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Theories of the structure of modern finance : practical application of pecking order theory and the life cycle of the company/analytical research of asmple of foreign companies
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 Is the subject of the financial structure of the most important topics for which she received the interests of scientific research in the field of financial management , as it emerged several theories about choosing a financial structure appropriate for the facility and behavior change funding them , and in spite of that there is no agreement on a specific theory answer various questions in this regard , and a special issue of the financial structure optimization.

The objective of the research was to identify the most important theories of the structure of modern financial theory has been to focus on the capture of financial firms in two different stages of their life cycle , so-called growth and maturity.

As demonstrated research variables in one variable independently , which represents the rate of sales growth as it turns variable adopted in the rate of growth in retained earnings , while the research community has been represented by (23) U.S. companies large and diverse activities listed in the fortune 500, has been using some statistical methods The task of calculating t) tabular (f t) calculated ( to see the strength of the association between the two variables and were used as well as (f spreadsheet ( and f) the calculated ( to see the degree of influence between the two variables .

The research has come to several conclusions was the most prominent of the existence of a variety of factors and hidden phenomenon that will affect the behavior followed by funding companies through the stages of their life cycle is the most important of these factors retained earnings . The most important recommendations that came out of the current research is to encourage companies to pay attention to the life cycle of established financial terms and define the behavior of financial companies followed at every stage

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposed method to estimate missing values in Non - Parametric multiple regression model
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In this paper, we will provide a proposed method to estimate missing values for the Explanatory variables for Non-Parametric Multiple Regression Model and compare it with the Imputation Arithmetic mean Method, The basis of the idea of this method was based on how to employ the causal relationship between the variables in finding an efficient estimate of the missing value, we rely on the use of the Kernel estimate by Nadaraya – Watson Estimator , and on Least Squared Cross Validation (LSCV) to estimate the Bandwidth, and we use the simulation study to compare between the two methods.


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ادوار إدارة المعرفة التنظيمية و رأس مال الزبون العلاقة والأثر/ دراسة تطبيقية على القطاع المصرفي الأهلي في محافظة النجف الاشرف
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يختبر البحث الحالي علاقة الأثر والارتباط بين إدارة المعرفة التنظيمية (المتمثلة قيادة المعرفة، تنظيم المعرفة، عمليات المعرفة، ثقافة المعرفة، تطبيق المعرفة، تقاسم المعرفة) ومتغير (رأس مال الزبون) في مجموعة من المصارف الأهلية في محافظة النجف إذ تمثلت مشكلة الدراسة بمدى دور إدارة المعرفة في هذه المصارف فضلاً عن الزبائن الذين يتعاملون معها، وقد استخدمت استمارة الاستبيان كأداة رئيسة لجمع البيانات إذ تم تو

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات دولية
الذكاء الاصطناعي والوجود الإنساني: قراءة فكرية في الابعاد الاجتماعية
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم السياسية
الرؤية الصينية للتقارب الأمريكي مع تايوان في إدارة الرئيس جو بايدن
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