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Catalysts for money laundering and control by the banks / analytical study in the province of Arbil measures
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Receive money laundering phenomenon of interest to researchers and scholars on different intellectual orientation of economic or political or other, as this process is gaining paramount importance in light of business and increase the number of banks in the province of Kurdistan of Iraq and Erbil in particular and in the presence of openness developments chaotic economic and there are no factors encourage money laundering operation because of the presence of the hidden economy and the weakness of the banking and legal measures to combat them, and on this basis there is a need to examine money laundering operation in the province of Arbil, to indicate the presence or absence of a money laundering operation in working in the province of Arbil, the banks, where the results showed a spread of this phenomenon is due to the lack of attention to the sources of funds and the existence of administrative difficulties and banking and difficulties in gathering information and weak managerial competencies and banking, as well as the lack of controls to inquire about the sources of funds, and the lack of a specific law to combat money laundering. The research found a number of recommendations that emphasize the need for the legislation of a national law to combat money laundering as well as the need to activate international cooperation in the fight against money laundering and making the most of the experiences of some developed countries.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of applying the CAMEL model to profitability of banks )An applied study on a number of Iraqi banks for the period 2010-2016(
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The evaluation of banks plays an important role in maintaining the interests of customers with the bank as well as providing continuous supervision and control by the Central Bank. The Central Bank of Iraq conducted an assessment of the Iraqi banks through the implementation of the CAMEL model during a certain period. This evaluation did not continue. The research provides continuity to the Central Bank's assessment and as a step to continue the evaluation process for all banks through the use of the CAMEL model. ROA and ROE by using the regression model for four Iraqi banks registered in the Iraqi market for securities during the period 2010-2016. The results showed that the capital and profitability indicators have a significan

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of the Application of Corporate Governance On the Financial Performance Evaluation in Banks: Applied Study- Sample of the Conventional and Islamic Banks in the Kingdom of Bahrain
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 The aim of this research is to identify the extent to which the Conventional and Islamic banks are committed to implement the requirements of the corporate governance in its financial reports. In addition to its commitment to transparency and clarity in dealing with the shareholders and stockholders to protect their interests and to determine the impact of the commitment of the corporate governance on assessing the financial performance of the conventional and Islamic banks that participate in Bahrain Stock Exchange.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Employing the references of Shariah Audit in supporting Governance of Iraqi Islamic Banks: An analytically study
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The Islamic Banks including the Iraqi ones are often resorted to support their governance frameworks in order to improve its competitiveness in their communities. Where, those banks are looking for activities that enhance their governance; one of these activities is Shariah Audit that provided the auditing capabilities to face of developmental challenges and increase competitiveness. Therefore, the content of this paper, discusses know-how to use the Shariah Audit and its references in support of the Shariah Governance in the Iraqi Isla

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic leadership according to the outstanding banking performance analystical study on private banks
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This research aimd to analyze the role of strategic entreprenenial on according to the external performance of a sample of Iraqi private banks, namely, (National Islamic Bank, Iraqi Ahli Bank, Baghdad Bank , Middle East Iraqi Investment Bank) has launched research in fundamental problem stems from the question seeking his response to the characterization of the problem which is improve banking performance through strategic entreprenenial and to achieve the goal of the research was to prepare a questionnaire included a number of questions about the independent research and approved variables accounting for the independent variable strategic entreprenenial and included four dimensions (entreprenenial culture), entreprenenial leader

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of Innovation in offering the banking services in achieving competitive advantage for banks ( An applied study in the Iraqi private Banks )
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     This research aims at recognizing the concept of Innovation in offering the banking services as well as the concept and dimensions of competitive advantage . And to identify and analyze the relationship ( correlation and impact ) between the concept of Innovation in  offering the banking services and the dimensions of the competitive advantage under discussion . The research includes all Iraqi private banks in Baghdad city only of the (20) banks . The researcher adopted , in this study , a random sample of the distribution of the questionnaire to members of the research sample are managers , customers and employees in these banks , and were distributed ( 115 ) form  questionnaire , ( 97 ) form w

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Publication Date
Sun May 15 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Population growth and the culture of consumption A field study in the city of Arbil.: Population growth and the culture of consumption A field study in the city of Arbil.
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research objectives to:
1. identify the social, economic and cultural factors affecting consumption.
2. detect the consumption culture among the population in the city of Erbil.
3. Identify the GATT consumer protection and rights.
The most important results:
1. that there is variation in the answers of respondents about keep up with modernity in the basic consumption (necessary), it swallowed the proportion of yes answers about keep up with modernity in food consumption (72%), and is an indication of growing consumer awareness of the individual in the side of nutrition. The clothing on the side of the proportion of yes answers amounted to (85%), in the health field note that the percentage of yes answers (83%), who are abr

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Productive role in the financial performance of the banking: An Empirical Study in a sample of Iraqi banks
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Abstract :

The research aims to study the basic concepts of banking productivity and discuss different approaches to study what ends to identify the most important possible standards applied to measured within the Iraqi banking environment as well as research into the causes of low and high Iraqi banking productivity and identify possible treatments to curb those reasons as to ensure the rise. And in line with the research problem, which states what is the level of productivity and what are the causes of decline and the rise in private banking research sample individually. And what the Iraqi private banks and what is the relationship between performance and the impact of productivity change in the perform

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study the reality of vocational education in the province of Basra Applied statistical study for the period 2004/2005 – 2010/2011
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         Vocational education is the basis of contemporary educational movement that aims at satisfying human needs. Societies can develop their human resources via setting programs for the working class as an aspect of the comprehensive national development. Vocational education is the main source of technical cadres the Iraqi labor market requires of the vocational preparatory schools to provide after three years of schooling.

        The vocational schools of the governorate of Basra have a number of problems that lead to the lack of proficiency of their graduates. This study is an attempt to identify these problems or obstacles

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Depth Measurements / Analytical Study in Selected Countries for the Period 1980-2008
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This research deals with the most important indicators used to measure the phenomenon of financial depth, beyond the traditional indicators, which are called quantitative indicators, which is shown to be inadequate to show the facts accurately, but it may come in the results of a counterfactual, although reliable in econometric studies done in this regard.

Therefore, this research has sought to put forward alternative indicators, is the structural indicators, and financial prices, and availability of financial instruments, and cost of transactions concluded, in order to measure the phenomenon of financial depth.

After using and analyzing data collected from countries the research

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Structural Imbalances and their impact on Sectoral Growth and Employment in Iraqi Economy for the period 2003-2015: Analytical study.
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     The objective of this study, is to attempt to explain the reality of the Structural Imbalances in the Iraqi Economy during the period of research, by providing a quantitative analysis of the most important types of Imbalances, Which are represented by the disruption in the Productive Structure, the imbalance of the structure of Public Budget, and the imbalance of the Structure of Trade. The problem of the research, is the fact that the economy structure in Iraq has long suffered from an Imbalances in its economic structure, which are represented in the unequal relations between its constituent elements, according to the proportions levels defined by the economic theory.

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