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Employ benchmarking to Appraisal the performance of employees in achieving the total quality of human resources requirements - applied research in the Office of the Inspector General / Martyrs Foundation
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This research aims to determine the role of employee performance evaluation of the achievement of the quality of human resources in the Office of the Inspector General / Martyrs Foundation requirements by employing comparison steps reference with the Office of the Inspector General / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, has been touching the researchers need the Office of the Inspector General / Martyrs Foundation to apply assess the performance is good for workers and the employment of its outputs to achieve the requirements of the above-mentioned system, and in order to stand on this role we raised the following question President: (is the quality of human resources requirements are achieved through the employment of benchmarking to evaluate the performance of employees in the surveyed?) Organization

In order to achieve the goal of the research, and answer the questions of the problem reach researchers through theoretical thought and studies related to the construction of a prototypical scheme supposedly shows the relationship between research variables, it consisted of employee performance evaluation system variable declaratory included four sub-dimensions (the quality of the goal of the system, standards performance evaluation, performance assessment methods, feedback), and the requirements of the quality of human resources as a variable is a response included six sub-dimensions (recruitment, training and development, compensation, continuous improvement, teamwork, satisfaction of internal customer) and variable broker benchmarking consists of four dimensions, namely, ( planning, analysis, integration, implementation) has reacted to these variables to form a frame, which is the research.

Research community of individuals working all in the office of the Inspector General / Martyrs Foundation and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research across all administrative levels, as was the use of the style of the random sample and that 75 individuals numbered product in the application of research, and the response rate (100%), and used may be resolution as an essential tool in collecting data and information, as well as conducting personal interviews and actual views, and analysis of data was used software (SPSS), through which was obtained percentages and duplicates, and test Alpha Crow Nbach, the coefficient of Spearman correlation, and analysis of simple regression, analysis of the track, and testing Mann-Whitney used to test the hypotheses.








Through the search results which showed that the performance of workers applied in the Office of the Inspector General / Martyrs Foundation lowest average evaluation system and weaknesses in achieving the above requirements compared to the performance of employees in force in the Office of the Inspector General / Evaluation and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research system as well as the testing and analysis of the results of the hypotheses conclude the researchers said employee performance evaluation system contributes to the quality of human resources requirements and have a greater impact by employing a reference comparison.

And went Find a set of recommendations based on the conclusions reached by including the need to take the two organizations (researched and reference) attention and care more performance evaluation for employees by setting the goal of the system is a high quality and the development of methods and criteria used to rely on its outputs and in collaboration with the consulting office system, particularly the Advisory Office College of management and Economics University of Baghdad, Baz achieve the quality of human resources requirements.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The goal orientations for the university students
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The learner has face difficult in learning if not accompanied by strong motivation and directed towards the goals that set for himself,as the type of goals set by the learner for himself is behind the difference in achievement of the tasks and levels of learning, and these goals are directed and determine his behavior Academic in the way of his study and his direction towards the lecture and colleagues.

Current research aims:

  • Build tools for thegoal orientations
  • Measuring the goal orientations for the university studentsaccording to variables (type/class/specialization).

In order to achieve the objectives of the research, a tool was constructed for the (the Goal orientation), and the psych

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Egyptian-Ethiopian Relations after the Change
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Egypt and Ethiopia have connected in a strong relation as there are historical facts that
deepen these relations, one of these is Egypt's cooperation in establishing the first economic
and financial banking system in Ethiopia.
Beside the religious relation between The Egyptian and Ethiopian churches the Nile River is
considered one of the effective connections
That strong then the relations as it leads to some tension between the two countries because
Ethiopia believes that Egypt seeks to control the river tries to build its project over the Blue
Nile means a threat to the Ethiopian national security.
The tension continues even after the revolution of 25th of January 2011because the Nahda
dam which is a clear t

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Environmental Cost Management And The Role Of Sustainable Environmental Development: بالتطبيق في مصنع اسمنت باجل
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The environmental cost management focus on continuous improvement of processes and the various activities of the organization in order to improve the environmental performance by producing an environmentally friendly products lead to a competitive advantage for the organization and supports the activities of their sustainability.

