This Research aims to define role of the system of evaluating the performance for higher leadership in determining the level of institutional work quality in the Ministry of Agriculture, by measuring system efficiency of evaluating the performance for higher leadership and its effect in institutional work quality, the searcher reached through the theoretical framing and involved studies to build default plan define the relation between Research variables formed from system of evaluating leadership performance as independent variable contains six subsidiary dimensions: (Polarization, evaluating the performance of personnel, training, motivation, selection, planning ) and quality of institutional work as independent variable contains six subsidiary dimensions (Reliability, responsiveness, tangibility, security or confirmation, sympathy or contact, civil or merit) these variables reacted to form the frame of Research, the Research community consists of managers of managerial positions in the level of high and medium levels in the Ministry of Agriculture. We used technique of comprehensive inventory where the Research was applied to all members of the community, which contains general managers and their assistants and heads of departments in the ministry administrations who numbered (34) institutional, and the response rate was (100%), The questionnaire had used as essential tool in collecting information and data, and (SPSS) program, the Research came out with set of recommendations based on the conclusions that I reached that include the need of the ministry to attach importance to evaluate the performance of more leadership and rely on their outputs in the process of improving the quality of institutional work system, to gain process efficiency, accuracy and objectivity in raising the level of quality of work.