups of diabetic patients were treated with the dried fruits powder (crude) of medicinal plants Quercus robur , Thuja occidenalis , Terminalia chebula, Anethum graveolens , respectively and mixture. Some immunological and antimicrobial factors (IgA, Lactoferrin , Lysozyme ) , were detected in serum and saliva of diabetic patients and the control

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 International Engineering Conference (iec)
Assessment of Specific Absorption Rate and Temperature in the Tumor Tissue Subjected to Plasmonic Bow-Tie Optical Nano-Antenna
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The problem and its manifestations with the modernists through the Iberissian systems in modern terminology (applied study): (Applied study)
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Islamic law has relied on a number of sources in order to denote the rulings issued by them, including what is original and what is sub, and it is known to all scholars, that the Prophet's Sunnah is the second major source after the Koran, which separated the overall and devoted its year and restricted absolute. God Almighty obeyed the owner and his followers, and that his obedience of obedience to God Almighty said: (Who obeys the messenger has obeyed God) (women: 80), and then between the peasant who believes in him and his victory and follow him, he said: (and he said: And the one who was revealed with them were the successful ones (al-A'raf: 157).
     It is known that the Sunnah commanded to follow is the

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Effects of Melatonin On The Oxidative Stress , Protein Glycation , Microalbuminuria and Lipid Profile In Type II Diabetes Mellitus
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Previous studies indicated that supplementation with antioxidants has a protective effects against oxidative stress–induced damage in type 2 diabetes. In this study we evaluated the antioxidant effects of melatonin on the oxidative stress parameters and microalbuminuria in type 2 DM patients. 30 patients with type 2 DM were treated with 3mg/day melatonin for 90 days. Erythrocytes and plasma MDA and glutathione, fasting plasma glucose, %HbAIC, microalbuminuria, total plasma protein and lipid profile were measured each 30 days and compared with those obtained from 20 healthy controls.

A decrease in MDA levels associated with the elevation in GSH levels were observed, compared with the pre–treatment levels.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Box- Jenkins Models to Predict the Number of Patients with Hypertension in Kalar
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    Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is widely used in many complex applications. Artificial neural network is a statistical intelligent technique resembling the characteristic of the human neural network.  The prediction of time series from the important topics in statistical sciences to assist administrations in the planning and make the accurate decisions, so the aim of this study is to analysis the monthly hypertension in Kalar for the period (January 2011- June 2018) by applying an autoregressive –integrated- moving average model  and artificial neural networks and choose the best and most efficient model for patients with hypertension in Kalar through the comparison between neural networks and Box- Je

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