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Evaluation the performance efficiency of the Public Manufacturing Sector in Iraq for the Period (2000-2009)
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The industrial production sector has an important role in the national economy of the advanced countries as well as the developing ones to get higher levels for their economy . We in Iraq , just like most of the develpoing countries , our economy still suffers of great shortage in this active sector in spite of the repeated statements about the desire of activating the contribution of this sector in the national economy . The industrial sector in Iraq suffers in general of many problems , especially the public industrial sector (manufacturing) . These problems have been  existed because of the unnatural conditions that Iraq has passed during the previous decades especially in the political and security sides . which reflected negatively on all sectors of the economy including the public industrial sector . The other factor is the policy followed by the administrative and economical parties in charge of this sector that have been responsible of depriving this sector of working in a competitive atmosphere . This situation has become worse after 2003 because of the illogical procedures used by  economical managements with manufacturing sector in Iraq . This weakens the activity of these industries and weakens their production and adds to their inability  to compete in the local market .

We attempt through this research to answer the following question

" Can the public industrial sector manage the sector of industry in Iraq as a leading sector?" . The objective of the study is showing the reality of  the manufacturing in the public industrial sector in Iraq for the period (2000-2009) concentrating on the period after 2003 .

We conclude that there is a necessity to give the private sector the chance to enter as a partner in managing and financing the manufacturing in the public industrial sector in Iraq in a graduate way . This has an importance in rising the efficiency of the performance of industrial companies and increasing their productivity. In addition to that, decreasing the financial burdens on the government, and ending most of the problems that the economical companies face . The most important problems are the weakness of Administration and corruption.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Solve the fuzzy Assignment problem by using the Labeling method
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The Assignment model is a mathematical model that aims to express a real problem facing factories and companies which is characterized by the guarantee of its activity in order to make the appropriate decision to get the best allocation of machines or jobs or workers on machines in order to increase efficiency or profits to the highest possible level or reduce costs or time To the extent possible, and in this research has been using the method of labeling to solve the problem of the fuzzy assignment of real data has been approved by the tire factory Diwaniya, where the data included two factors are the factors of efficiency and cost, and was solved manually by a number of iterations until reaching the optimization solution,

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The builds and functional relations Between the peopolitics and strategy
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The geopolities considering as build from the basies builds of the polities
geography, participating in appointing the military geography, and submit to it
geo-polities purveyed, playing important role to appointing the builds relations
between the high strategy and the military strategy, while the foreign polities of
the state, which considering as a tool for the state outside it environment and
borders playing the role of the performance and the functional works to the
peaceful or hostile reaction according to the geopolities purveyed which
participating in amassing the recourse for the economical, political, social,
military and technology strategies and activating it to achieving the state interests
and obj

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The rule (The inference is not invalidated by its like)
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In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Research Summary

This rule is one of the common rules between the sciences of the principles of jurisprudence and the jurisprudence rules. It is originally a fundamental rule because it relates to one of the topics of the science of the principles of jurisprudence, which is ijtihad. The ruling on reversing his ijtihad is permissible or not (1), and for this reason Ibn Al-Subki titled it in his book Al-Ishbah wa Al-Nazaer by saying: “What invalidates the judge’s judgment and what does not invalidate it.” ([2]).

The importance of this rule comes from the need for it by the judge, the mufti and the imitator, for the judge needs it to know the matters in which the ruling base

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Enhancing Gas Sensing Performance of TiO2-ZnO nanostructures: Effect of ZnO Concentration
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Gas sensors based on titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocomposites are considered energy-saving devices that are utilized to find dangerous or harmful gases in an environment. The performance of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) gas sensors have been improved by spin-coating a TiO2 and TiO2:ZnO nanocomposite with varying concentrations (90TiO2:10ZnO, 70TiO2:30ZnO, and 50TiO2:50ZnO). To correlate structural properties with gas-sensing behavior, structural and morphological characterization has been done using FESEM, XRD, and EDX.  Without any ZnO-specific crystalline phase, TiO2

