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The role of practices by the Managing of human resources on effectiveness of organizational crisis Management Described and analysis research for ministry of Iraqi interior
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The practice by the  administration of human resources  on effectiveness of organization  crisis as two knowledge fields , it were be until now as center for many studies, but the collect it, study of relation between them ,and The role of practices  by the  administration of human resources  on effectiveness of organization  crisis administration  were considered a new study and first according to the available and showing  studies at this field .

The problem of this research was specified by answer for the question that deal for size of consciousness at the ministry of interior for import of the practice by the  administration of human resources , and its failures to face the crisis, as independent variable with its dimensions  (choosing– training-  performance evaluation–incentive) to achieve the effectiveness for organization  crisis administration  as followed variable with its three dimensions ( speed of responded decision – connect and flow of data – press and packing of resources)  using the style of described  and analysis research after the academic research. The research aim about the relation and affect of practices at  effectiveness of organization  crisis administration in the researched ministry. research was applied on the designedly sample from managers, their assistants, chiefs of department , managers of branches who working at the general directorate for administration of human resources . The numbers of sample are (111). The data were collected by the statement, located visits, personal in terview, some of official documents to completing the study data, and using the statistic tools to treatment this data such as: repetition distribution, weight accounting middle, percent and normative deviation to describe  the research sample, and joining coefficients (spearman) to measure a type and degree of relation between the variables, and simple falling coefficients to measure the effect of one independent variable at one dependable variable ,and multiple normative  coefficients to measure the effects of many variables  at one dependable variable , and stability coefficients by method of (Split Half) to accounting the stability coefficients for statement items .

This study reach to many important conclusions and  recommendations such as: the statistics results have proved there is a relation of joining and effect for practices  by the  administration of human resources  on effectiveness of organization  crisis administration that the ministry face it .This study finish by many important recommendations such as: care for the human resource by sharing the manager of human resources with higher management to forming and executing strategic of ministry , and forming working teams ,their head function to diagnosis the crisis  before it happen and send a report of scanning results every month to the higher management .

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Ibn Tulun's personal and scientific biography Shams Id-Din Mohammad Ibn Ali AL-Dimashqi Al-Salihi (953 A .H / 1546 A.D)
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The research aims for the study about Ibn Tulun's personal and scientific biography to the
scholar, scientist and historian Ibn Tulun Shams Id- Din Mohammad Ibn Ali al-Dimashqi al-
Salihi (953 A.H. / 1546 A.D.) Ibn Tulun was a prominent Muslim historian in Blad al-
At the first deals with Ibn Tulun's personal biography, author's name, Lineage, and
nickname, his nativity; his upbringing, and edification, his moral character, Finally, his death.
As to Ibn Tulun's scientific biography, at the first deals with his initiation into education
and learning , sheds light on his tutors and his authorities , scientific stations and travels , his
scholarly status , and Ibn Tulun's alumni or his students .

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using Spatial Videos, Google Earthtm and Geographic Information System to Dynamically Monitor Built Environment Changes In a Challenging Environment: Baghdad, Iraq.
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Urban expansion and its environmental and safety effects are one of the critical information needed for future development planning, safety considerations and environmental management. This work used two methods to monitor urban expansion and it's environmental and safety effects, the first is based on Google Maps for the years 2002 and 2010, and the second was the usage of spatial videos for the year 2013. Although the usage of satellite images is critical to know and investigate the general situation and the total effects of the expansion on a large piece of area, but the Spatial videos do a very detailed fine scale investigation, site conditions regarding both environmental and safety cannot be easily distinguished fr

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 25 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Caries-Experiences and Dental Treatment Needs among (16-18 Years Old) in High School Girls in Al-Mussayb City, Babylon Governorate
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Background: Numerous epidemiological studies were conducted in Iraq, concerning dental caries and related etiological factors however; most of these studies were concerned with pre-and primary school children and/or those at index ages (12-15years old). At the time studies regarding older ages are very limited. This study was done to determine the prevalence and severity of dental caries and treatment need among high schools girls (16-18 years old) in Al-Mussayb city, Babylon Governorate. Thus, it can be considered as a base line data that allows studying dental caries among permanent dentition, also allows the comparison with other studies in other parts of the world. Material and Method: A total number of 900 high school girls were examin

