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The Impact Of Application Of Jit In The Banking Sector On The Quality Of Banking Service
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          The research the impact of the application of some of the production system tools in the specified time, which can be adapted in the service sectors (banking sector) over the improvement and increase the quality of banking services, and highlights the research problem in the low quality of banking services provided to customers because of the reliance on traditional banking systems in the provision of services Because of the lack keep pace with global developments in the banking industry, and the goal of research is to clarify the applicability of the production system in the time specified in the service sector and the statement of the effect of using Jit system to improve and increase the quality of banking services, it has been applied to research on a sample of customers in the Rafidain Bank consisting of ( 50) customer Among this sample was survey the opinions of department managers in the Rafidain Bank were conducted personal interviews with them were analyzed that data collected using a number of statistical represented in rural arithmetic mean and standard deviation methods, has been the most prominent conclusions that have been reached is that there is a relationship between application jit and the quality of banking system and that it will lead to increase and improve the quality of banking services and to meet the wishes and expectations of customers, the most important recommendations that may have been reached mainly includes the need to work on providing the right environment in Iraqi banks for the purpose of applying jit system and the need to adopt Iraqi banks for the concept Quality as a tool to achieve customer satisfaction.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Modern Physics E
The ground state properties of some exotic nuclei studied by the two-body model
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The ground state properties including the density distributions of the neutrons, protons and matter as well as the corresponding root mean square (rms) radii of proton-rich halo candidates 8B, 12N, 23Al and 27P have been studied by the single particle Bear– Hodgson (BH) wave functions with the two-body model of (core+p). It is found that the rms radii of these proton-rich nuclei are reproduced well by this model and the radial wave functions describe the long tail of the proton and matter density distributions. These results indicate that this model achieves a suitable description of the possible halo structure. The plane wave Born approximation (PWBA) has been used to compute the elastic charge form factors.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluating the Optical Properties of the Schmidt Cassegrain Spider Obscuration Telescope Using Zemax Program
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Schmidt Cassegrain spider obscuration telescope (SCT) is one of the types of observations operating with a concave mirror. It combines several lenses and mirrors working together as an optical system. The light rays fall into the tube from the main mirror and gather on another smaller mirror called a secondary mirror. Unlike the formation of Newton's telescope, no light is made from the secondary mirror out the side of the tube but is directed to the middle of the main mirror. There is an opening in the middle of the main mirror so the light beam can go out and direct the vision lens system. The secondary mirror is located in the middle of a glass slice and is installed by thin carriers. The function of this board is to correct the portr

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Analysis the Surface Morphology of the Porous Media by using Atomic Force Microscope technique
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An atomic force microscope (AFM) technique is utilized to investigate the polystyrene (PS) impact upon the morphological properties of the outer as well as inner surface of poly vinyl chloride (PVC) porous fibers. Noticeable a new shape of the nodules at the outer and inner surfaces, namely "Crater nodules", has been observed. The fibers surface images have seen to be regular nodular texture at the skin of the inner and outer surfaces at low PS content. At PS content of 6 wt.%, the nodules structure was varied from Crater shape to stripe. While with increasing of PS content, the pore density reduces as a result of increasing the size of the pore at the fiber surface. Moreover, the test of 3D-AFM images shows that the roughness of both su

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Separation Worry and its Correlation with Working Memory of the Primary School Pupils
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The concept of the separation worry is considered one of the common disorders in children. The causes and effects of this worry influence the child mental and cognitive ability and the child ability to communicate with others, has friendship and the ability of adaptive with the environment, peers and teachers and it also influences the child's academic and social performance.
The importance of this study is represented in handling the working memory, one of important subject in cognitive psychology. Many universal studies show that the working memory is very important in several daily functions such as continuous attention, followinstructions, implement instructions of many steps, the moment of information remembering and keep focusin

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Calculation of the longitudinal electron scattering form factors for the 2s-1d shell nuclei
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An Expression for the transition charge density is investigated
where the deformation in nuclear collective modes is taken into
consideration besides the shell model transition density. The
inelastic longitudinal C2 and C4 form factors are calculated using
this transition charge density for the Ne Mg 20 24 , , Si 28 and S 32
nuclei. In this work, the core polarization transition density is
evaluated by adopting the shape of Tassie model togther with the
derived form of the ground state two-body charge density
distributions (2BCDD's). It is noticed that the core polarization
effects which represent the collective modes are essential in
obtaining a remarkable agreement between the calculated inelastic

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Pros and Cons of the Transconjunctival Retroseptal Approach to the Isolated Orbital Floor Fracture
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To get access into the orbital floor 3 paths are commonly used which are transconjunctival, subciliary and subtarsal approaches. Each one of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. The study assessed the outcomes of the transconjunctival retroseptal approach, which reflects our experience in this type of surgery. Along 8 years, 26 patients received in the emergency room diagnosed with pure isolated orbital floor fractures, all of them admitted to the maxillofacial surgery department and approached by transconjunctival incision without lateral canthotomy. Three types of complications occurred: laceration of the lower eyelid, injury to the lacrimal system and entropion. All of these complications were managed accordingly with n

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The optical properties of C\Mg, nano-rods produced by the explosion wire technique
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Abstract<p>The aim of this research is to study the optical properties of carbon-magnesium plasma resulting from arc discharge with explosive wire technique, where the energy gap of each of carbon and magnesium and the carbon-magnesium bond for three values of the wire exploding current (50,75,100 amperes) was studied. It was found that the energy gap for each of carbon and magnesium decreases with increasing the current, the X-ray diffraction of magnesium and the carbon-magnesium suspension was studied, and FTIR of the carbon-magnesium suspended carbon was studied for three values of the exploding current (50, 75, 100 amperes) and the type of bonds for carbon and magnesium was determined. To ob</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Nuclear Structure of Some Even-Even Ca Isotopes Using the Microscopic Theory
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The root-mean square-radius of proton, neutron, matter and charge radii, energy level, inelastic longitudinal form factors, reduced transition probability from the ground state to first-excited 2+ state of even-even isotopes, quadrupole moments, quadrupole deformation parameter, and the occupation numbers for some calcium isotopes for A=42,44,46,48,50 are computed using fp-model space and FPBM interaction. 40Ca nucleus is regarded as the inert core for all isotopes under this model space with valence nucleons are moving throughout the fp-shell model space involving 1f7/2, 2p3/2, 1f5/2, and 2p1/2 orbits. Model space is used to present calculations using FPBM intera

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Identify and Diagnose the Causes of Financial Funding using the Root Cause Analysis Technique
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The analysis of the root cause techniques is a reasonable option to be made to assess the root causes of the funding of construction projects. There are a variety of issues related to financing in construction industries in Iraq. The root,cause analysis is the impact of security and social conditions on financial funding. Variety tools of root cause analysis have originated from literature, as common methods for the detection of root causes. The purpose of this study was to identify and diagnose causes that lead to obstruction of financial funding in the construction projects in the republic of Iraq from the contractors' point of view and their interaction with a number of variables. The study diagnosed nine causes of fi

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparing Different Estimators for the shape Parameter and the Reliability function of Kumaraswamy Distribution
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In this paper, we used maximum likelihood method and the Bayesian method to estimate the shape parameter (θ), and reliability function (R(t)) of the Kumaraswamy distribution with two parameters l , θ (under assuming the exponential distribution, Chi-squared distribution and Erlang-2 type distribution as prior distributions), in addition to that we used method of moments for estimating the parameters of the prior distributions. Bayes

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