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The effect of managerial Process Reengineering on organizational citizenship Applied research on Electronic Industries Company
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The research aims to know the reality of a two examined variables at the organization studied identifying the relationship between managerial processes reengineering and organizational citizenship behavior. The research applied on the Electronic Manufacturing Company encompassing a sample of managers and employees consisted of (100) individuals. A questionnaire is the main instrument for data gathering, which has been included (45) questions as well as personal interviews to support the questionnaire's questions and to achieve greater realism for collecting information.

Answers were analyzed to reach the final results through the use of a number of statistical methods via the statistical package (SPSS). The research has sought to test main hypotheses with the minor ones regarding correlation and regression relationships for answering questions that express the research problem, especially the basic question related with whether if there is some effect of managerial processes reengineering on the organizational citizenship behavior in the company studied?

The research reached into some conclusions, the most important one is that there is a significant correlation and impact relationships between managerial processes reengineering and organizational citizenship behavior in the organization studied. Many commendations has also been reached, the most important ones are the notably increased reliance upon information technology for its vital role in minimizing lost time for operations through the provision of an electronic database that employees rely on their need to catch up with developments and stimulates them to do business more quickly and easily. Moreover, there is a need to develop educational courses and seminars for notifying employees about the importance of volunteerism and its benefits in addition to promote these behaviors through regulations and instructions necessary to reward the spontaneity and voluntarism efforts through various policies and human resources programs.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics of Political Caricature in the Palestinian Newspapers An Analytical Study
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This study aims to study the political caricature and its indications in the Palestinian newspapers, to know its subjects, the active characters, the artistic styles, and the symbols the caricaturists use.

The study concluded that there is a variety of subjects that the political caricature handled in the studied newspapers and the degree of interest in every subject. The subjects related to the international subjects came first (% 24.5) and the other subjects came next (% 22.2).

The results showed the caricaturists relied on unnamed symbolic active characters that came first (% 62.3) and named symbolic characters (% 11.1). The positive characteristics of the Palestinian figures were higher than the negative ones, and the

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The role of digital communication and display in interior design processes
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In light of the intellectual and technological progress within the current developments of time, as well as the emergence of digital tools and means of display and communication, which had a major role in the shifts of the time of globalization in various commercial and economic fields, as well as areas of transferring the design image and its stages of development to customers and the convergence of views between the customer and the interior designer, which are the most important pillars of the design process As a whole, and accordingly, there is an urgent need for a process of intellectual balance between them through digital tools from the technical side and through social media from the intellectual side. Customer comments via socia

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
The Function of Comic Relieve in Shakespearean Tragedy: عباس فاضل عباس
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The comedian scenes which Shakespeare has entered in some of his tragedies(Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth), constantly the wrath of conservative critics and theorists of Western Drama, as big violation to Aristotle’s rules of tragedy that is forbidden to insert comedian scene in tragedy. Chapter one deals with the research problem, and its significance, purpose,Boarders and the definition of Comic Relieve. Chapter two comprises the theoretical framework which has displayed Arist-Otle’s conception about the imitation way of heroes characters between tragedy and comedy, the different function of catharsis in each one. Then the research has exposed the economical and theatrical activities in London during Elizabethan age which was looke

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The priority of government investment for companies manufacturing sector in Iraq
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The study aimed at clarifying the contradictions of the general industrial companies despite the investment allocations and the government investment expenditure on manufacturing activities under the so- called rehabilitation programs. However, this did not contribute to a certain extent in the growth and industrial leap in the direction of developing the activities of the sector Industrial sector in Iraq because of the lack of adoption of a number of basic principles towards the need to take priority of investment in the field of manufacturing and industrial decision-making in the restructuring of industry according to the priorities of investment in light of the international industrial trend, Tosmarah available to the manufact

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The importance of achieving fair tax accounting in attracting foreign Investments
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Targeted this study underlined the importance of the adoption of international accounting standards and their impact on the process of tax for settlements to achieve taxation justice the application on a sample of foreign banks investing in the local environment in order to achieve many of the objectives:

  1. Definition of the concept of justice for settlements taxation.
  2. To identify the impact of adopting international accounting standards in achieving the justice for settlements taxation.
  3. To determine the impact of the adoption of international accounting standards in attracting foreign investment.

They are summed up the problem of the study in the light of the nature of the problem and que

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Demonstrators' slogans in Tahrir square (Analytical study of the communication message)
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The research entitled "The Slogans of Demonstrators at Al-Tahreer Square – analytical study for communicative letters" studies the slogans of demonstrators as a communicative means having many signs reflecting the political, social, cultural relations exist in the minds of people. It is so easy to understand its meaning, examining its goals; and explaining their meanings. For these reasons, we have chosen such a topic. Since the means of communications transfer letters between a sender and receiver, the importance of this research is that it is a researchable trial to acknowledge the issues behind the demonstrators' slogans and the different styles have been chosen by them for a whole year; the different sides of the demonstration sinc

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pollution threatens water quality in the Central Marshes of Southern Iraq
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Water pollution is an issue that can be exacerbated by drought as increased concentrations of unwanted substances are a consequence of lower water levels. Polluted water that flows into natural marshlands leads to the deposition of pollutants in the interior of the marsh. Here we present evidence that the interior of the Central Marsh (CM) in southern Iraq suffers from higher levels of pollution than areas closer to the source of water entering the marsh (the Euphrates River). A 1.7m embankment that halts the flow of the Euphrates is only infrequently breached and so the CM is effectively the terminal destination of the waters (and their associated pollutants and agricultural waste) flowing from the West of Iraq.

A range of water

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Scopus (4)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
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A study worthy of study and objective analysis of the relationship of formal synthesis and innovative effectiveness in the design of modern women's fabrics, which deals with the first chapter the problem of research based on the following questions: (What role of innovative thinking in the formal synthesis of women's clothing designs Modern)

   The research objectives included the following:

1 - defines the concept of innovative thinking and its effectiveness in design

2 - Reveal the role of innovative thinking in the formal synthesis of the designs of modern women's fabrics

   The theoretical framework which included the following parts:.

1 - Innovative thinkin

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of Diseases in Oil Palm Leaves Using the GoogLeNet Model
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The general health of palm trees, encompassing the roots, stems, and leaves, significantly impacts palm oil production, therefore, meticulous attention is needed to achieve optimal yield. One of the challenges encountered in sustaining productive crops is the prevalence of pests and diseases afflicting oil palm plants. These diseases can detrimentally influence growth and development, leading to decreased productivity. Oil palm productivity is closely related to the conditions of its leaves, which play a vital role in photosynthesis. This research employed a comprehensive dataset of 1,230 images, consisting of 410 showing leaves, another 410 depicting bagworm infestations, and an additional 410 displaying caterpillar infestations. Furthe

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Employment educational and artistic style of fiction in the textbook materials
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Find goal to detect educational and technical staffing of style fiction in book reading school materials so determine the current research on the specific book reading in fourth grade of primary for the academic year 2014 issued by the Ministry of Education / Republic Iraq stories. Come in the importance of research to draw attention to the best of these stories and strengthened, and the negative deny it and claim his deportation in order to protect the thought of the learner, and the study may contribute to the development of some frameworks to write a story appropriate for elementary school. This McCann within the first chapter The second chapter included the theoretical framework has been contained on two main sections included the co

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