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Using Cluster Analysis In Determining The Variables Affecting The Evaluation The Growth Of Children At Different Levels
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In light of the increasing interest in Child-rearing in nurseries and kindergartens and the most important experiences gained by the child at this stage that form the basis for the subsequent stages of her/his physical mental and social growth.

The significance of the research concentrates the need to asses the affecting variables on the child growth to create opportunities for her/him to have intact rearing.

The research also aims to classify these variables at each age level and highlight its moral role.

The problem of the research is the lack of clarity of different variables impact of the child growth in different age levels in nurseries and kindergartens in the city of Sulaymaniyah.

The research assumes that there are signs of the variables that have a significant relationship to assess the child's growth at every age levels.

The research has adopted cluster analysis as one of multivariate analysis methods as it is characterized by working for classification, and the concentrated method has been used for classification of affected variables in children growth at different age levels and the use of detect the analysis factors in variables with high correlation at each age levels.

The research found out that at the level age (3-4) years the variables of mental, emotional and social  growth properties have clearly been saturated on many factors of this level and age level(4-5) years, depending on the factor analysis many saturated variables appeared as the characteristics of mental, physical and emotional  growth properties.

And at the level of age (5-6) years the mental and physical  variables properties  have been saturated and  semi-completed compatibility emerged when both age levels (4-5)and (5-6) between variables saturation on the factors with compatibility in the cluster analysis results

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process FEAHP to Prioritize The Evaluation of The Main and Subsidiary Criteria in B2B Industrial Market Sectors – Applied Research
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The research aims to define the main and subsidiary criteria for evaluating the industrial market sectors and proposing a model for arranging these criteria according to priority and knowing the highest criteria in terms of relative importance in the General Company for Automobile Trade and Machinery, and for the purpose of establishing this model, experiences in the concerned company were approved, and this study proposes a multi-criteria decision model According to the FEAHP, the expanded fuzzy hierarchical analysis method enables the commercial company to develop clear strategic policies on which the company’s management system depends on determining criteria for evaluating and selecting market sectors and making appropriate

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Cyber Crime and its Risks on Children
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Cybercrime and risks to children between the problems and solutions( An analytical study in the light of international, Arab and national statistics).
Lies the problem of the study to identify a new type of crime is different from the same traditional character of the crimes or what was customary since human creation up to the information revolution and we enter the era of globalization, which is also called (cyber crime) and their negative impact on all segments of society, especially children, as they the day of the most important social security threats, for all local and international communities alike , and those risks require collective action to various sectors and segments of society ,especially the educated classes in order t

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Variables Affecting Developments of Hydroxyapatite Coating by Using Electrophoretic Deposition Technique
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Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) process offers various advantages like the fabrication of the ceramic coatings and bodies with dense packing, good sinterability and homogenous microstructure. The variables namely (applied potential, deposition time and sintering temperature) affected the development of hydroxyapatite (HAP) coatings. The coating weight and thickness were found to increase with the increase in applied potential or coating time. Sintering temperature was found to affect in change phases of the metal, furthermore the firing shrinkage of the HAP coating on a constraining metal substrate leads to serve cracking. XRD Characterization indicates the formation of a contamination free phase pure, and the optical micrographs show th

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Factors affecting physician commitment to insight
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The physician's commitment to medical insight is affected by several factors that vary from patient to patient in terms of the nature of the disease, the severity of the disease, the age of the patient, and the purpose of undergoing medical intervention. There are circumstances surrounding patients that require the physician to reduce the insight towards them, by concealing medical information. The physician must firmly commit to expanding the scope of his vision to a wider extent than in normal medical work. Therefore, we will discuss in this regard the cases in which medical explanation is reduced and the cases that require confirmation in the following order.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Using Rational Judgment Strategy in Teaching Science on the Developing of Scientific Thinking at the Male Students of Intermediate Second Grade
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The study aimed to explore the effectiveness of using rational judgment strategy in teaching science to develop scientific thinking for second-grade students. The researcher utilized the quasi-experimental approach based on (the pre/post designing) of two groups: experimental and control. As for tools: a test of scientific thinking prepared by the researcher that proved its verification of their validity and reliability. The test applied on a random sample of (66) students, divided into two groups: (34) experimental, and (32) control. The results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in the post-application of the scientific thinking test, In each skill separately, and in the total skills. The study recommende

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cobalt Effect on the Growth of Cadmium Oxide Nanostructure Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis Technique
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Spray pyrolysis technique (SPT) is employed to synthesize cadmium oxide nanostructure with 3% and 5% Cobalt concentrations. Films are deposited on a glass substrate at 350 ᵒC with 150 nm thickness. The XRD analysis revealed a polycrystalline nature with cubic structure and (111) preferred orientation. Structural parameters represent lattice spacing, crystallite size, lattice parameter and dislocation density. Homogeneous surfaces and regular distribution of atoms were showed by atomic force microscope (AFM) with 1.03 nm average roughness and 1.22 nm root mean square roughness. Optical properties illustrated a high transmittance more than 85% in the range of visible spectrum and decreased with Co concentration increasing. The absorption

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational activities in the role of government nurseries and its relationship to some variables
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The skill of management educational activities gradually grow with the experience, but they differ from personal skill educator to another, because each style nanny personally and the way to work. There educator and active movement and vitality that look like happiness and clear during the implementation of the activity, and the other runs educational activities quietly, efficiently and without emotion and clear (dry, 2001: p. 274). And the stage of childhood is one of the most important stages that are based upon the future life as a whole because the man also confirmed by the School of analysis psychological is the son of his childhood and the best example to us what the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): (Every child i

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Use of GIS to study spatial analysis of the migration of nineveh governorate residents for the period 2014-2017
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The Migration is one of the important dynamic population movement phenomena in population studies because of its great impact in changing many demographic characteristics between the region of origin and arrival. And the multiplicity of forms and types according to the different reasons for it and the motives that prompted the population to move, as well as the currents and their size are also different according to the different causes, and here there are many types of migration, and many of them have been studied at the local and regional levels, and as long as the population is in a continuous dynamic movement, other types of migration are generated. (Al Douri, 2015, 230)          &nbs

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Pressures Affecting the Performance of Iraqi Media before the Legislative Elections of 2018 (Iraqi Satellite News Channel- as a Model): A Survey Study  Dr.Safad Husam Hammody
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The modernity of election practices of the elections in Iraq, according to the democratic approach, has led to a struggle between political rival forces reflecting a deep pressure on the tools involved in the management, marketing or control of these elections across the general social level. Hence the problem of research resides in answering the following question: What is the nature and size of the pressures affecting the media performance of Al-Iraqia News channel before the legislative elections of 2018 in Iraq?
      The objectives of the research were the following:
1. to identify the nature of the pressures that limit the Al-Iraqia News channel’s perfo

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Affecting factors in Yemeni - Russian Relations after 2011
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Thethesis of theresearch is to deal with relations between Russia and Yemen after 2011.That relationwas significant in different fields, historic, economic, strategic and cultural ones. There are mutual interestsbetweenRussia and Yemen, especially with the economic development and growth in Russia as an important partner to Yemen.Their has to an a great deal of progress in different types of relations, where as they were only partner in military relations. The studywasclassifiedintoto three sections: the first section dealt with strategic importance of Yemen to Russia. And second section dealt withthe military factor between Russia and Yemen. While the third section dealt with the economic factor between Russia and Yemen. In addi

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