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Developing System of Solid Waste Management (Applied Research in Hilla City)
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The research aims to stand on the practice of operations management of solid waste in the city of Hilla, carried out by the mayor of Hilla Directorate - solid and the environment Waste Division, through field visits and personal interview to officials of the municipal departments and units of its data collection and information related to solid waste, and assess the current status of the processes of collection and transport waste through the questionnaire that had been prepared for citizens and employees, the search reach a set of conclusions was the most important, operations carried out by the municipality of Hilla Directorate only limited to two (collection, transportation and disposal of waste in the open position) and it is not working properly, because of the many problems that can be identified as finance, human and material, and the presence of serious and genuine desire for the process of sorting the waste by the citizens in the event of availability of the necessary supplies, and that the current landfill site has many environmental and health damage due to its location is not appropriate and that his work is not in accordance with the engineering and technical mechanisms standard applicable internationally, Based on the findings of the research results it has developed a set of recommendations including minutes prepared by the municipality of Hilla Directorate about what produces the individual per day of waste and identify and classify types of waste because of its significant impact in the stages of waste management, and the preparation of programs and courses developmental for integrated solid waste management staff and workers, and educating and encouraging citizens on the need for the initial screening of waste by him.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of IL-35 and hs-CRP in Iraqi Patients with Cardiovascular diseases
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    Interleukin-35 (IL-35) is a novel anti-inflammatory of IL-12 family member cytokine. High sensitive C- reactive protein (hs-CRP) is a marker of inflammation disease. This study was obtained to estimate the concentrations of IL-35 and hs-CRP in cardiovascular diseases Iraqi patients. The study contained 79 subjects divided into two groups, 47 (21 male and 26 female) suffering from cardiovascular diseases and 32 as control group. The concentration of IL-35 and hs-CRP was measured by enzyme- linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA). The results revealed that the concentrations of IL-35 and hs-CRP are increased in patients group. IL-35 is strongly expressed in human advanced plaque and hs-CRP. Therefore these two biomarkers cou

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
A typical clinical presentation of molluscum contagiosum in Iraqi patients;clinical descriptive study
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Background Molluscum contagiosum is skin disease caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) usually causing one or more small dome shaped umbilicated papules with symptoms that maybe self-resolve. MCV was once a disease primarily of children, but it has evolved to become a sexually transmitted disease in adults. It is believed to be a member of the pox virus family. In addition to the classic presentation of the disease; it can also come in different clinical forms that simulate large number of dermatolological disease.
Objective: To study different clinical forms of Molluscum contagiosum presentation in different age groups of Iraqi patients.
Method:This clinical descriptive study was performed in the outpatient department of

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Publication Date
Sun May 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Yogurt and Bifidobacterium on Cryptosporidium parvum Infection In Experiential Infected Mice
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        This study aimed to collected 150 feces sample from calves suffering sever diarrhea ,then there were isolation and purification of Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst from samples contain it. These oocysts were used to induce experimental infection in the Immunosupperessed mice, then the mice treated by Bifidium bacteria , its supernatant and local yogurt were used for bacterial isolation.

       This study showed that the local yogurt was the best treatment which led to stop oocyst shedding from the mice in the 8th day after treatment under sufficient treatment (89.72%) , at the same time the mice treated with bacteria stopped the oocyst shedd

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Surface-Subface Geochemical and Mineralogical Study of Gypcrete in Alexandria Area Central Iraq
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Gypsiferous soil deposits (Gypcrete) are weakly consolidate earthy mixture of secondary gypsum, sand and clay. It is formed in arid and semi- arid area with annual precipitation rainfall less than 400mm. These sediments occur in surface and subsurface in region of little rainfall and rapid evaporation. This research deals with the study of gypcrete in Alexandria to improve the mineralogical and geochemical properties of the gypcrete. The gypcrete soil is used as raw material to produce the plaster for building purposes. Three samples of gypcrete were chemically and geochemically analyzed. The common mineral is howed in 0-0.5m Gypsum followed by Calcite in 0-1m and Quartz in 1-1.5m due to leaching and infiltration by rainfall as well as it

