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The Role of SMEs in Economic Development in Jordan: The Case of Al Hassan Industrial Estate
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This study aimed at highlighting the role of small and medium enterprises in bringing about economic development in Jordan. The study examined the impact of the number, size of investment and the number of jobs provided by these enterprises on the rate of growth in gross domestic product (GDP) as an indicator for economic development. To achieve its objectives, the study adopted descriptive and quantitative analysis. A linear multi regression model was developed with a growth rate of GDP as dependent variable and the number of institutions, size of investment, and the number of job opportunities as independent variables. The study concluded that each increase by one small or medium enterprise lead to an increase in the rate of growth of GDP by 0.46% , and each increase by one million dinars in the volume of investment in small and medium enterprises lead to an increase in the rate of output growth GDP by 0.23%  and every increase of one job opportunity in the small and medium enterprises lead to an increase in the rate of GDP growth by 0.04% . Finally, the study made ​​a set of recommendations in this area such as the need to provide adequate support for small and medium enterprises especially in the field of finance and the need to increase the size of the investment to enhance the economic development in Jordan.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 20 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Calculate the Average Run Length (ARL) to Detect the Deviation in the Process A case Study in an Industrial Organization
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Statistical control charts are widely used in industry for process and measurement control . in this paper we study the use of markov chain approach in calculating the average run length (ARL) of cumulative sum (Cusum) control chart for defect the shifts in the mean of process , and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts for defect the shifts for process mean and , the standard deviation . Also ,we used the EWMA charts based on the logarithm of the sample variance for monitoring a process standard deviation when the observations (products are selected from al_mamun factory ) are identically and independently distributed (iid) from normal distribution in continuous manufacturing .

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of strategic management accounting and its impact on the competitive advantage in Jordanian industrial companies
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This study aimed to recognize and understand the concept of strategic management accounting (SMA) and how it's the effect on the competitive advantage for industrial companies in Jordan. The study's importance arises due to the lack of Arab studies that dealt with this topic, in addition to the important and vital role of strategic management accounting on companies that represent the artery of the decision-making process, and to identify the benefits associated with SMA technology. The necessary data were collected through the literature review and theoretical study of the references that relevant to the study subject, in addition to a questionnaire developed for this purpose, the study used (124) out of (250) questionnaires tha

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Supporting the Microfinance Industry In Iraq
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The Economist opinion (views) gathered on the great Importance’s of small enterprise on the production sectors at Developed or in developing countries, statistics indicate that these enterprise represent almost 90% of the total enterprises in most economies in the world.

Many of these enterprises have originated in Iraq since the beginning of last century and the question of financing these enterprises remained an issue facing the most of workers in this sector, because of the peculiarty of which are characterized by which as a lack of financial abilities and the difficulty of obtain the sources of financing in Iraq and considered the enterprise as the guarantor of fulfilling Financial obligations. Afte

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Flexible budgeting role in expenditure planning and control In industrial establishments
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The Study aims to show the role of Flexible Budget in planning and control The Factory over head.

The study consists four reaserchs the First introduction for the role of Budget in planning and control The second definition Flexible Badget the Third Factory overhed cost variances Analysis The four conclusions and recommendations.

The factory overhead cost represents great ratio from product cost so the management must planning and control on cost Through the year by the Budget of factory over head in the beginning of the year and determind overhead rater.


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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the Islamic Development Bank Group on Economic Capacity Building
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This paper reflects the evidence of the Islamic Development Bank's role in building human and institutional capacities in Member States and assisting governments in achieving economic development. The Bank's activities in the area of ​​capacity development are an important part in following up the economic developments, And help governments to build and formulate effective policies and institutions to implement more effective macro policies leading to better economic outcomes. It is therefore helpful to help Member States increase their resources, modernize their banking systems, establish effective legal frameworks and improve Reports on macroeconomic and financial statistics. The Bank has faced many challenges and risks tha

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard strategic performance management in public institutions of Jordan )An Empirical Study on the Social Security Corporation – Irbid(
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The goal of this research to identify a set of criteria that can be measured on the basis of which the effectiveness of the application of the Balanced Scorecard in the Jordanian Public Institutions in order to identify the basic requirements to ensure the application of balanced performance measures. The study population consisted of the staff of the Public Institution for Social Security - Irbid of directors of departments and heads of departments and administrative staff, was the use of a random sample of (50) an employee and the employee. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data, and as a result of subjecting these standards for the field test and the use of statistical analysis tools to the results of the study c

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Industrial Policy and Development in Developing Countries (The Proponents and the Opponents
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This paper aims to discuss and analyse the role and importance of implementing industrial Policy to promote industry and enhance economic development in developing countries. The paper discusses the economic justifications for using industrial policy as well as the criticisms leveled against it, for this purpose it analyses the ideas of two different approaches to industrial policy. The first held by the neo-liberals in the USA , who oppose the use of industrial policy and emphasise the role of the market in attaining economic development. The second, represented by many economists who support the use of industrial policy to promote industry and accelerate economic development, they justify their stand by pointing to the negative

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role Of The Industrial Bank Of Iraq In Developing The Industrial Sector
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The Industrial Banks in most countries in the world plays an essential and vital role in developing the industrial sector due to its effective importance in the economic and social development. The research aims to study the ability of the Industrial Bank of Iraq to the growth and development of the mixed industrial sector companies through loans granted to them. In addition, the research seeks to study credit policies pursued by the Industrial Bank of Iraq to finance the mixed industrial sector companies. The data of the research has been collected from the financial statements of the Industrial Banks of Iraq  for the period 2007-2011, and by means of questionnaire distributed to a sample of the mixed industrial sector companies in

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the Planning and Management of Services in Rural Areas, AL-Gharraf sub-district in Dhi Qar Governorate, a case study.
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         Bringing about urban, economic, and social changes in rural areas similar to those occurring in urban areas aims to reduce urban-rural disparities by providing services in those areas, decentralizing the management of these services, expanding citizen participation in local governance (decentralized administration), and achieving comprehensive development, developing and empowering localities, and keeping pace with new transformations and their impacts on the functions of the center and localities. In fact, the lack of clarity of the role of local government in planning and managing services has hindered development plans, and declined the level of services in rural areas, and has negative

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
City of Baghdad Analysis of the mechanisms of economic action in the development and development
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The economy of a city has an important role not only in its establishment but also in its development. This is quite clear in the city of Baghdad throughout its history since its building in 762 A.D. In addition, most of its problems that the city is suffering from are basically related to not giving enough importance to the economic factors in the master planning of Baghdad since 1950’s. This may explain the failiars of master plans in dealing with the actual population growth and the city's inability to absorb such increases and interrelated and diverse activities which are negatively reflected on the economic variables particularly the effect on the land values, and the strong competitions amongst the land uses without previ

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