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Usage of non-linear programming in building a mathematical model for production planning according to discount constraints put on bought amount
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 This research deals will the declared production planning operation in the general company of planting oils, which have  great role in production operations management who had built mathematical model for correct non-linear programming according to discounting operation during raw materials or half-made materials purchasing operation which concentration of six main products by company but discount included just three products of raw materials, and there were six months taken from the 1st half of 2014 as a planning period has been chosen . Simulated annealing algorithm  application on non-linear model which been more difficulty than possible solution when imposed restrictions (Linear) on non-Linear target function . The aim of selection the simulated annealing algorithm as a way to resolve. The model of production planning that it is recursive which modify research methods operations belong to production effectively and high quality . The main goal of this algorithm to find out optimum solution limited numbers of available solutions.           

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The role of historical memory on social and Cultural mobility of Hilla Old city
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As long as the place in which a person lives has a meaning and temporal dimensions , memory is the main axis of these dimensions , today , city centers and old historical sectors of cities are abandoned , and began to turn into slums , the contradiction between old and historical sectors led cities to lose their identity while people lost their sense of belongingness to the old sectors where their ancestors used to live . The old city of Hilla used to have social , historical and cultural role on determining the identity . The study problem can be summarized as the ( lack of studies regarding the impact of historical memory related to Hilla old city on social and cultural mobility ) , the study hypothesis claims that the social , histori

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 05 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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A field experiment was conducted at the experimental field of botanical garden, faculty of science, university of Baghdad, in order to study the effect of plant density on growth and yield of two local cultivars of sunflower (Sin Althieb and Shumose). The densities used were 4.4 and 8.8 plant/m2. The results showed difference between cultivars in their agronomic traits and their yields. There was a significant increase in plant height and leaf area index by increasing the plant density, while head diameter, number of seeds and leaf area decreased. But the most significant effect was the increasing in yield and biological yield by increasing the plant density. There was an increase by 72% and 58% in the yield and 79% an

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Seeds Soaking in Solutions of Some Calcium Salts on Saline Stress Tolerance of Barley Plant
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  Seeds of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) plant var. California Marriout were soaked in solutions of calcium sulphate and calcium chloride at different concentrations (0.5%,1.0%,5.0%) for different periods of time(3,6,12) h with continuous aeration . Seeds were planted in petridishs. Seedling of some treatment were transferred to the solution culture. The nutrient solution used was that of Arnon and Hoagland but at 1:10 strength. Different concentrations of NaCl were used in the nutrient solution (100,150, 200) m M . Unsoaked seeds and soaked in distilled water were used for comparison . Salt stress tolerance was evaluated by different morphological parameters. Results showed that the adverse effect of saline stress were reduced by so

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Variation of Degree of Saturation with depth on Soil–Concrete Pile Interface in Clayey Soil
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Bearing capacity of a concrete pile in fine grained cohesive soils is affected by the degree of saturation of the surrounding soil through the contribution of the matric suction. In addition, the embedded depth and the roughness of the concrete pile surface (expressed as British Pendulum Number BPN) also have their contribution to the shear strength of the concrete pile, consequently its bearing capacity. Herein, relationships among degree of saturation, pile depth, and surface roughness, were proposed as a mathematical model expressed as an equation where the shear strength of a pile can be predicted in terms of degree of saturation, depth, and BPN. Rel

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 18 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effect of Oral Administration of Valerian Extract at Different Doses on Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Carbamazepine in Rabbits
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Carbamazepine (CBZ) is a narrow therapeutic index drug used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and psychiatric disorders. Valerian (VAL) is a popular herbal product which should be prescribed to treat insomnia and anxiety. The study was designed to investigate the presence of significant pharmacokinetic (PK) interaction between Valerian (VAL) at different concentrations on Carbamazepine (CBZ) pharmacokinetic parameters in healthy male rabbits. In an in vivo, parallel-randomized controlled trial, the rabbits in three groups "first (control), second and third" were given oral doses of CBZ (50 mg/kg), for "second and third" groups (as test groups) rabbits were given (20 and 40 mg/kg/day) of the VAL respectively, as  suspensi

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Impact of geographical locations of the water treatment plants in Baghdad City on quality of supplied water
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In this study, the water treatment plants located on the Tigris River within Baghdad city were subjected to qualitative and quantitative assessments. Based on location, the plants from upstream to downstream are Al-Karkh, East Tigris, Al-Karamah, Al-Wathbah, Al-Wehdah, Al-Kadiseyah, Al-Dora, and Al-Rashid. Data from 2009 to 2020 on the turbidity, total dissolved solids, Alkalinity, hardness, chloride, calcium, and temperature were used in the qualitative assessment while data on the treated water production and population served were used in the quantitative assessment. The above Data was acquired from the Municipality of Baghdad. The turbidity was mainly used as a fair gauge to assess the performance of the water treatment plants in Baghda

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Histological and histomorphometric studies of the effects of hyaluronic acid on osseointegration of titanium implant in rabbits
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Background: One of the unique prosthesis for tooth or teeth replacement is the dental implant. Our attempt is using a biomaterial system that is easily obtained and applicable and has the ability to provoke osteoinductive growth factor to enhance bone formation at the site of application. One of these natural polymers is hyaluronic acid. Material and methods: Sixty machined surface implants from commercially pure titanium rod inserted in thirty NewZealand rabbits. Two implants placed in both tibia of each rabbit. The animals scarified at 1, 2 and 4 weeks after implantation (10 rabbits for each interval). For all of animals the right tibia’s implant was control (uncoated) and the left one was experimental (coated with 0.1ml Hyaluro

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Control of Omni-Directional Mobile Robot Motion
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This paper presents the motion programming and control of omni-directional mobile robot through the process of building and programming a small robotic platform with secondary design criteria of modularity and simplified control. This is accomplished by combining the positive aspects of several different robotics platform ideas. The platform is shaped like an equilateral triangle with a servo motor, sensors, and omni-wheel, controlled by a PIC microcontroller.

      In this work the kinematics, inverse kinematics and dynamic module for the platform is derived. Two search algorithms (the wall-following search and the “most-open-area” search) is designed, tested, and analyzed experimentally.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Bayesian Estimators of the parameter and Reliability Function of Inverse Rayleigh Distribution" A comparison study "
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     In this paper, Bayesian estimator for the parameter and reliability function of inverse Rayleigh distribution (IRD) were obtained Under three types of loss function, namely, square error loss function (SELF), Modified Square error loss function (MSELF) and Precautionary loss function (PLF),taking into consideration the  informative and non- informative  prior. The performance of such estimators was assessed on the basis of mean square error (MSE) criterion by performing a Monte Carlo simulation technique.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of re-engineering to achieve effective performance level of Ministry of electricity operations/an applied study of process reengineering clean solar cells
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 The study is dealing with an application reengineering process clean solar cells in the Ministry of electricity,  as aimed at the possibility of the applicability and impact of re-engineering to achieve the level of performance of the Ministry's operations, with the application of the cleaning process  solar cells, developed, improved and found a correlation, statistically significant effect between variable re-engineering and performance as well as the application of process reengineering clean solar cells:1- Before the re-engineering process the total time for cleaning up and solar cell 20 minutes and number of columns performed per day 24 columns and total  columns750 which were completed per month that re

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