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The Impact Of Application Of Jit In The Banking Sector On The Quality Of Banking Service
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          The research the impact of the application of some of the production system tools in the specified time, which can be adapted in the service sectors (banking sector) over the improvement and increase the quality of banking services, and highlights the research problem in the low quality of banking services provided to customers because of the reliance on traditional banking systems in the provision of services Because of the lack keep pace with global developments in the banking industry, and the goal of research is to clarify the applicability of the production system in the time specified in the service sector and the statement of the effect of using Jit system to improve and increase the quality of banking services, it has been applied to research on a sample of customers in the Rafidain Bank consisting of ( 50) customer Among this sample was survey the opinions of department managers in the Rafidain Bank were conducted personal interviews with them were analyzed that data collected using a number of statistical represented in rural arithmetic mean and standard deviation methods, has been the most prominent conclusions that have been reached is that there is a relationship between application jit and the quality of banking system and that it will lead to increase and improve the quality of banking services and to meet the wishes and expectations of customers, the most important recommendations that may have been reached mainly includes the need to work on providing the right environment in Iraqi banks for the purpose of applying jit system and the need to adopt Iraqi banks for the concept Quality as a tool to achieve customer satisfaction.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
الدوریـات الطبیّة العربیّة الإلكترونیّة دراسـة تقویمیـة
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Objective: The aims of research to identify sample of websites of Arabian medical periodicals and exam applying to
standards for publishing on the internet.
Methodology: A survey method is applied about nine medical periodicals websites and data are collected through
forms include five international standards to assessing websites.
Results: of data collected, the following findings are obtained:
1. Through examining website addresses, unsuitability was found in using Universal Resources Locater, because six of
periodicals use com. in URL. While, all of them not relevance commercial but scientific aim.
2. To measure Credibility Standard by adopting numbers values, the results found, four of periodicals obtained (level

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use Generalized Pareto Survival Models to Estimation Optimal Survival Time for Myocardial Infarction Patients
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The survival analysis is one of the modern methods of analysis that is based on the fact that the dependent variable represents time until the event concerned in the study. There are many survival models that deal with the impact of explanatory factors on the likelihood of survival, including the models proposed by the world, David Cox, one of the most important and common models of survival, where it consists of two functions, one of which is a parametric function that does not depend on the survival time and the other a nonparametric function that depends on times of survival, which the Cox model is defined as a semi parametric model, The set of parametric models that depend on the time-to-event distribution parameters such as

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Evaluating Industrial Products emotionally by Using Emojis: محمد علي حسين القيسي
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Researches in the field of evaluation of industrial products emotionally are internationally new and non-existing in the Arabic speaking countries, which is considered the crux of the problem in the current research, in addition to the need of the designers and design students to know how to measure the emotional responses for the industrial product in order to get benefit from them in their designs. The research objective is to get a tool that uses emojis in measuring the emotional responses for the products. The researcher designed an emotional verbal wheel and emojis wheel. The sample of the research consisted of (7) chairs different in design and use, and the respondents were (89) students. The most important results are:
1- Desi

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Abuse elder and relationship life review
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The study aimed at identifying the domains of abuse of the elderly (each field separately) of the research sample. The study sample consisted of (100) senior citizens residing in nursing homes in Baghdad and Kirkuk cities. They were selected in a simple random way. In order to achieve the research objectives, two scales were developed to measure the abuse of the elderly consisted of six domains: Neglection abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, social abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse), and the other to measure the life review. The results showed that the level of abuse of older people in the sample is higher than the average in the society they belong to, the level of life review was higher than the average they belong to, and the a

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
مجلة البحوث التربوية والنفسية
تحليل محتوى كتابي الحاسوب للمرحلة الاعدادية وفقاً للتفكير المنطقي
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يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحليل محتوى كتابي الحاسوب للمرحلة الإعدادية في جمهورية العراق وفقاً للتفكير المنطقي، واتبعت الباحثة منهج البحث الوصفي التحليلي، وتم توظيف أداة تحليل المحتوى، التي صُمِّمت وفقاً للعمليات العقلية المتضمنة في التفكير المنطقي بحسب العالم بياجيه ( Piaget )، واعتماد وحدة الفكرة (الصريحة) في عملية التحليل. تبين من نتائج هذا البحث أنَّ نسبة تضمين مهارات التفكير المنطقي في محتوى كتابي الحاسوب للمرحل

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Teen-Computer Interaction: Building a Conceptual Model with Thoughts- Emotion-Behaviour
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Teen-Computer Interaction (TeenCI) stands in an infant phase and emerging in positive path. Compared to Human-Computer Interaction (generally dedicated to adult) and Child-Computer Interaction, TeenCI gets less interest in terms of research efforts and publications. This has revealed extensive prospects for researchers to explore and contribute in the region of computer design and evaluation for teen, in specific. As a subclass of HCI and a complementary for CCI, TeenCI that tolerates teen group, should be taken significant concern in the sense of its context, nature, development, characteristics and architecture. This paper tends to discover teen’s emotion contribution as the first attempt towards building a conceptual model for TeenC

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Advanced Intelligent Data Hiding Using Video Stego and Convolutional Neural Networks
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Steganography is a technique of concealing secret data within other quotidian files of the same or different types. Hiding data has been essential to digital information security. This work aims to design a stego method that can effectively hide a message inside the images of the video file.  In this work, a video steganography model has been proposed through training a model to hiding video (or images) within another video using convolutional neural networks (CNN). By using a CNN in this approach, two main goals can be achieved for any steganographic methods which are, increasing security (hardness to observed and broken by used steganalysis program), this was achieved in this work as the weights and architecture are randomized. Thus,

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Divine orders Divine orders directed to his prophets (peace be upon them): Divine orders directed to his prophets (peace be upon them)
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ملخص البحث:

    ان الله تعالى هو الذي خلق جميع المخلوقات ، والذي بيده الموت والحياة وان كل هذه المخلوقات تحتاج الى اوامر ، وهذه الاوامر الالهية وجهها الله لعبادة بوساطة انبياءه ( عليهم السلام) فكانوا هم اول المستسلمين والمنقادين لأوامره ، فجاءت الآيات الكريمة مخاطبة للأنبياء واقوامهم بشكل عام ولنبينا محمد (r) بشكل خاص.

اما عن المضمون البحثي فقد جاءت مادته مقسمة الى ثل

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
المحددات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية للبطالة في السودان -دراسة قياسية باستخدام انحدار المركبات الرئيسة للمدة (1981-2015م)
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Considering the magnitude of its economic, social and political impact, unemployment represents a crucial challenge confronting the majority of the countries of the world. The problem of the study was the high rates of unemployment in Sudan and the inability of economic growth rates to keep pace with the steady increases in unemployment rates during the study period. This study aimed to identify the economic and social variables influencing unemployment rate in Sudan, in addition to measuring the impact of these variables over the period (1981-2015). Data were collected from databases of the World Bank and Atlas of the World's data .The study hypothesized the presence of statistically significant and direct relationship between u

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Steganography and Cryptography Techniques Based Secure Data Transferring Through Public Network Channel
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Attacking a transferred data over a network is frequently happened millions time a day. To address this problem, a secure scheme is proposed which is securing a transferred data over a network. The proposed scheme uses two techniques to guarantee a secure transferring for a message. The message is encrypted as a first step, and then it is hided in a video cover.  The proposed encrypting technique is RC4 stream cipher algorithm in order to increase the message's confidentiality, as well as improving the least significant bit embedding algorithm (LSB) by adding an additional layer of security. The improvement of the LSB method comes by replacing the adopted sequential selection by a random selection manner of the frames and the pixels wit

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