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Using Cluster Analysis In Determining The Variables Affecting The Evaluation The Growth Of Children At Different Levels
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In light of the increasing interest in Child-rearing in nurseries and kindergartens and the most important experiences gained by the child at this stage that form the basis for the subsequent stages of her/his physical mental and social growth.

The significance of the research concentrates the need to asses the affecting variables on the child growth to create opportunities for her/him to have intact rearing.

The research also aims to classify these variables at each age level and highlight its moral role.

The problem of the research is the lack of clarity of different variables impact of the child growth in different age levels in nurseries and kindergartens in the city of Sulaymaniyah.

The research assumes that there are signs of the variables that have a significant relationship to assess the child's growth at every age levels.

The research has adopted cluster analysis as one of multivariate analysis methods as it is characterized by working for classification, and the concentrated method has been used for classification of affected variables in children growth at different age levels and the use of detect the analysis factors in variables with high correlation at each age levels.

The research found out that at the level age (3-4) years the variables of mental, emotional and social  growth properties have clearly been saturated on many factors of this level and age level(4-5) years, depending on the factor analysis many saturated variables appeared as the characteristics of mental, physical and emotional  growth properties.

And at the level of age (5-6) years the mental and physical  variables properties  have been saturated and  semi-completed compatibility emerged when both age levels (4-5)and (5-6) between variables saturation on the factors with compatibility in the cluster analysis results

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The emotional stability development, Ages 11 to 14 Years
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The current research aims to identify 1) the differences of emotional stability development level according to the variable of age; and 2) the differences of emotional stability development level according to the variable of gender (male, female). This study employed a descriptive approach, whereby a total of 165 primary and secondary school student was randomly selected from the directorate of AL -rusafa side (1st rusafa) of Baghdad province to constitute the sample of the study. The questionnaire was created based on the previous testes and studies that are relevant to emotional stability, and all its psychometrics features were examined. The researcher analyzed the data using SPSS statistic

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 12 2024
Journal Name
Mustansiriyah Journal Of Sports Science
The impact of the use of numbered head and brainstorming strategies to learn handspring on the Vault table in artistic gymnastics for Men
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The aim of the study was to identify the use of the strategies of numbered heads and brainstorming in learning handspring on the Vault table in artistic gymnastics for Men for the third grade students in the collage of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, as well as to identify the best group among the three research groups (number of heads numbered,, brainstorming strategies And the traditional style group) to learn the skill under study. Using the experimental method, the research subject included the third grade students in the collage of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad, and randomly by lot, 12 students were selected for each of the three research groups. The study consisted of the arithmetic mean

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Problems that facing the philosophy of education in the variables of knowledge and Informatics society (techno _ social).
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This research includes problems that facing the philosophy of education in the variables of knowledge and Informatics society (techno _ social).

 The problematic research included three questions:

 1- What are the concepts and characterization related to the problematic of relationship between the philosophy of education and informatics variables (techno - social).

2-What kind of problems facing speech philosophy of education in the variables information (techno - social)

  3 - What are the perceptions of educational proposed to address problematic philosophy of education in the scope of human (human nature) and (values ​​and morals), in addition the research may explain the co

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurement of indoor radon levels and assessment of radiological hazards at Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site and the surrounding area
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In the present study the radon concentration was measured in indoor places by the RAD7 (radon detector) was in some locations at Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site and some surrounding areas for the duration from 13/10/2016 to 2/1/2017 and the measurement of the indoor radon concentration ranged from (4.96±4.4 to 102±25) Bq/m3. The high value of radon has been found at decommissioning directorate /emergency room, which is lower than the action value recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which is (148 Bq/m3) while the lowest value has been founded in central laboratories directorate \ models room. These values were used to calculate the annual effective dose and the health risks for cells bronchial which caused by the inhalatio

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation The Efficiency And Effectiveness of The Iraq stock Exchange -An Empirical Study From July 2004 to March 2008–
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 The aim of this study was to provide an overall assessment to the efficiency of the Iraq stocks exchanges (ISE) through specifying well –known models .First, Fama's efficient market hypothesis as a contrary concept to the random walk hypothesis, was performed and it has been found that ISE follows the random process, so the price of the shares can't be predicated on the basis of past information. Second,we use a multifactor model, which so named multiple regression, to explore the link between ISE  and the main economic indicators. our empirical analysis finds that every weak associations exists between major ISE measures and main economic indicators.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of spastic cerebral palsy upon the quality of life of children under the age of 12 years in Erbil City: parents’ reports
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Objectives: This study aims to assess the quality of life of cerebral palsy children less than 12 years old reported by
parents in Erbil city/Iraq.
Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted during 2014, to describe the quality of life of cerebral palsy
children. One hundred mothers have cerebral palsy children were participated in this study. The study took place at
Helena Center for handicapped children in Erbil City. Questionnaire was used to collect data, which consists of two
main parts. The first part is divided into two sections; section one was described the mothers’ demographic
characteristics, while the second section was for identifying the demographical characteristics of cerebral palsy
children. Th

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag Method in Investigating The Impact of Interest Rate on Foreign Direct Investment in Yemen for the Period 1990-2018
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 Foreign direct investment has seen increasing interest worldwide, especially in developing economies. However, statistics have shown that Yemen received fluctuating FDI inflows during the period under study. Against this background, this research seeks to determine the relationship and impact of interest rates on FDI flows. The study also found other determinants that greatly affected FDI inflows in Yemen for the period 1990-2018. Study data collected from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund databases. It also ensured that the time series were made balanced and interconnected, and then the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag method used in the analysis. The results showed that the interest rates and

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family violence and its impact on the educational achievement of primary school children
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The research included four chapters starting with the chapter dealing with the problem of child abuse which was one of the most important educational and social problems faced by children from their parents or family members. The most common forms of abuse are physical and psychological violence. The problem of school delays is also one of the most important educational and psychological issues that concern educators, which occur because of violence and neglect of the family. The study pointed out that domestic violence is one of the issues that has started to alarm both the global and local communities, because childhood is one of the most important stages of the human development system, which is healthy in terms of physical, mental, p

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Correlation of Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 and Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein with LH, FSH and Testosterone in Iraqi Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency
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Insulin like growth factor-1 has metabolic and growth-related roles all over the body and is strongly associated and regulated by growth hormone. It is produced by almost any type of tissue, especially the liver. The study aimed to measure insulin like growth factor in growth hormone deficient patients and find its relation with other studied parameters. The Subjects in the study were 180 studied in the National Diabetic Center for Treatment and Research/Al-Mustansiriya University in Baghdad/Iraq for the period from November 2021 to April 2022. Blood was drawn and investigated for the levels of IGF-1, IGFBP-3, LH, and FSH. Also testosterone and statistical analysis was carried out to find the potential correlations. The results relived t

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Performance evaluation of vocational and administrative institutions in the media using the bench-marking of new media: analytical study in the Journal of time
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Provides the style of benchmarking the best possible use whenevaluating the performance and evaluation, as well as improved performance,due to its consistency with the principles of good evaluation of theperformance, an extension of the completion of several functions of the timeand cost less, thereby increasing the efficiency of the management of theinstitutions, especially institutions, the media, as it became public the future ofthe message sender to the same time Zaorosaúl new media is challenging thetraditional media of what distinguishes this new interactive media and mass ledto this transition . However, the media Aljdidhoosaúl traditional mediacontinue to coexist and reinforce each Menhmaalakhr, for his wealth offreedom of opin

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