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A Comparison of Bayes Estimators for the parameter of Rayleigh Distribution with Simulation
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   A comparison of double informative and non- informative priors assumed for the parameter of Rayleigh distribution is considered. Three different sets of double priors are included, for a single unknown parameter of Rayleigh distribution. We have assumed three double priors: the square root inverted gamma (SRIG) - the natural conjugate family of priors distribution, the square root inverted gamma – the non-informative distribution, and the natural conjugate family of priors - the non-informative distribution as double priors .The data is generating form three cases from Rayleigh distribution for different samples sizes (small, medium, and large). And Bayes estimators for the parameter is derived under a squared error loss function and weighted squared error loss function) in the cases of the three different sets of prior distributions .Simulations is employed to obtain results. And determine the best estimator according to the smallest value of mean squared error and weighted mean squared error. We found  that the best estimation for the parameter for all sample sizes (n) , when the double prior distribution for  is SRIG - the natural conjugate family of priors distribution with values (a=5, b=0.5, =8, =0.5) and (a=8, b=1, =5, =1) for the  true value of  respectively .Also ,we obtained the best estimation for  when the double prior distribution for  is the natural conjugate family of priors-non-informative distribution with values(=0.5, =5, c=1) for  the true value of ().


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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An Improved Image Compression Technique Using EZW and SPHIT Algorithms
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 Uncompressed form of the digital images are needed a very large storage capacity amount, as a consequence requires large communication bandwidth for data transmission over the network. Image compression techniques not only minimize the image storage space but also preserve the quality of image. This paper reveal image compression technique which uses distinct image coding scheme based on wavelet transform that combined effective types of compression algorithms for further compression. EZW and SPIHT algorithms are types of significant compression techniques that obtainable for lossy image compression algorithms. The EZW coding is a worthwhile and simple efficient algorithm. SPIHT is an most powerful technique that utilize for image

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Estimation Pore and Fracture Pressure Based on Log Data; Case Study: Mishrif Formation/Buzurgan Oilfield at Iraq
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Prediction of the formation of pore and fracture pressure before constructing a drilling wells program are a crucial since it helps to prevent several drilling operations issues including lost circulation, kick, pipe sticking, blowout, and other issues. IP (Interactive Petrophysics) software is used to calculate and measure pore and fracture pressure. Eaton method, Matthews and Kelly, Modified Eaton, and Barker and Wood equations are used to calculate fracture pressure, whereas only Eaton method is used to measure pore pressure. These approaches are based on log data obtained from six wells, three from the north dome; BUCN-52, BUCN-51, BUCN-43 and the other from the south dome; BUCS-49, BUCS-48, BUCS-47. Along with the overburden pressur

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Conference Of Computational Methods In Sciences And Engineering Iccmse 2021
Fibrewise totally topological spaces
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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أثـر الأدوات الداخلية لحوكمة الشركة على رأس المال الـعـامـل وانعكاسهما علـى القيـمـة الاقتصـادية المضـافـة: دراســة تطبيقيـة علـى عينــة مـــن الشـركــات الصنــاعــيــة المـدرجــة في بورصــة عـمّــان لــلأوراق المـالـيـة
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Objective of this research focused on testing the impact of internal corporate governance instruments in the management of working capital and the reflection of each of them on the Firm performance. For this purpose, four main hypotheses was formulated, the first, pointed out its results to a significant effect for each of corporate major shareholders ownership and Board of Directors size on the net working capital and their association with a positive relation.  The second, explained a significant effect of net working capital on the economic value added, and their link inverse relationship, while the third, explored a significant effect for each of the corporate major shareholders ownershi

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 10 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Satellite image classification using KL-transformation and modified vector quantization
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In this work, satellite images classification for Al Chabaish marshes and the area surrounding district in (Dhi Qar) province for years 1990,2000 and 2015 using two software programming (MATLAB 7.11 and ERDAS imagine 2014) is presented. Proposed supervised classification method (Modified Vector Quantization) using MATLAB software and supervised classification method (Maximum likelihood Classifier) using ERDAS imagine have been used, in order to get most accurate results and compare these methods. The changes that taken place in year 2000 comparing with 1990 and in year 2015 comparing with 2000 are calculated. The results from classification indicated that water and vegetation are decreased, while barren land, alluvial soil and shallow water

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stimulated Emission Cross Section in Xenon-Neon Lasers
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Gas Lasers are important tools that are used in variety purposes, for their low and (cw) output power. The aim of this study was to prepare a way to calculate an optimum stimulated emission cross-section in a gas laser containing a mixture of Xenon and Neon by (30%-70%). The process was a theoretical study of each gas in separate in terms of their physical properties as an active medium. The results of these calculations are logic and more convenient than other mixtures used before

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Securing Text Messages Using Graph Theory and Steganography
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      Data security is an important component of data communication and transmission systems. Its main role is to keep sensitive information safe and integrated from the sender to the receiver. The proposed system aims to secure text messages through two security principles encryption and steganography. The system produced a novel method for encryption using graph theory properties; it formed a graph from a password to generate an encryption key as a weight matrix of that graph and invested the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method for hiding the encrypted message in a colored image within a green component. Practical experiments of (perceptibility, capacity, and robustness) were calculated using similarity measures like PSNR, MSE, and

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Non Traumatic Hip Osteonecrosis Treated By Non Vascularised Bone Graft Versus Core Decompression
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Background: Avascular necrosis (AVN) is defined as cellular death of bone components due to interruption of the blood supply; the bone structures then collapse, resulting in bone destruction, pain, and loss of joint function. AVN is associated with numerous conditions and usually involves the epiphysis of long bones, such as the femoral head. In clinical practice, AVN is most commonly encountered in the hip. Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention can delay the need for joint replacement. However, most patients present late in the disease course. Without treatment, the process is almost always progressive, leading to joint destruction within 5 years.Treatment of a vascular necrosis depends mainly on early diagnosis which mainly base

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Game via Ἷ-Semi-g-Separation Axioms
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The research demonstrates new species of the games by applying separation axioms via  sets, where the relationships between the various species that were specified and the strategy of winning and losing to any one of the players, and their relationship with the concepts of separation axioms via  sets have been studied.

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 17 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Contractible J-Saces
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Jordan  curve  theorem  is  one  of  the  classical  theorems  of  mathematics, it states  the  following :  If    is a graph of  a  simple  closed curve  in  the complex plane the complement  of   is the union of  two regions,  being the common  boundary of the two regions. One of  the region   is  bounded and the other is unbounded. We introduced in this paper one of Jordan's theorem generalizations. A new type of space is discussed with some properties and new examples. This new space called Contractible -space.

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