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Multi-objectives probabilistic Aggregate production planning with practical application
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In this research, has been to building a multi objective Stochastic Aggregate Production Planning model for General al Mansour company Data with Stochastic  demand under changing of market and uncertainty environment in aim to draw strong production plans.  The analysis to derive insights on management issues regular and extra labour costs and the costs of maintaining inventories and good policy choice under the influence medium and optimistic adoption of the model of random has adoption form and had adopted two objective functions total cost function (the core) and income and function for a random template priority compared with fixed forms with objective function and the results showed that the model of two phases with  k = 4 is the best model of random which contributed to reducing costs by approximately 7%. It was also a statement that the change in the total costs will be changed by the possibilities associated with cases predicted demand (scenarios) where we note the low cost and with a high probability of low demand. In contrast, the total cost increases with increasing demand. Because the change in the possibilities leads to change in the Production plan for future. As well as the building and solving model multi-objectives by constraint method improved (augmented) and the results were derived a set of acceptable solutions rather than a single solution and thus can be a decision-maker to choose the best solution for the specific case of the optimization problem of multiple objectives, was Form solution using the developed software GAMS

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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Impact of the Method of Dealing with the Product of Wars in the Continuity of the Crisis Wars. Beirut city as an Example
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This research investigates the subject of the impact of wars (as a manifestation of crisis) on architecture, and the extent of continuing wars physical and moral results of wars, even after the end of the cause of the crisis. The impact of different rebuilding which exposed to the effects of the war seems different in crisis regions.

The problem of research is about the uncertainty of the impact of the way chooses for reconstructing the buildings after wars in the continuity of the crisis of war. The goals of this research are to clarify the influence of methods of reconstruction of buildings in a city chosen which is Beirut, on the continuation of the war crisis with the argument of demolishing and rebuilding newly or keeping tr

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Lab-On-a-Chip an integrated microfluidic device sensitive low-Cost, and Rapid with a syringe pump for Analysis of Ibuprofen
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Abstract: Microfluidic devices present unique advantages for the development of efficient drug assay and screening. The microfluidic platforms might offer a more rapid and cost-effective alternative. Fluids are confined in devices that have a significant dimension on the micrometer scale. Due to this extreme confinement, the volumes used for drug assays are tiny (milliliters to femtoliters).

 In this research, a microfluidic chip consists of micro-channels carved on substrate materials built by using Acrylic (Polymethyl Methacrylate, PMMA) chip was designed using a Carbon Dioxide (CO2) laser machine. The CO2 parameters have influence on the width, depth, roughness of the chip. In order to have regular

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Lack of Association between LCS6 Variant in KRAS Gene with the Occurrence of Breast Tumors in Iraqi Women
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Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and remains one of the main reasons of cancer-related mortality in women worldwide. KRAS variant rs61764370 (T>G) is associated with an increased risk of occurrence of many cancers, Here The case-control study was accomplished on 135 women including 45 women with breast cancer patients, 45 women with benign breast lesions and 45 healthy women to analyze the association of KRAS variant rs (61764370 T>G) with breast cancer. LCS 6 variant in KRAS gene was amplified by using specific primers, then genotype was detected after sequencing the PCR products. The results showed that the genotype and allele frequency of TT and GT allele of  KRAS

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of 16S rRNA Methylases and Co-Resistance with β-lactams among Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates from Iraqi Patients
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Out of 150 clinical samples, 50 isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae were identified according to morphological and biochemical properties. These isolates were collected from different clinical samples, including 15 (30%) urine, 12 (24%) blood, 9 (18%) sputum, 9 (18%) wound, and 5 (10%) burn. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) assay revealed that 25 (50%) of isolates were resistant to gentamicin (≥16µg/ml), 22 (44%) of isolates were resistant to amikacin (≥64 µg/ml), 21 (42%) of isolates were resistant to ertapenem (≥8 µg/ml), 18 (36%) of isolates were resistant to imipenem (4- ≥16µg/ml), 43 (86%) of isolates were resistant to ceftriaxone (4- ≥64 µg/ml), 42 (84%) of isolates were resistant to ceftazidime (1

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Plasma Spectroscopy Diagnostics of V2O5 at a Variable of Operating Power and Pressure With Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering.
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   In this paper, we investigate the basic characteristics of "magnetron sputtering plasma" using the target V2O5. The "magnetron sputtering plasma" is produced using "radio frequency (RF)" power supply and Argon gas. The intensity of the light emission from atoms and radicals in the plasma measured by using "optical emission spectrophotometer", and the appeared peaks in all patterns match the standard lines from NIST database and employed are to estimate the plasma parameters, of computes electron temperature and the electrons density. The characteristics of V2O5 sputtering plasma at multiple discharge provisos are studied at the "radio frequency" (RF) power ranging from 75 - 150 Wat

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison between the empirical bayes method with moments method to estimate the affiliation parameter in the clinical trials using simulation
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In this research the Empirical Bayes method is used to Estimate the affiliation parameter in the clinical trials and then we compare this with the Moment Estimates for this parameter using Monte Carlo stimulation , we assumed that the distribution of the observation is binomial distribution while the distribution with the unknown random parameters is beta distribution ,finally we conclude that the Empirical bayes method for the random affiliation parameter is efficient using Mean Squares Error (MSE) and for different Sample size .

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solving the Multi-criteria, Total Completion Time, Total Earliness Time, and Maximum Tardiness Problem
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Machine scheduling problems (MSP) are     considered as one of the most important classes of combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, the problem of job scheduling on a single machine is studied to minimize the multiobjective and multiobjective objective function. This objective function is: total completion time, total lead time and maximum tardiness time, respectively, which are formulated as  are formulated. In this study, a mathematical model is created to solve the research problem. This problem can be divided into several sub-problems and simple algorithms have been found to find the solutions to these sub-problems and compare them with efficient solutions. For this problem, some rules that provide efficient solutio

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Network Self-Fault Management Based on Multi-Intelligent Agents and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
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This paper proposed a new method for network self-fault management (NSFM) based on two technologies: intelligent agent to automate fault management tasks, and Windows Management Instrumentations (WMI) to identify the fault faster when resources are independent (different type of devices). The proposed network self-fault management reduced the load of network traffic by reducing the request and response between the server and client, which achieves less downtime for each node in state of fault occurring in the client. The performance of the proposed system is measured by three measures: efficiency, availability, and reliability. A high efficiency average is obtained depending on the faults occurred in the system which reaches to

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Effect of Multi Wall Carbon Nanotubes on Some Physical Properties of Epoxy Matrix
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 12 2014
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
A Multi-objective Disjoint Set Covers for Reliable Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks
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