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Managementt o f non traumatic A vascular Necrosis off Femoral Head at precollapse stage with Core Decompression and tibial Bone Grafting
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 Avascular necrosis have always presented great challenges to orthopedic surgeons and patients, remain in many ways today the unsolved dilemma. Varieties of non-vascularized bone grafting techniques preceded by core decompression have been proposed with varying degrees of success. O bb j ee cc t i vv ee ss : The aim of this study is to review the the value of core decompression and non-vascularized tibial bone strip graft treatment for early stages of non-traumatic osteonecrosis stage II & III according to stein burg staging . M ee t hh oo dd ss : prospectively reviewed 26 patients (32 hips) with osteonecrosis of the femoral head between June 2006 and December 2013 at Imam Ali hospital in Sader city & Al-Wasity teaching hosp

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Gingival condition, enamel anomalies and traumatic dental injuries among 14-15 years intermediate school male students in Al-Khalis City/Iraq
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Background: One of the most common and prevalent oral diseases among adolescents is periodontal disease particularly gingivitis, however enamel anomalies and dental trauma could occur. Aims of the study: This study was conducted among 14-15 years intermediate school male students in urban area of Al-Khalis city to assess the oral hygiene (dental plaque) and to estimate the prevalence and severity of gingivitis, enamel anomalies, as well as traumatic dental injuries, furthermore to show the significant difference between these two ages concerning these oral problems. Materials and methods: In this study the total sample consisted of 735 students (397 aged 15 years and 338 aged 14 years ). In present study dental plaque was recorded accord

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
کاریگەری ستراتیجیەتی مێزگرد لەسەر دەستکەوتی بابەتی خوێندنەوە و ئەدەبی کوردی
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
مجلة التربية الرياضية
إدارة درس التربية الرياضية لدى الطالب المطبق وفقا المهارات التدريسية من وجهة ً الهم نظر اعضاء هيأة التدريس في كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة جامعة بغداد
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
دراسة حالة: Case Study
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The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the impact of deposit insurance to reduce banking risks, as banks in various countries of the world face a variety of risks that led to banking and financial crises that led to the failure and bankruptcy of many of its bank, which led to the banks to find quick and appropriate solutions to get rid of these difficulties These solutions include the use of bank deposit protection system for the many risks and sequences of crises that accompanied the Iraqi banking work of thefts, forgery, embezzlement and changing and unstable circumstances. The importance of studying the subject of research through the theoretical framework of banking risks as well as the framework of consideration In order to

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Saudi society’s trends towards visiting museums and art galleries: منال بنت مرشد الحربي -حنان بنت يوسف الأحمد-مها بنت عبد الله السنان
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The aim of the research is to identify the trends of Saudi society towards visiting art galleries and museums in light of economic and social transformations after the implementation of the 2030 vision plans. The importance of the research is to track the reasons behind the reluctance of members of society to visit such cultural institutions, and to plan proposals and recommendations for how to attract members of society and motivate them. This research followed the descriptive approach, and the study sample reached 103 members of the Saudi community. several research tools were used in this research such as questionnaire, personal interviews in addition to the researcher notes. The results concluded that the art galleries attract the ap

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 25 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Craniometric asymmetry assessment in class I and class II skeletal relationship patients using helical computed tomography sample aged between 18-35 years
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Background: Asymmetry assessment is an important component of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. Several studies attempted to find the relationship between craniometric asymmetry and skeletal jaws relationship and many authors found some extent of asymmetry in individuals with normal jaws relationship. The use of Computed tomography (CT) allows for the assessment of asymmetry on a dimensionally accurate volumetric image, aim of the study is to determine if there are differences in craniometric asymmetry between patient with skeletal class I and patients with skeletal class II relationship using Helical CT scan. Materials and Methods: Ninety individuals with clinically symmetrical faces were imaged with Helical CT scan, and aging

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