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The effect of managerial Process Reengineering on organizational citizenship Applied research on Electronic Industries Company


The research aims to know the reality of a two examined variables at the organization studied identifying the relationship between managerial processes reengineering and organizational citizenship behavior. The research applied on the Electronic Manufacturing Company encompassing a sample of managers and employees consisted of (100) individuals. A questionnaire is the main instrument for data gathering, which has been included (45) questions as well as personal interviews to support the questionnaire's questions and to achieve greater realism for collecting information.

Answers were analyzed to reach the final results through the use of a number of statistical methods via the statistical package (SPSS). The research has sought to test main hypotheses with the minor ones regarding correlation and regression relationships for answering questions that express the research problem, especially the basic question related with whether if there is some effect of managerial processes reengineering on the organizational citizenship behavior in the company studied?

The research reached into some conclusions, the most important one is that there is a significant correlation and impact relationships between managerial processes reengineering and organizational citizenship behavior in the organization studied. Many commendations has also been reached, the most important ones are the notably increased reliance upon information technology for its vital role in minimizing lost time for operations through the provision of an electronic database that employees rely on their need to catch up with developments and stimulates them to do business more quickly and easily. Moreover, there is a need to develop educational courses and seminars for notifying employees about the importance of volunteerism and its benefits in addition to promote these behaviors through regulations and instructions necessary to reward the spontaneity and voluntarism efforts through various policies and human resources programs.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect Wisdom Management in Defferentiation Strategy for Service Operations Exploratory: Search of the Views of A Sample of the Officials in the General Establishment of Civil Aviation

Today, the success or failure of organizations depends to possess the wisdom of their managers promised that the key to organizational success of the business environment, making the right decisions, and create the ability to work and think towards discrimination of products and services the organization . Seek this research to investigation the relationship between the wisdom management and differentiation strategy for service operations . It was a test of that relationship in light of the results of the analysis of the data collected through the questionnaire distributed on a sample from (98) Director Mangers, head of department and head of division in  the General Establishment of Civil Aviation . The research used descriptive st

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Chloride Ions on the Corrosion Behavior of Al – Zn Alloy in NaOH Solution at Four Different Temperatures

This research involves study effect of chloride ions in concentration range (0.01 – 0.50 on the corrosion behavior of Al-Zn alloy in basic media of 1x10-3 NaOH at pH=11 and four different temperatures in the range (298-313 K). Cathodic and anodic Tafel slopes (bc &ba) and transfer coefficients (αc & αa) were calculated and the results interprets according to the variation of the rate – determining steps. The results also indicate that the chloride ions are bonded chemically in the interface as an initial step of formation of different mixed oxohydroxy – and chloro complexes. Polarization resistance (Rp) is calculates

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nano-Scale core effects on electronic structure properties of gallium arsenide

Ab – initio density function theory (DFT) calculations coupled with Large Unit Cell (LUC) method were carried out to evaluate the electronic structure properties of III-V zinc blend (GaAs). The nano – scale that have dimension (1.56-2.04)nm. The Gaussian 03 computational packages has been employed through out this study to compute the electronic properties include lattice constant, energy gap, valence and conduction band width, total energy, cohesive energy and density of state etc. Results show that the total energy and energy gap are decreasing with increase the size of nano crystal . Results revealed that electronic properties converge to some limit as the size of LUC increase .

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of auditing in analyzing the relationship between the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt and its reflection on the continuity of the institution: (بحث تطبيقي في عينة من الشركات المدرجة في سوق العراق للأوراق المالية)

The research aims to determine the effectiveness of auditing in light of the relationship between the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt in companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange. The problem of the research is to raise the question about the effect of the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt on the effectiveness of auditing and auditors. During the research, the most important of them were: the existence of an impact relationship on the effectiveness of auditing through the relationship between the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt. The companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange lack an effective proposed guide or framework dealing with the governance of investment policy desp

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Shot Peening Time Effect on Corrosion Behaviors of Al Alloy 2024-T3

