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The Role of SMEs in Economic Development in Jordan: The Case of Al Hassan Industrial Estate
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This study aimed at highlighting the role of small and medium enterprises in bringing about economic development in Jordan. The study examined the impact of the number, size of investment and the number of jobs provided by these enterprises on the rate of growth in gross domestic product (GDP) as an indicator for economic development. To achieve its objectives, the study adopted descriptive and quantitative analysis. A linear multi regression model was developed with a growth rate of GDP as dependent variable and the number of institutions, size of investment, and the number of job opportunities as independent variables. The study concluded that each increase by one small or medium enterprise lead to an increase in the rate of growth of GDP by 0.46% , and each increase by one million dinars in the volume of investment in small and medium enterprises lead to an increase in the rate of output growth GDP by 0.23%  and every increase of one job opportunity in the small and medium enterprises lead to an increase in the rate of GDP growth by 0.04% . Finally, the study made ​​a set of recommendations in this area such as the need to provide adequate support for small and medium enterprises especially in the field of finance and the need to increase the size of the investment to enhance the economic development in Jordan.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Climate change and dust storms in Iraq / 'Baghdad', case study
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A dust storm in Iraq is a climatic phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions . The frequency of the occurrence has increased drastically in the last decade and it is increasing continuously .Baghdad city like the rest of Iraq is suffering from the significant increase in dust storms . In this research , the study of the phenomenon of dust storms for all types (Suspended dust , rising dust , dust storm) , and its relationship with some climate variables (Temperature , rainfall ,wind speed) .The statement of the impact of climate change on this phenomenon to Baghdad station  for the period (1981 – 2012) . Time series has been addressing the phenomenon of storms and cli

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Real estate acquisition barrier and its impact on urban development projects" Study Area: Infrastructure project in the capital Baghdad (North East Sewage Line project AL khansaa)
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The increase the rates of natural growth, urbanization and continuous migration, this has generated constant pressure and, as a result, the capital city of Baghdad faces a number of challenges related to its urban environment, including the challenge of acquiring real estate.


 and this research examines the impact of these holdings, representing the main base from which the various projects originate Urban in all areas (economic, social, and recreational).


this leads us to the research problem of the obstacles that arise during the process of acquiring real estate to carry out development projects, and to achieve the objectives of research, namely (work to create a regulatory methodology

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The effect of technology on achieving contemporary levels in the space of Arab Islamic architecture “Mosques is a case study”
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Arab-Islamic architecture has undergone a change at multiple levels affected by modern technology, so the research sought to address the role of contemporary technologies on a fundamental and fundamental component of architecture, which is the architectural space, what is known as the essence of architecture and its ultimate destination, with a focus on the architectural space in the architecture of the contemporary Arab Islamic mosque, because the mosque’s architecture is so important in Islamic law and the belief of the Muslim person himself, where the mosque is the functional style produced by the Islamic faith and embodied in it, whereas, knowing the levels of influence of contemporary technologies in the architectural spac

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Publication Date
Tue May 20 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Slum areas between reality and aspiration Towards sustainable environment Case stady”Um AL-warid”
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One of the most enduring expressions of urban poverty in developing countries is the proliferation of slums and informal settlements .these settlements have the most deplorable living and environmental conditions within the city and are characterized by inadequate water supply, squalid conditions of environmental sanitation .overcrowded and dilapidated habitation, hazardous location .insecure tenure and vulnerability to serious health risks among many others .its in recognition of the of the development challenges to significantly improve the lives of at least 800000 people allover the country So our objectives in this research are the ensuring of a durable improvement of housing conditions and housing environment of poor people

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
دور سهولة الوصول في تعزيز ابعاد التنمية الحضرية شارع الرشيد حالة دراسية
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Economics And Finance Studies
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The imperative of achieving financial stability has transcended national boundaries, necessitating heightened attention from both researchers and policymakers. Consequently, this article delves into an examination of the impact of government debt and public debt on financial development within the context of Iraq. The study employs monetary policy, interest rate, inflation, and population growth as control variables to prognosticate financial development. Utilizing data extracted from the World Development Indicators (WDI) spanning the period from 1995 to 2022, the study employs the dynamic autoregressive distributed lag (DARDL) approach to scrutinize the associations under investigation. The findings underscore a negative association betwe

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
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Bionic and its reflections in the design of industrial products
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The current research dealt with the development of sciences and arts over the course of human history, and the development of sciences with their natural and human trends are important areas in developing the knowledge and application base for industrial product design and design in its various fields. Bionic science is one of the sciences that works on applying biological methods and systems found in nature to study and design engineering systems and modern technology, and for industrial products to be highly efficient, durable and resistant to natural variables in daily life for use. The transfer of technology between life forms and industrial products is desirable because the processes of development at the level of science in general

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Knowledge Management in Small Project Management Afield Study in Oxygen Ahli Plant in Iraq
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       Most of the literature on the management and application terkzat waved the last period on large organizations was the negligence  of  knowledge management in small organizations where research aims to find out knowleddge management, small projects  In oxygen Ahli plant in Iraq, and the fact the role of knowledge management in small projects from the standpoint of employees in order to achieve this used production method results.  The results showed that knowledge management has a role in the high level of productivity during the years 2010-2013. The results showed that knowledge management has a role in the high level of productivity during the years 2

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of real estate investment projects with framework theory of real options: A case study in the shopping center project (Baghdad Mall)
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Focused research aims to provide a framework cognitive analytical nature of real estate investments and how they evaluated in the light of the assessment tools of modern theory of real options, and the possibility to rely on that theory in the detection of the true value of projects, real estate investments that would maximize the value of the investment decision taken, and the analysis of those projects that arise in the real estate markets and environments is the organization, which she was to make sure cases and high-risk, compared with entrances techniques, discounted cash flow (net present value). Based on the assumption lies in the possibility of the application of the implic

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Techno strategy of Information management in achieving administrative innovation : A case study in the college of Management and Economics / University of Kirkuk
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The present research aims to identify and define the basic dimensions of the information management strategy and the administrative creativity in the Faculty of Management and Economics / the University of Kirkuk, as well as the role played by the dimensions of the information technology management strategy in achieving the administrative innovation in the college and the research problem was formulated in several questions. The research problem was formulated in several questions centered on the correlation between the research variables, and the research was based on a major hypothesis and five sub-hypotheses emerged from which it was subjected to several tests to ensure its validity. The researcher used the descriptive-analyti

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