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Research includes three axes, the first is the average estimate time of achievement (day) to work oversight, to five supervisory departments in the Office of Financial Supervision Federal and then choose the three control outputs and at the level of each of the five departments above, and after analyzing the data statistically back to us that the distribution of the times of achievement It is the exponential distribution (Exponential Distribution) a parameter (q), and the distribution of normal (Normal Distribution) with two parameters (μ, σ2), and introduced four methods of parameter estimation (q) as well as four modalities parameter to estimate (μ) consistently (σ2), it was estimated average completion time for each of the (q) and (μ), and is considered each random variable has the distribution of initial potential is a function of the average number of sergeants (C), was a comparison between these modalities advantage in the practical side through simulation method using the Monte Carlo method ( Monte Carlo), and a number of users is important statistical measure of the experiences of the average error boxes (MSE) (Mean Square Error), it was in general to reach a good estimate (which has the lowest value of the average error boxes (MSE)) for each type of the three outputs regulatory and the level of all sizes samples (departments subject to regulatory scrutiny PET), and this is the estimated average is the optimum time for the completion of each type of audit reports and the corresponding optimal number of sergeants to accomplish this report.

The second axis of research is planning to set a timetable for the completion of outputs control for the year 2009, as the table's goal is planning the completion of types of audit reports to chapters of the annual plan, and access to the optimum number for the completion of each type of reports as well as the regulatory power optimum (h / Sergeant) in order to be deviation ratios for the completion of the regulatory reporting less as possible by using linear programming, and after the implementation of the models on the program (TORA2006) reached an optimum number to complete the audit reports of various kinds, and each department of supervisory departments, according to the available resources as well as potential regulatory optimum (h / Sergeant) per season .

Finally, the third axis, which included the proposal forms to improve the audit work, the first was (AWP circuits regulatory form for the period from 1/1/2009 until 31/12/2009), and the second (plan and follow up the inputs and outputs of the completion of audit work on the regulatory departments and bodies of the level of form ), which serves as compensation for five types of questionnaires prepared by the Department of Planning and Follow-up in the Office of Financial Supervision.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Updating the uniform accounting system in Iraq for installment sales transactions framework
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Due to the intensity of competition between economic units that run the trade in durable goods had to pay a lot of these companies to follow the new selling methods aimed at attracting customers to be able to increase its sales and thereby increase their profits ,  these methods are installment sales, which had been in great demand by the customers with limited income, who provides them with the possibility of possession and use of such goods and to postpone the full amount of the payment to the seller, This transaction sales have grown even became installment sales system at the present time of the common types of sales transactions and deployed a lot in our environment and in many sectors of the market, and in some cases m

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Imam Al-Zayla'i's Tracks on Imam Mardini   In his Banner Monument
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The study of these selected traces shows that what Imam Mardini did on Imam al-Zayla'i and enabled him to graduate the hadiths of the book (guidance and conclusions) as well as in choosing the novel closest to Murad the work and not as described by al-Zayla'i .... never deserves descriptions.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating Training Programs According to model Kirkpatrick / field research in the Health Maysan Directorate .
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This present paper aim at knowing  the process of evaluating the training program that could be applied  in Maysan Health office  for it significance and importance in field of management and vocational staff  preparations  of high  scientific experience in different fields of  Health.  The society of research includes staffs  working in Maysan Health Office  , of specialists ,  dentists, pharmacists, laboratories, nursing  and administrators. Their number is 100 employees, the researcher has designed questionnaire by depending on "Kirkpatrick"  for assessing  the training . The researcher has used   thorough survey and has entailed 90 questionnaire,

