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Analysis of the Causal Relationship Long-and Short-term Between the Price of Crude Oil, the Global Price of Gold and the US. Dollar Exchange Rate

This research aims to test the causal relationship long-and short-run between the price of gold the global crude oil price and the exchange rate of the dollar and how you can take advantage of the nature of this relationship, particularly in the Arab oil states that achieve huge surpluses, including Iraq and how to keep on the purchasing power of these surpluses or reduce the levels of risk.

The problem is that the Arab oil countries, adversely affected, as a result of that relationship, due to the fact that its role confined to the sale of crude oil only. They do not have control in the dollar, then they are not able to take advantage of its impact on the price of gold the fact that gold is effective protection against fluctuations in the U.S. dollar

Model was used Vectors Error Correction Model VECM) to test the causal relationship long-term and short-term between the price of gold the global crude oil price and the dollar exchange rate, using daily data for 86 observations for the period from  1 jan  2013 until 27 march 2013

The results showed that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between both the global price of gold and the dollar exchange rate with the price of crude oil. The study also shows that the price of crude oil in the short term have  positive relationship with  the price of gold, and have negative relationship with the  exchange rate of dollar   according to the  results  of Wald Test.

When taken The outcome of those the inter relationship between oil and gold, producing Arab states find themselves forced to bear the losses resulting from the relationship between the dollar and oil gold.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 28 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Mineralogical and Geochemical analysis of the sediments surrounding the Main Drain Area, Middle of Iraq

Fifty five surface and subsurface soil samples were taken from the area between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers along the Main Drain course from north Baghdad to Basrah to evaluate the geochemical, physical characteristics and the probability contamination of these samples. The study area is covered by Quaternary sediments of complex alternation of sand, silt and clay. Significant variation in the textural content of the present soils is observed, where the northern and southern parts are characterized by silt predominance, while sand is prevailing in the central parts as a result of the extensive spreading of aeolian deposits represented mostly by sand dunes. Mineralogical analysis explains wide variations in the heavy minerals distribution

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 03 2025
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Sports Sciences
The motivational characteristic and its relationship to the performance of the court defense skill among Baghdad University volleyball team players

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
U.S. occupation of Iraq and its relationship to the psychological and political culture and social among university students

The culture of the daily necessities of life of the individual in any society, whether advanced or simple, and the concept of multiple aspects of culture, including what is culture and education there holds that art is culture, and there are those who are classified according to human societies .. Some also go to it is not related to the study and learning .. And has been Iraq as a symbol of Arab culture, but they declined because of what passed by political crises and social in its modern history, and aims Current search to study culture psychological, political and social among the students of the university after the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the researcher prepared a questionnaire and after hold the appropriate statistical met

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Study of Heating Effect on the Structural and Optical Absorbance of Olive Oil

     In this study, the number of times of heating of olive oil was studied. For the different refineries, the study was conducted using a temperature of 300K and for several times to determine the validity of the olive oil which is used for frying purposes after it was used for more than once times. It was found that there were significant changes in the behavior of the photophysical behavior like absorption and emission; there are changes in the nature and composition of the olive oil molecule, which makes it not useful for human use. The number of heating times was ten. The heating times also showed significant changes in the nature of the oil, such as color, taste, density, and smell.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis with Histopathology as Gold Standard

Background: Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical abdominal emergency with a life time prevalence of 1 to 7 individuals. Because the clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis remains a challenge to surgeons, so different aids were introduced like different scoring systems, computer aided programs, ultrasonography, computerized tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Gastrointestinal tract contrast studies and laparoscopy to improve the diagnostic accuracy.

Objective: To evaluate ultrasound in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in those patients clinically diagnosed with histopathology as gold standard.

Methods: A cross sectional study carried in Al-kindy Teaching

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Influence of Gold Concentration on the Main Detection Parameters of Ge-Au Photoconductive Detector

Ge-Au infrared photoconductive detection was prepared from germanium single crystal which were doped with different gold concentration using thermal evaporation. The spectral resonsivity (Rλ), spectral detectivity (D*) were determined as function of wavelength, also the resistance, conductivity in dark and with illumination to infrared radiation, the gain and relative photo response have been measured with different gold concentration. Remarkable improvements in the photoresponse gain were observed for the highest resistance specimen at the expense of spectral detectivity values.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 04 2020
Journal Name
Nternational Journal Of Plasma Environmental Science And Technology (ijpest)
Use of cold plasma in the synthesis of gold nanomaterials for parasitic leishmaniasis treatment

The atmospheric air cold plasma has been used to manufacture gold nanomaterials for treating parasitic leishmaniasis. This study experimentally assessed the treatment of Leishmania parasites (L. donovani and L. tropica) by gold nanoparticles. Specifically, atmospheric pressure nonthermal plasma was generated using different diameters (1.0, 2.8, 3.8 and 4.3 mm) of high voltage electrode. Aqueous gold tetrachloride salts (HAuCl4·4H2O) were used as precursor to produce gold nanoparticles. UV-vis spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction were conducted for characterization of the nanoparticles. The optimum condition (a diameter of 1 mm) was chosen to prepare gold nanoparticles, where the grain size was found to be 17 nm. Accordingly, the nanoparticle

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analysis of the Inconsistent Structural-Semantic Aspects in the Plays of A.N. Ostrovsky: Несогласованные Определения В Пьесах А.Н. Островского: Структурно-Семантический Аспект

     The study aims at analyzing the inconsistent structural and semantic aspects found in the plays of N.A Ostrovsky. The analysis, that includes all the linguistics schools of thoughts in modern Russian language, is performed chronologically to clarify all the ambiguities that the Russian language learners may face. Such difficulties lie in the use of inconsistent aspects with complete declarative sentences and adverbial clauses. Hence, it constructs a new sentence category that consists of secondary clause and its syncretism semantic.

     The study illustrates the wide scope of both studying the sentence inconsistent

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of International Society Of Preventive And Community Dentistry
The impact of dental environment stress on dentition status, salivary nitric oxide and flow rate

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The impact of dental environment stress on caries experience, salivary flow rate and uric acid

Background: Several pathologies of the oral cavity have been associated with stress. Dental students need to gain assorted proficiencies as theoretical knowledge, clinical proficiencies, and interpersonal dexterity which is accompanied with high level of stress. Uric acid is the major antioxidant in saliva. The aim of this study is to assess the dental caries experience among dental students with different levels of dental environment stress in relation to physicochemical characteristics of whole unstimulated saliva.

Materials and Methods: the total sample is composed of 300 dental students (73 males, 227 female) aged 22-23 years old, from collage of dentistry / university of Baghdad, from the 4t

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