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Strategic Risk's Variation as a function of Competitive Intelligence Investment - An applied research on some Iraqi's manufacturing Companies –



          The main aim of this research has been associated with the study of relationship between competitive intelligence and strategic risk, and to deduct their specific trends, which are interpreted as predicted by research hypotheses according to a review of literature including prior studies. The basic theme  of these hypotheses is related to the probability that declining levels of strategic risk and competitive positions of industrial companies is dependent upon the growing capacity to stay ahead of competitors in the market.

    A purposive non-random sample has selected consisting of (30) thirty Iraqi industrial joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange along a time horizon lasted (10) years (2003-2012). Variables were measured and analyzed, both financially and statistically, on the level of description and interpretation using the ordinal approach for building a probabilistic transition matrices towards estimating strategic risk levels. Moreover, a number of statistical tools has used for statistical description, interpretation and inference, which are measures of central tendency, dispersion, correlation and regression respectively.       

         The required mathematical analyses on companies' data and the four research's hypotheses have tested and conducted on the sample studied after being classified into three minor ones. Then, it has reached to many conclusions confirm research's hypotheses in their prediction on the ability of competitive intelligence, with the resulting investment returns, to interpret the varying levels of strategic risk. A number of recommendations have proposed initiating the need to monitor the movements of competitors and analyze their responses to customers in a dynamic environment. The research has also proposed a number of future works that may exceed the current determinants or being prepared on other designs as a continuous scientific investigation for studying interrelationships of phenomena.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the Critical Success Factors for Total Quality Management Applications (Compared research of many colleges)


This research aim to measure the critical success factors for total quality management applications, in order to know the key and important role played by these factors at applying the total quality management through a comparative study conducted in a number of a private colleges.

The research problem posed a set of questions, the most important ones are: Are the colleges (sample of research) aware of the critical success factors at applying the total quality management? What is the availability of the critical success factors at the work of the colleges (sample of research)? 

What are the critical success factors in the work of the researc

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Effect of an exercise program on physical-kinetic intelligence and the skills of dribbling and shooting in basketball among female students

The current research aimed to study the effect of an exercise program on physical-kinetic intelligence and the skills of dribbling and shooting in basketball among female students. The research community was composed of 102 female students in the second stage of the Physical Education and Sports Sciences College for Girls of Baghdad University, in the academic year 2021-2022. A total of 40 female students were the sample of the study: 20 female students in the control group and 20 female students in the experimental group. After the implementation of the exercise program, there were significant improvements from pre-tests to post tests in the two groups (control and experimental groups), in physical-kinetic intelligenc

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2022
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
A Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Model for Detecting Keratoconus

Machine learning models have recently provided great promise in diagnosis of several ophthalmic disorders, including keratoconus (KCN). Keratoconus, a noninflammatory ectatic corneal disorder characterized by progressive cornea thinning, is challenging to detect as signs may be subtle. Several machine learning models have been proposed to detect KCN, however most of the models are supervised and thus require large well-annotated data. This paper proposes a new unsupervised model to detect KCN, based on adapted flower pollination algorithm (FPA) and the k-means algorithm. We will evaluate the proposed models using corneal data collected from 5430 eyes at different stages of KCN severity (1520 healthy, 331 KCN1, 1319 KCN2, 1699 KCN3 a

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Publication Date
Sun May 22 2022
Journal Name
Change and Strategic Planning for Quality in Universities: An Analytical Study

This research aims to analyse the problem of organizations in general and universities in particular, in dealing with �quality subjects� in a world where these organizations face the risks of becoming side lined and possibly vanished without looking for solutions that allow them to move in an open arena where change becomes the key to those solutions. Change here must be strategic and planning must adopts a way for organizations to develop mechanisms to manage change itself. Management leaders play a central role in achieving the principle required to chart new trends for universities in dealing with quality as a strategy that allows excellence and competition in light of the success of the processes of change. Change through reengineer

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Improve operational performance by simulating the Holonic manufacturing system A case study at the rubber product plant in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf

The research aims to improve operational performance through the application of the Holonic Manufacturing System (HMS) in the rubber products factory in Najaf. The problem was diagnosed with the weakness of the manufacturing system in the factory to meet customers' demands on time within the available resources of machines and workers, which led to time delays of Processing and delivery, increased costs, and reduced flexibility in the factory, A case study methodology used to identify the reality of the manufacturing system and the actual operational performance in the factory. The simulation was used to represent the proposed (HMS) by using (Excel 2010) based on the actual data and calculate the operational performance measures

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 26 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
University youth attitudes towards mobile phone Companies advertisements in Social networking sites): :(Facebook as sample

The advertising has emerged as an effective force and an effective instrument upon with all organizations and companies depend on achieving their goals. In additional to the need to use promote sales, The nature and objective of advertising go beyond the scope of specific personal communication to a broader and more effective range for consumers from multiple groups and combination play need to use as well as the need to use means of communication than com convey the message more professional, The coincides with the rapid and remarkable development of all different media technologies and as much as possible social networking sites including mobile phone companies. The advertising has emerged as an effective force and an effective instrum

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of strategic approach in the effectiveness of small and medium Enterprises in Iraq

The purpose of this research highlight the achievement of the effectiveness of small and medium enterprises dimensions and conformable to analyze the relationship between business strategies and human resources management strategies , and launched search of a dilemma thought provoking fundamental questions revolve around the search is the lack of appropriate strategies in these enterprises to help them continuity and permanence in business and markets , as these enterprises lack the human resources management strategies appropriate , as well as business strategies that make them withstand the changes in the market environment is changing and volatile . It was to

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Transformational leadership and its role in organizational success An analytical study of the views of a sample of employees at the Faculty of Education, Samarra University

This research aims to know the role of transformational leadership in the organizational success of the College of Education at Samarra University. The researcher adopted the analytical descriptive method in analyzing the research problem. The research included two main hypotheses that resulted in four hypotheses that were subjected to statistical tests. A sample of (54) The researcher used the survey method as a main tool for collecting data and information as well as visits and structured interviews that took place during the period of application. The research reached a set of conclusions and recommendations among the conclusions that there is an art relationship There is a strong and moral impact between transformational lead

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
High Commitment Management and their Impact in Organizational Excellence Afield Research for opinions a sample of managers in the company general Alfurat for chemical industries \Babylon

In its theoretical framework, this study dealt with the subjects of high commitment management and organizational excellence, as the study came in response to the growing developments and changes in the fields of management. It includes an analysis of correlation and effect between high commitment management, which has been attracting a lot of attention recently due to the intensifying rivalry between organizations because of certain external factors like globalization and world markets liberation, and its effect in achieving organizational excellence.

The practical framework, on the other hand, dealt with the analysis of correlation and effect between the study's variables. The problem

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Content Analysis of Social Studies Book at the Secondary School in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Curricula System- Joint Program) in the Light of the Cultural Intelligence Dimensions

The study aimed at recognizing the availability of the cultural intelligence dimensions in social studies book at the high school in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (curricula system- joint program). The study used the descriptive approach and content analysis method. As tools of the study, the study adopted a list of cultural list of indicators and dimensions that suits the secondary stage social curricula. It further adopted a content analysis form designed to analyze the social studies book in the secondary school in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study has reached several results, the most significant results were: There is a difference in including the cultural intelligence dimensions in social studies book at high school in the kingd

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