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Employ benchmarking to Appraisal the performance of employees in achieving the total quality of human resources requirements - applied research in the Office of the Inspector General / Martyrs Foundation
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This research aims to determine the role of employee performance evaluation of the achievement of the quality of human resources in the Office of the Inspector General / Martyrs Foundation requirements by employing comparison steps reference with the Office of the Inspector General / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, has been touching the researchers need the Office of the Inspector General / Martyrs Foundation to apply assess the performance is good for workers and the employment of its outputs to achieve the requirements of the above-mentioned system, and in order to stand on this role we raised the following question President: (is the quality of human resources requirements are achieved through the employment of benchmarking to evaluate the performance of employees in the surveyed?) Organization

In order to achieve the goal of the research, and answer the questions of the problem reach researchers through theoretical thought and studies related to the construction of a prototypical scheme supposedly shows the relationship between research variables, it consisted of employee performance evaluation system variable declaratory included four sub-dimensions (the quality of the goal of the system, standards performance evaluation, performance assessment methods, feedback), and the requirements of the quality of human resources as a variable is a response included six sub-dimensions (recruitment, training and development, compensation, continuous improvement, teamwork, satisfaction of internal customer) and variable broker benchmarking consists of four dimensions, namely, ( planning, analysis, integration, implementation) has reacted to these variables to form a frame, which is the research.

Research community of individuals working all in the office of the Inspector General / Martyrs Foundation and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research across all administrative levels, as was the use of the style of the random sample and that 75 individuals numbered product in the application of research, and the response rate (100%), and used may be resolution as an essential tool in collecting data and information, as well as conducting personal interviews and actual views, and analysis of data was used software (SPSS), through which was obtained percentages and duplicates, and test Alpha Crow Nbach, the coefficient of Spearman correlation, and analysis of simple regression, analysis of the track, and testing Mann-Whitney used to test the hypotheses.








Through the search results which showed that the performance of workers applied in the Office of the Inspector General / Martyrs Foundation lowest average evaluation system and weaknesses in achieving the above requirements compared to the performance of employees in force in the Office of the Inspector General / Evaluation and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research system as well as the testing and analysis of the results of the hypotheses conclude the researchers said employee performance evaluation system contributes to the quality of human resources requirements and have a greater impact by employing a reference comparison.

And went Find a set of recommendations based on the conclusions reached by including the need to take the two organizations (researched and reference) attention and care more performance evaluation for employees by setting the goal of the system is a high quality and the development of methods and criteria used to rely on its outputs and in collaboration with the consulting office system, particularly the Advisory Office College of management and Economics University of Baghdad, Baz achieve the quality of human resources requirements.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science Trends And Technology
Secure Video Data Deduplication in the Cloud Storage Using Compressive Sensing
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Cloud storage provides scalable and low cost resources featuring economies of scale based on cross-user architecture. As the amount of data outsourced grows explosively, data deduplication, a technique that eliminates data redundancy, becomes essential. The most important cloud service is data storage. In order to protect the privacy of data owner, data are stored in cloud in an encrypted form. However, encrypted data introduce new challenges for cloud data deduplication, which becomes crucial for data storage. Traditional deduplication schemes cannot work on encrypted data. Existing solutions of encrypted data deduplication suffer from security weakness. This paper proposes a combined compressive sensing and video deduplication to maximize

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Analytical Model for Detection the Tilt in Originally Oil Water Contacts
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Many carbonate reservoirs in the world show a tilted in originally oil-water contact (OOWC) which requires a special consideration in the selection of the capillary pressure curves and an understanding of reservoir fluids distribution while initializing the reservoir simulation models.
An analytical model for predicting the capillary pressure across the interface that separates two immiscible fluids was derived from reservoir pressure transient analysis. The model reflected the entire interaction between the reservoir-aquifer fluids and rock properties measured under downhole reservoir conditions.
This model retained the natural coupling of oil reservoirs with the aquifer zone and treated them as an explicit-region composite system

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Publication Date
Thu May 15 2014
Journal Name
Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society
Gravitational lensing in WDM cosmologies: the cross-section for giant arcs
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The nature of the dark sector of the Universe remains one of the outstanding problems in modern cosmology, with the search for new observational probes guiding the development of the next generation of observational facilities. Clues come from tension between the predictions from Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) and observations of gravitationally lensed galaxies. Previous studies showed that galaxy clusters in the ΛCDM are not strong enough to reproduce the observed number of lensed arcs. This work aims to constrain the warm dark matter (WDM) cosmologies by means of the lensing efficiency of galaxy clusters drawn from these alternative models. The lensing characteristics of two samples of simulated clusters in the Λ warm dark matter and ΛCDM

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Educational Planning, it's Importance in the Social, Economical and Educational Development
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Educational Planning, it's Importance in the Social, Economical and Educational Development

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Overlap food for fish in the Haditha Dam Reservoir (Qadisiyah) Iraq
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Shehadt 683 fish of different fish present in the tank Haditha Dam during the period of February 1993 and the end Maes 1994 to identify the nutritional content of the digestive tract or the stomach for these fish and their impact on the environment of the tank and found that Fish fine linen and Alhalg animal feeding predators feed on small fish, mainly the fish brown plantnutrition

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 24 2020
Journal Name
Mintage Journal Of Pharmaceutical & Medical Sciences
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 11 2021
Journal Name
Environment, Development And Sustainability
Developing a system for assessing the sustainability in school building projects
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Attitudes The King Ghazi Direction British Policy In Iraq 1933-1939
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The period of the reign of King Ghazi saw many disorders in most parts of the country and the management disrupted and imbalanced, besides tribal unrests and political conflict and collision with British interests, Such as bad management in some regions and loss of government control over some administrative units, due to the position of the weak governments towards these problems, so it was necessary to change these Governments and Ministers to solve such problems. In contrast, the Iraqi government has focused on the army as the basis for a strong state and the protector on the existence of an external threat for the safety of the country, King Ghazi has helped in the development of competencies of the military, bringing the officers ex

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A systematical study about the genus Lycopus L. (Labiatae) in Iraq
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The study included gross morphology and pollen of plants – which collected during field trips , and dry ones for most specimen preserved with the Iraqi herbaria – related to the genus Lycopus L. , and to identify the unidentified species and rectify the error there in , so according to that the species L. europaeus L. only were specified for the genus . Through this work the varity L. europaeus var. glabrescens Schmidely were found at the first time , and suggested to record anew for Iraq . Pollen were of medium size, and had an ellipsoid shape in the equatorial view , and hexagonal in the polar view. The ecological and soil quality where these genus plants grows were specified , and were geographically distribut

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 11 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Three-species food chain model with cannibalism in the second level
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This article suggests and explores a three-species food chain model that includes fear effects, refuges depending on predators, and cannibalism at the second level. The Holling type II functional response determines food consumption between stages of the food chain. This study examined the long-term behavior and impacts of the suggested model's essential elements. The model's solution properties were studied. The existence and stability of every probable equilibrium point were examined. The persistence needs of the system have been determined. It was discovered what conditions could lead to local bifurcation at equilibrium points. Appropriate Lyapunov functions are utilized to investigate the overall dynamics of the system. To support the a

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