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Foreign Trade of Iraq Between the imperatives of economic diversification And the challenges of joining the (WTO)
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         Interested in this research shed light on the reality of foreign trade to Iraq Who suffers from a marked deterioration due to poor economic diversification of the country And increase the degree of economic exposure   , Which creates a state of extreme caution towards the question of accession to the (WTO)   , As controls Iraq's foreign trade commodity  , a president of one oil As well as the contribution of this item  , and by a large formation in GDP   , And that such a large and dangerous decline in the degree of economic diversification will create negative effects On overall economic activity components   , As the scarcity of commodity products will inevitably lead To weakness in the domestic market's ability to meet the domestic demand  , Which will open the door to imports of goods to invade this market   , Supported in financing the movement of such imports Are being provided by oil exports of financial revenues As a result of that process will be generated negative impact on the trade balance of the country And the value of local currency As well as direct effects on cash reserves of hard currency held by Country   , These structural imbalances in Iraq's foreign trade requires On the Iraqi economy and the current wait own reality on the subject of accession to the World Organization   , Because joining lead to damage in the economic activity in the physical potential Because of the lack of a local product  , whether industrial or agricultural competitor for foreign products   , Which will lead to a lack of hope in the revival of the domestic industry and the advancement of the agricultural sector   , The potential industrial and agricultural sector is not commensurate with their counterparts in the economies of the countries Members of the acceding which will not qualify for entry in the successful competition with the products of these countries   , And also lead to join the organization continued exposure economy with a high degree on the outside and a lot of other negatives and the damage that will cause the Iraqi economy .                                  

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Matrix Form of Deriving High Order Schemes for the First Derivative
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For many problems in Physics and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), providing an accurate approximation of derivatives is a challenging task. This paper presents a class of high order numerical schemes for approximating the first derivative. These approximations are derived based on solving a special system of equations with some unknown coefficients. The construction method provides numerous types of schemes with different orders of accuracy. The accuracy of each scheme is analyzed by using Fourier analysis, which illustrates the dispersion and dissipation of the scheme. The polynomial technique is used to verify the order of accuracy of the proposed schemes by obtaining the error terms. Dispersion and dissipation errors are calculated

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Dynamics of A Square Root Prey-Predator Model with Fear
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An ecological model consisting of prey-predator system involving the prey’s fear is proposed and studied. It is assumed that the predator species consumed the prey according to prey square root type of functional response. The existence, uniqueness and boundedness of the solution are examined. All the possible equilibrium points are determined. The stability analysis of these points is investigated along with the persistence of the system. The local bifurcation analysis is carried out. Finally, this paper is ended with a numerical simulation to understand the global dynamics of the system.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 06 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Identifying the multiple intelligences of Iraqi EFL Instructors at college level
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Teachers should have acceptable ratios of multiple intelligences. Knowing their most dominate intelligence, teachers will be capable of understanding and considering the multiple intelligences of their students. Accordingly, they will be able to use Gardner’s theory as an effective approach of teaching for all kinds of learners and not limited to a specific type of students especially those who have high ratios of verbal-linguistic and logic-mathematical intelligences

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Microalga Scenedesmus quadricauda for the Improvement of Municipal Wastewater Quality
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     Microalgae culture is an interesting step in wastewater treatment since it provides a tertiary biotreatment while also producing potentially valuable biomass that may be used for a variety of applications. Microalgae cultures, with their ability to utilize inorganic nitrogen and phosphate for growth, provide an elegant solution to tertiary and quaternary treatments. Scenedesmus quadricauda culture was employed with three different doses, 2g/l, 1g/l, and 0.2g/l, to investigate the impacts of microalgae in wastewater. Standard procedures were used to measure samples for physicochemical parameters such as pH, EC, PO4, NO3, NO2, NH4 and BOD5 every third day for

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 22 2020
Journal Name
Radiation And Environmental Biophysics
The photo-transferred thermoluminescence phenomenon in case of emergency dose assessment
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Abstract<p>A major disadvantage of dose reconstruction by means of thermoluminescence (TL) is the fact that during readout of any TL material exposed to ionizing radiation (i.e., during measuring the glow curve), the radiation-induced signal gets lost. Application of the photo-transferred thermoluminescence phenomenon (PTTL) may offer a solution to this problem. In PTTL, the residual signal that is not destroyed by conventional TL readout (because it comes from deeper electron traps) can be readout through simultaneous stimulation by UV light and heating, allowing to obtain information about the absorbed dose in a second run. The present paper describes the application of PTTL for emergency dose assessment. For</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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A skip list data structure is really just a simulation of a binary search tree. Skip lists algorithm are simpler, faster and use less space. this data structure conceptually uses parallel sorted linked lists. Searching in a skip list is more difficult than searching in a regular sorted linked list. Because a skip list is a two dimensional data structure, it is implemented using a two dimensional network of nodes with four pointers. the implementation of the search, insert and delete operation taking a time of upto . The skip list could be modified to implement the order statistic operations of RANKand SEARCH BY RANK while maintaining the same expected time. Keywords:skip list , parallel linked list , randomized algorithm , rank.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation the antioxidant effect of ?-L- Fucose injection into rabbit periodontium
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Background: ?-L-Fucose is a methyl pentose sugar similar to L-galactose except for the loss of alcohol group on carbon number 6. The objective of this study is to evaluate the biochemical and antioxidant effect of intracrevicular injection of fucose into rabbits periodontium, throughout measuring the levels of total protein (TP), total fucose (TF), protein bound fucose PBF) , Malondialdehyde (MDA) , and vitamin C in sera of fucose injected rabbit groups. ) Materials and Methods: The existing study was carried out on 55 male rabbits and were divided randomly into three groups ; first group was injected with 50µl of 150mM fucose solution into gingival sulcus ; second group was injected with 50 µl of normal saline ; while the third group was

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Cost Management of construction industries according to the fast-track method
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Construction projects have become a changing dramatically in recent decades and that the goal of the beneficiaries of the implementation of structural project is to complete the work with less time and within the cost of the specific and the best possible quality may sometimes happen that highlights the importance of time on the rest of the items at the implementation of projects for various reasons, including the need to use the project as soon as possible possible change rapidly to customer's requests, but the high cost of the project represents the biggest obstacle for entrepreneurs with its effects on the quality and the time workers, and is a measure of those elements in monetary terms is the key to integration between them, so the

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Energy of Break or Deformation in Some Semi- Crystalline Polymers
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The aim of the current study is the investigation of tensile behavior of the semi - crystalline polymers : polypropylene (PP ) , high density polyethylene(HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) . The energy to break or deformation was determined as a function of extension rates , ( PP) was break at extension rate (5) mm/min but (HDPE) break at higher extension rates (25) mm/min while( LDPE) not break even at very high extension rates but it is deformation or failure .

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the 2012 American Presidential Election Debates
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This study discusses the Critical Discourse Analysis of 2012 American Presidential Election Debate’. The researcher adopts a model proposed by Van Dijk’s (2006 d). Six ideological categories have been selected within the overall strategies of the ideological square are used. The categories are of three levels of discourse structure : (the meaning, the argumentation, and the rhetoric) .They have shown effective criteria for detecting the most disguised systems of racism and manipulation.

            Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the elite discourses of candidates contribute to the reproduction of domination, Orientalism, and Islamophobia. This can be appl

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