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 22 2016
Journal Name
Gene Therapy
Co-delivery of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase prevents loss of expression of an antigenic transgene in dystrophic mouse muscles
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 29 2021
Journal Name
Frontiers In Immunology
The Ability of AhR Ligands to Attenuate Delayed Type Hypersensitivity Reaction Is Associated With Alterations in the Gut Microbiota
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Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor that regulates T cell function. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of AhR ligands, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), and 6-Formylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole (FICZ), on gut-associated microbiota and T cell responses during delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction induced by methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) in a mouse model. Mice with DTH showed significant changes in gut microbiota including an increased abundance of Bacteroidetes and decreased Firmicutes at the phylum level. Also, there was a decrease in Clostridium cluster XIV and IV, which promo

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using of Some Aqueous Plant Extracts in TreatIng the Gold Fishes, Carassius auratus Infected With the Fungus,Saprolegnia sp
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 The gold fishes, Carasusius auratus infected with the fungus, Saprolegnia sp. were treated with different concentrations of Aqueous extracts of coriander , Coriandrun sativum seeds and Henna, Lawsonia inermis leaves by applying the dip method in a water bath for five minutes. The total killing of these fungi was achieved by using 30 % of the C. sativum seeds from Aqueous extract and 40 % of the L. inermis leaves from Aqueous extract.   Changes in behaviors of treated fishes, were increased with the increasing concentration for plant extract of C. sativum seeds. It was observed excitation of fishes , crushing with aquaria sides, jumping outside of aquaria, as well as increasing the number opercula movements . While in case

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Creativity in the Draping on the mannequin of Young Girls Victorian Fashion between 1860-1890: نجلاء إبراهيم بن حمدان
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The history of civilizations in the past centuries is a rich source for creativity and inspiration in all areas of art and design, especially in the field of fashion design. Many designers draw their designs from previous eras; which is the aim of this research as we propose designing fashion the mannequin for the category of young girls aged between (10-18). The costumes were inspired by Victorian women's costumes during the time period (1860-1890) and were subdivided into three time periods (1860-1870), (1870-1880), (1880-1890) forming three designs for each time period , analyzing the nine designs to achieve the creative , functional and aesthetic aspects that are appropriate for the age group (research sample). The importance of the

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Suggested Model for Using a Students Attendance Management Information Systems/ A Case Study In Lebanese French University/ Erbil
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This study aims to design unified  electronic information system to manage students attendance in Lebanese French university/Erbil, as a system that simplifies the process of entering and counting the students absence, and generate absence reports to expel students who passed  the acceptable limit of being absent, and by that we can replace the traditional way of  using papers to count absence,  with  a complete electronically system for managing students attendance, in a way that makes the results accurate and unchangeable by the students.

            In order to achieve the study's objectives, we designed an information syst

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
بررسيترجمه‌آيات مشابه در قرآن کريم (با توجه به ترجمه غلامعلي حداد عادل) Translation of the same verses of the Holy Quran
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در قرآن کريم آياتي وجود دارد که يک يا چند بار به صورت کاملا مشابه در يک سوره و يا چند سوره، تکرار شده است. يکي از مسائل مهم در ترجمه قرآن کريم، ترجمه اين‌گونه آيات است، از آنجا که مشابه بودن اين آيات از روي حکمت الهي است، مترجمان نيز بايد در ترجمه خود اين مسأله را رعايت کرده و براي آيات مشابه ترجمه‌اييکسان ارائه کنند. از طرفي ممکن است تفاوت در ترجمه، مفهوم آيه را نيز تحت تأثير قرار دهد و براييک آيه مشابه دو مفهوم

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparative study of between P chart and Multinomial Fuzzy quality control chart ( FM).
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Quality is one of the important criteria to determine the success of product. So quality control is required for all stages of production to ensure a good final product with lowest possible losses. Control charts are the most important means used to monitor the quality and its accuracy is measured by quickly detecting unusual changes in the quality to maintain the product and reduce the costs and losses that may result from the defective items. There are different types of quality control charts and new types appeases involving the concept of fuzziness named multinomial fuzzy quality control chart (FM) , dividing the product to accepted and not may not be accurate therefore adding fuzziness concept to quality charts confirm and a

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