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The Role of Moral Intelligence of Internal Auditors in Support of the Performance of Internal Audit Process - Study for Opinions of a Sample of Internal Auditors in Iraq
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      The  aim of  the research to define the concept of moral intelligence and its dimensions and its relationship to some personal characteristics with the internal auditors and identify the importance of the employment of moral intelligence dimensions of (empathy, conscience, self- control, respect, kindness, tolerance, fairness) in the internal audit and the extent of support for the performance of the internal audit process in light of these dimensions. And that by answering the following question : Is there a role for moral intelligence  of  internal auditors in support the performance of internal audit process ? How are employ these dimensions in support  the performance of the internal audit process ?

The research has reached to the list of results, The most important that there is a role of moral intelligence of internal auditors in support of the performance of the internal audit process through the promotion of internal auditors to respect their obligation to the laws and instill confidence in dealing with others treat them friendly and respectful on the justice basis away from the bias in different positions.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design and Study of Fractal Optical Modulator for Infrared Transmitted Signal
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The optical modulator was designed by using iterated function

systems (IFSs) by IFS Construction Kit program. The modulator was inserted into the optical system using ZEMAX optical design program. In this program, it is assumed that the modulator is made from one of Ø¢ the infrared transmitting materials. Eight materials at room temperature were used in this study; these are IRTRAN materials, Si, and Ge for the range of 3-9 l-lm.

Systems were evaluated and analyzed by using different criteria,

including spot diagram, modulation transfer function, and point spread function. The effect of optical modulator change with the chang of Ø¢ its material results in focusing of functions and frequencies as requ

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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculation and Study of Gamma ray Attenuation Coefficients for Different Composites
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In this work, the total linear attenuation coefficients µ(cm
) were calculated and studied
for particulate reinforced polymer-based composites. Unsaturated polyester (UP) resin was
used as a matrix filled with different concentrations of Al, Fe, and Pb metal powders as
reinforcements. The effect of the metal powders addition at different weight percentages in
the range of (10,20,30,40,50)wt % and gamma energy on attenuation coefficients was studied.
The results show, as the metallic particulates content increase, the attenuation coefficients will
increase too, while it, were exhibited a decrease in their values when the gamma energy
increase.The total linear attenuation coefficients of gamma ray fo

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Publication Date
Sat May 30 2020
Journal Name
Comparative Study for Optoelectronic Properties of Zn (Te, Se) Solar Cells
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Concentration of lead and the proportion of sedimentary organic matter , clay minerals , non-clay minerals and soil gradation , City of Nasiriyah , Southern Iraq
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The present research included sampling and analysis of 41 soil samples , the samples cover various areas of Nasiriyah city (industrial,commercial,residential and agricultural ) to estimate pollution levels of lead element and determine the correlation between lead concentration and natural factors in soil which represent sedimentary organic matter content, granular gradient, clay minerals and non-clay minerals . The results of the current study showed that the average concentration of lead in the soil samples was 61.12 ppm , it was noticed an increase in the concentration of lead in environmental components in the area of this study especially in residential , industrial and commercial location and the impact of natural factors of the so

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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 El presente trabajo intenta analizar las características del lenguaje jurídico español a cuya estructura se debe su complejidad. A la vez, damos una descripción detallada de sus rasgos morfosintácticos, léxico-semánticos y estilísticos. En ningún momento, pretendemos fijar unas pautas o normas para la traducción de este lenguaje que requiere unos previos conocimientos jurídicos y cierta preparación para proceder a realizar esta tarea. Nuestra intención es, simplemente, ofrecer al lector árabe una pequeña visión de lo difícil que es comprender los textos legales españoles hasta para los nativos para imaginarse las posibles dificultades a la hora de iniciar a traducirlos.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Organization, Technology And Management In Construction: An International Journal
Using the ordinal priority approach for selecting the contractor in construction projects
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Abstract<p>Effective decision-making process is the basis for successfully solving any engineering problem. Many decisions taken in the construction projects differ in their nature due to the complex nature of the construction projects. One of the most crucial decisions that might result in numerous issues over the course of a construction project is the selection of the contractor. This study aims to use the ordinal priority approach (OPA) for the contractor selection process in the construction industry. The proposed model involves two computer programs; the first of these will be used to evaluate the decision-makers/experts in the construction projects, while the second will be used to formul</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarzmi Engineering Journal
Dynamic response analysis for the parabolic trough of solar collector
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parabolic trough

Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Convergence of Iterative Methods for Quasi δ-Contraction Mappings
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Abstract<p>In this article, we will present a quasi-contraction mapping approach for D iteration, and we will prove that this iteration with modified SP iteration has the same convergence rate. At the other hand, we prove that the D iteration approach for quasi-contraction maps is faster than certain current leading iteration methods such as, Mann and Ishikawa. We are giving a numerical example, too.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 24 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Artificial Neural Network Model for the Prediction of Groundwater Quality
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The present article delves into the examination of groundwater quality, based on WQI, for drinking purposes in Baghdad City. Further, for carrying out the investigation, the data was collected from the Ministry of Water Resources of Baghdad, which represents water samples drawn from 114 wells in Al-Karkh and Al-Rusafa sides of Baghdad city. With the aim of further determining WQI, four water parameters such as (i) pH, (ii) Chloride (Cl), (iii) Sulfate (SO4), and (iv) Total dissolved solids (TDS), were taken into consideration. According to the computed WQI, the distribution of the groundwater samples, with respect to their quality classes such as excellent, good, poor, very poor and unfit for human drinking purpose, was found to be

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the coincidence lefschetz number for self-maps of lie groups
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Let/. It :0 ---0 G be any two self maps of a compact connected oriented Lie group G. In this paper, for each positive integer k , we associate an integer with fk,hi . We relate this number with Lefschetz coincidence number. We deduce that for any two differentiable maps f, there exists a positive integer k such that k 5.2+1 , and there is a point x C G such that ft (x) = (x) , where A is the rank of G . Introduction Let G be an n-dimensional com -pact connected Lie group with multip-lication p ( .e 44:0 xG--+G such that p ( x , y) = x.y ) and unit e . Let [G, G] be the set of homotopy classes of maps G G . Given two maps f , f G ---• Jollowing [3], we write f. f 'to denote the map G-.Gdefined by 01.11® =A/WO= fiat® ,sea Given a point g

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