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The Committed of the Auditors for the Procedures of Environmental audits (An Exploratory Study of a sample of auditing offices in Iraq)
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At the beginning of the nineties increased responsibility of the auditor to the community as the demand for auditing the environmental performance for the economic units in addition to audit the financial performance. With the aim of preserving the environment and reducing the damagse as  aresult of the negative effects of the activities of these units.

The researh deal with two sides the first one identifies the theoretical framework of the concept of environmental audits, requirements, methods, types of procedures, and duties of  the auditor in conducting  environmental audits. It also deals with the concept of the environmental report and the elements  that should be included in the report itself, as well as the role of local and  international organizations in practicing the environmental auditing.

 The second side has tested the research hypotheses by preparing a questionnair distributed to a sample of the study community ,which included auditing offices . The questionnaire contains two sides, the first one is to test the reality of the application of auditing offices for the concept of environmental audits, extent of their commitment to environmental audit procedure recently .The second to test the commitment of the auditing offices in Iraq to the environmental  audit procedures to protect the environmental in the future. It includes three axis (environmental compliance test,the test of laboratory technical testing, financial and environmental analysis). The results were analyzed using the( SPSS ) statistical program, the study concluded that the auditing offices in Iraq does not currently commit to the environmental audit procedures. It also concluded that the commitment of auditing offices to the environmental  procedures in Iraq in the future will  contribute in protecting environment. Also The study also recommended the need for state intervention to issue laws and regulations relating environmental audit, and to put bases for granting Iraq Vocational certification that enable the auditor to conduct environmental audit profession.


Key wards: Environmental Audit , Enviro

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L`image du héros romantique dans: Un Barrage Contre Le Pacifique et L`Amant
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Dans le roman moderne, le type du héros est depuis longtemps devenu suspect.  Il risque même de disparaitre dans ce qu´on désigne le Nouveau Roman qui, se concentrant plutôt sur les objets, décrits minutieusement, refuse la fonction épistémologique traditionnelle de la littérature. Cette conception se manifeste, sur le plan formel, par certains traits typiques, comme la relativisation des points de vue, la décomposition de l´action, la destruction du temps, la décomposition de l´espace et la désintégration du personnage romanesque dont les liens avec la société sont coupés.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 22 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الجوانب الإنسانية في حياة الرسول الكريم محمد )صلى الله عليه وسلم(
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نجدّ القرآن الكريم والحديث النبوي الشري يقدمان أر ى ميامين لمقيم الداعية
إلى إ امة مجتمع متماسك البنيان

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 04 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الهجرة الهجرة العلمية في عهد الدولة الرسولية (626-858هـ / 1228-1454م)
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The scientific abandonment of the most important places of education and science in the Happy Yemen, which Manfred them from the rest of the Islamic Alomassar such kind of places Education existence, has contributed to a variety of factors paved the way for the emergence and originated scientific migration in the (fifth century AH / atheist century AD), and was in the forefront divisions witnessed by the Zaidi sect to if divided into three teams are (Almpartyah and inventor and Husseiniya) Because of differences doctrinal debates Pima including a heated end the fighting of the conflict between the parties,

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
توظيف توظيف التراث في المونودراما المسرحية (نصوص د. علي حداد أنموذجاً)
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Arabic humanity heritage had considered as a treasure of artistic, literary aspects, which is full of energies to embody investment by suitable historical ideology.

Theatre, art can be used, corresponded to make special essay reflecting a desire to establish cultural notification.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Vue sur la technique de point de vue dans le ROUGE ET LE NOIR de Stendhal
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It is axiomatical that the narrative prospective is profoundly significant to the writer who intends to commence his sketch of projected novel. It is the pillar of comprehensive absorbing as the writer should commit himself to circular his own concepts to the reader of his narrative characters.                                

   The dilemma of plot-perception is a twofold aspect; partly offers the question: what is the authors stand in regard to his characters? And: what is the aim of this theme? These correlative questions are inseparable since the reader who wishes

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
LA LITTÉRATURE RÉDUCTIBLE Analyse critique de l’exploitation du texte littéraire dans Le « Mauger Bleu »
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            LeMauger Bleu est une méthode emblématique de l’enseignement traditionnel, qui présente une littérature française riche et patrimoniale, et dont l’objectif est de faciliter l’accès au texte par le vocabulaire et la grammaire et d’étendre la culture générale et littéraire de l’apprenant. La démarche (traditionnelle) est toujours la même : le texte, le vocabulaire et la grammaire, la traduct

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
الشخصیة النرجسیة وعلاقتھا بالسلوك الایثاري لدى الطلبة المتمیزین في ثانویات المتمیزین
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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between narcissistic
personality and altruistic behavior for a subject of (307) gifted high schools
students, including (139)male and (168) female students ,both the scale of
narcissistic personality and the scale of altruistic behavior (Hameed ,2002) were
checked for its validity and reliability ,and both the level of narcissism and the
level of altruism for the students were measured in compare to the medium average
and approved to be statistically significant at (0.05) level.
Results showed that there were no significant differences in the altruistic
behavior between males and females ,results showed significant differences in
narcissism levels between males a

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 29 2023
Journal Name
حوليات اداب عين شمس
مقارنات اشتقاقية بين العبرية و العربية والارامية في عمل سعديا جاؤون
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
استخدام استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في الدراسات الاثارية ( تنقيبات جامعة الموصل).
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GIS is characterized by great potentialeties to deal with huge geographical data and conclude what is necessary for it. It was very useful to get use of the potentialities of this system of GIS in the field of archaeology and to harvest very accurate results in a relatively short time, compared to the old archaeological methods.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 27 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المقومات السكانية والاقتصادية للمجتمع واثرها في تاريخ بغداد المعاصر 1940-1960م
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       Our research, entitled(Population and economic determinants of society and its impact in the history of contemporary Baghdad 1940-1960), dealt with a number of historical facts and events of the social, demographic and economic

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