  The study was carried out in Bagel cement factory, one of the pioneer projects in Yemen in manufacturing field, The study found the need to develop a separate section for environmental management in order to put plans and environmental policies and the introduction of a special division in the Department of costs cares about Management practices cost and measure environmental costs, also give solu

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of Water Quality and Trophic Status of Duhok Lake Dam
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This study is conducted in order to, investigate the trophic state of Duhok Lake Dam located within Duhok city, Iraq. Water samples are collected seasonally from three monitored sites during 2011. The parameters used for assessing water quality and trophic status level include: water temperature, pH, EC, TDS, DO, BOD5, nutrients, Secchi disk transparency, and chlorophyll a. The results reveal that DO is above 5 mg.l-1 in all sites, BOD5 value is within permissible level for domestic uses. Water quality considered as a hard type. High sulfate concentration is recorded during the study period. Trophic state shows that water type is classified as mesotrophic during autumn season, while it is regarded as eutrophic in other seasons. TDN/TDP rati

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Scopus (13)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
كلية التربية الجامعة المستنصرية
Study the electron drift velocity in gas mixtures of CF3I with N2 obtained from Boltzmann equation analysis
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
كلية التربية -الجامعة المستنصرية
study the electron drift velocity in gas mixtures of SF6 with N2 obtained from Boltzmann equation analysis
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 09 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Medical Research & Health Sciences
Assessing the Period between Diagnosis of Breast Cancer and Surgical Treatment among Mastectomized Female Patients in Iraq
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Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the major cause of cancer related deaths among Iraqi women. Due to the relatively late detection of breast cancer, the majority of the patients are still treated by modified radicle mastectomy. Aim: To assess the time lag between diagnosis of breast cancer and mastectomy among Iraqi patients; correlating the findings with other clinicopathological characteristics of the disease. Patients and methods: This retrospective study enrolled 226 Iraqi female patients who were diagnosed with breast cancer. Data were registered on the exact time period between signing the histopathological report and the surgical treatment. Other recorded variables included the age of the patients, their level

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
Acta Biomed
Diagnostic study of the most important fungal infections associated with some inflammatory bowel disease in Iraqi patients
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The current study aimed to isolate and diagnose the fungi associated with the inflammatory bowel disease patients with 150 samples distributed between 50 samples from Crohn's patients and 50 samples from ulcerative colitis patients, 50 control from Al-Kindy Al Teaching Hospital in Baghdad, Baghdad. Five types of yeast were isolated and identified, namely C. albicans, C.glabarta, Tropicales, C. parapsilosis, C. and C., krusi C. parapsilosis and.and Aspergillus, Penicillium, Muocer, Rhizopous, Saccharomycosis, and Cryptococcus, The results indicated the dominance of Candida spp. In crohn’s disease, the frequency of isolated Candida albicans was 24 (58.54%), Candida glabrata 11 (26.86%), Candida tropicalis 5 (12.2%) and Candida krusi was 1 (

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of critical listening in teaching reading on developing students critical thinking at Kurdish Language Department
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Students' passive listening to their teacher's reading is one of main
reasons behindtheir weakness in the reading skill which in its turn may
hinderachieving the in desired objectives.
When exploiting critical thinking, which will lead to deeper
understanding of the intellectual content, in learning and accurate and
correct students' outcomes.
Active listening allows paying attention to the speaker, asking him,
arguing with him, judging what he says, and making decision on what
he says. For this reason, the researcher felt the need for preforming a
study to identify the effect of critical listening on developing students'
critical thinking at reading in the Kurdish language department.
The researcher has

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 17 2017
Journal Name
Moj Orthopedics & Rheumatology
Primary Intramuscular Hydatid Cyst of the Thigh Muscle in 20-Year-Old Female: A Rare Case Report
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