In this study many specimen s were prepared from 2024-T3 Aluminum alloy for corrosion test by the dimensions of (15*15*3) mm according to ASTM G71-31 and then subjected to shot peening process at different time (15, 30, 45) minutes using steel ball having a diameter of 2.75 mm and Rockwell Hardness of 55RC to induce compressive residual stress which were measured using X-Ray diffraction method, surface roughness and   hardness were tested before and after peening. Electrochemical corrosion test by Tafel extrapolation method was carried out in an environment of 3 .5% NaCl solutions (sea water) where Corrosion rate calculated using Tafle equation.

The obtained results show a favorable influence of SP treatment

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Effect of some air pollutants (sticking minutes and lead) on human health

Air pollution is one of the complex problems plaguing the environment at the present time
as a result of many liberation of gases, vapors and fumes of fuels and chemicals resulting
from industrial activities . It should be noted that there are some elements of the heavy
(Heavy Metals), including toxic in the air, with different concentrations in the air depending
on the nature of the area, for example be in rural areas is lower than in cities or industrial
areas as measured parts million (ppm ) or parts per billion (ppb). Some of these important
elements in the physiological processes and enzymatic organisms but become toxic and
Qatlhand-increase Tercisahaan the permissible limits Bhave nature ,The air contaminant

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Effect of some air pollutants (sticking minutes and lead) on human health

Air pollution is one of the complex problems plaguing the environment at the present time
as a result of many liberation of gases, vapors and fumes of fuels and chemicals resulting
from industrial activities . It should be noted that there are some elements of the heavy (Heavy
Metals), including toxic in the air, with different concentrations in the air depending on the
nature of the area, for example be in rural areas is lower than in cities or industrial areas as
measured parts million (ppm ) or parts per billion (ppb). Some of these important elements in
the physiological processes and enzymatic organisms but become toxic and Qatlhand-increase
Tercisahaan the permissible limits Bhave nature ,The air contaminant co

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Sn Addition on Phase Transformation Behavior of Equiatomic Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy

Sn effect on the phase transformation behavior, microstructure, and micro hardness of equiatomic Ni-Ti shape memory alloy was studied. NiTi and NiTiSn alloys were produced using vacuum induction melting process with alloys composition (50% at. Ni, 50% at.Ti) and (Ni 48% at., Ti 50% at., Sn 2% at.). The characteristics of both alloys were investigated by utilizing Differential Scanning Calorimetry, X- ray Diffraction Analysis, Scanning Electron Microscope, optical microscope and vicker's micro hardness test. The results showed that adding Sn element leads to decrease the phase transformation temperatures evidently. Both alloy samples contain NiTi matrix phase and Ti2Ni secondary phase, but the Ti2Ni phase content dec

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Inclusion Style Using Electronic Device On Learning Front and Side Movement in Squash For Beginners Aged 13 – 15 Years Old

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 09 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Effect of Sodium sulfite treatment on the trypsin inhibitors activity, protein isolate and protein solubility of complete and dehulling white bean seeds Phaseolus vulgaris.: Effect of Sodium sulfite treatment on the trypsin inhibitors activity, protein isolate and protein solubility of complete and dehulling white bean seeds Phaseolus vulgaris.

The study aimed to increase the biological value of white bean. The effect of different concentrations 0.01 ,0.02,0.03,and 0.04 M of sodium sulfite solutions for 1hr at 70 ºC on the trypsin inhibitors activity, protein isolate and protein solubility of complete and dehulling white bean flour were studied.Trypsin inhibitors activity were reduced by 42.97, 58.69, 68.59 and 69.58% in complete white bean flour at 0.01 ,0.02, 0.03, 0.04 M respectively, while the corresponding values were 50.43, 61.00, 75.61 and 85.66% respectively in dehulling white bean flour .Protein isolate value was 13.41% and protein solubility was 2.2% in control sample, Furthermore, the using of chemical treatment showed that protein isolate was reduced gradually and

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