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering & Technology
Effect of Steel Fiber on Properties of High Performance No-Fine Concrete
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No-fine concrete (NFC) is cellular concrete and it’s light weight concrete produced with the exclusion of sand from the concrete. This study includes the mechanical properties of lightweight reinforced by steel fiber, containing different proportions of steel fiber. This study was done using number of tests. These tests were density, compressive strength, flexural strength and absorption. These tests of the molds at different curing time. The results of tests that implication of fiber to No. fine concrete did not affect significantly on the compressive strength, While the flexural strength were gets better. Results explained that, the flexural strength of (1%) fiber No- fine concrete molds are four times that of the reference mold

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Kerosene and Gasoline on Some Properties of High Performance Concrete
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During the last quarter century, many changes have taken place in the tanks industry and also in the materials that used in its production، while concrete is the most suitable material where concrete tanks has the benefits of strength, long service life and cost effectiveness. So, it is necessary improvement the
conventional concrete in order to adapt the severe environment requirements and as a result high
performance concrete (HPC) was used. It is not fundamentally different from the concrete used in the past, although it usually contains fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag and silica fume, as well as
superplasticizer. So, the content of cementitious material is high and the water/cement ratio is low. In this

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Reasons for Lying in Kindergarten Children from the Kindergarten Teachers’ Point of View: A Comparative Study between Males and Females: سجلاء فائق هاشم , كلثوم عبد عون ردام
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Lying is considered a dangerous tendency among children if it has become a habit. It results in many social problems, such as child’s loss of confidence, lack of others’ respect to him, and his lack of respect to the desired values ​​of the society, such as honesty and trust. Consequently, he will be led to a deviation when he becomes old; especially if the child’s socially unaccepted behavior has not been directed. The research, thus, aims to examine the causes of lying in the most important stage of children’s life; that is, between (4-6) years. Such an aim helps to know about the individual reasons of lying among males and females from teachers’ perspectives. To meet the objective of the study, a number of (128) children

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
GC/MS analysis of terpenes of Boswellia serrata resin found in Iraq
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Objective: The aim of this work was to detect terpenes other than boswellic acid derivatives in olibanum of Boswellia Serrata found in Iraq. Methods: The olibanum of Boswellia Serrata was macerated in methanol for one day, then filtration. Filter at was concentrated till reddish brown syrupy residue was gained, (3%) potassium hydroxide was added till basification. This basic solution was stirred continuously until a uniform emulsion was formed, then extracted with chloroform in a separatory funnel; the chloroform fraction was analyzed by GC /MS spectrometry. Results: GC /MS analysis reveal the presence of terpenes and non-terpenes constituents. Conclusion: Most of the detected terpenes were sesquiterpenes and the least one was di-terpenes.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Ecological and Geographical distribution of species and genera of Primulaceae in Iraq
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The present research deal with ecological and geographical distribution of species and genera of Primulaceae in Iraq. The results were revealed that species distributed in the north , north-east and west of Iraq. Anagallis arvensis L. is the most prevalent species tolerant to different environmental conditions, while the species of Primula L. characterized as less widespread and limited in one District. In addition, the districts Rawanduz (MRO) and Sulaymaniyah (MSU) have ranked first in distribution of the species on geographical districts with (75%), while the districts southern desert (DSD) and Basra (LBA) in last place with (16.7%). Maps for geographical distribution for all species were illustrated.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of social phobia upon self-esteem of nursing collegians' in Iraq
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Objective(s): The aim of this study is to assess the impact of social phobia upon self-esteem of nursing
Methodology: A Cross-sectional study is carried out at University of Baghdad, Karkuk, Thi-Qar, and Kufa,
colleges of nursing from Feb 8
, 2011 to Sep. 25th, 2011. A sample of all first class nursing collegians (N=330)
were selected from a probability sample of nursing colleges by dividing Iraq to three geographical areas (South,
North, and Middle Euphrates) in addition to Baghdad. The data were collected through the use of selfadministered
technique as a mean for data collection, by using a questionnaire that consists of three parts:
First part was the socio-demographic data form; the second o

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