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 11 2014
Journal Name
European Journal Of Psychotraumatology
Prevalence of traumatic events and PTSD symptoms among secondary school students in Baghdad
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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Visual pollution and statistical determination in some of Karrada district main streets /Baghdad
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This study objective is to identify the visual pollution in Karrada district main streets as an example of main streets in Baghdad, the public opinion about each pollutants, solutions to reduce and eliminate the pollution were suggested as well. In order to accomplish this objective different methods were used, 16 pollutants were selected, pictures of each pollutants were taken and a questioner were distributed randomly for 270 people to evaluate the public opinion with statistical methods. Garbage, their disposal and storage areas took the first two places as the highest offensive pollutants. The people showed that they find long lines of vehicles, debris and generators appearance ranked third, fourth and fifth respectively .This resear

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 18 2023
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات المستدامة
A Review article:Diversity of fish in Iraqi waters and some factors affecting them
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Rivers Tigris and Euphrates, as well as the wetlands in southern Iraq and the Diyala River, were all included in the evaluation of earlier studies on the variety and factors impacting fish in Iraqi waters. Different studies documented different types, and the number of species recorded varied between the studies, which could be explained by the registration of some species, synonyms, differs from the registration of some species with synonymous names By mistake, as well as recording new species in times that followed some previous studies, Also, the difference in some factors, including the pollution of some waterways, leads to a difference in the existing species, so we find the presence of species that are tolerant of pollution. There are

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 04 2024
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Life And Social Sciences
Analysis of Kidney Amino Acids in Iraqi Pin-Tailed Sandgrouse Pterocles Alchata Bird
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The amine group (NH2) and the carboxyl group (COOH-) are the fundamental components of amino acids. They regulate several essential physiological functions of organisms and are found in all forms of life, including humans, plants, and microorganisms. Furthermore, they serve as vital energy sources and also act as neurotransmitters. An analysis of the kidneys of Pterocles alchata, an Iraqi Pin-tailed sandgrouse, revealed the presence of 18 specific amino acids. The data indicate that there were no significant differences in the total amounts of amino acids among the three renal lobes. The concentrations in the anterior, middle, and posterior lobes were measured to be 14.154 ą97. 273, 12.437 ą87. 255, and 11.882 ą88. 157 correspondingly, w

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 21 2010
Journal Name
Veterinary Medical Journal Giza
Efficacy of some drugs and pathological studies on Toxoplasma gondii infection in mice.
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The study was conducted to determine the effect Toxoplasma gondii and the efficacy of azithromycin and garlic tablets on the treatment of acute murine toxoplasmosis and observe the histopathological changes due to infection. 60 Albino mice were divided into six groups, and their survival rate, pathology, bioassay trial and immunofluorescence were observed. Results revealed that azithromycin (250 mg/kg/day) given to infected mice increased the survival rate (90% on day 7 PI) and decreased the histopathological changes when compared with the control groups. Garlic tablets (500 mg/kg/day) had lesser effect on infected mice, and the survival rate (40% at days 6 and 7 PI) was lower than the groups treated with azithromycin. The group treated wit

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Thermodynamic function of valineacid in n-n dimethyl formamide mixtures from conductance measurement
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Some physical properties enthalpy (?H), entropy (?s), free energy (?G),capacities(?cp?) and Pka values) for valine in dimethyl foramideover the temperature range 293.15-318.15K, were determined by direct conductance measurements. The acid dissociation at six temperature was examined at solvent composition x2) involving 0.141 of dimethyl foramide . As results, calculated values have been used to determine the dissociation constant and the associated thermodynamic function for the valine in the solvent mixture over temperatures in the range 293.15-318.15 k. The Pka1, and Pka2 were increased with increasing temperature.

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