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Proposal framework to activate the international accounting procedures for disasters and wars effects in the local environment
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natural and non-natural disasters, is an environmental challenges the society and the economy as well as a direct and indirect economic affect, and the units are part of the system overlapping among themselves and thus affected by external indicators, directly or indirectly, these direct effects appear in the destruction or damage inflicted by disasters in property , infrastructure , superstructure , accounting information systems and indirectly in the outcome of future business, comes research problem through access to accounting treatments issued by the Federal Office of financial supervision to address the damage caused by the disasters and prepare the missing financial accounts it turns out us that there is negligence of a number of issues that we believe need to be discussed and to propose appropriate mechanisms to address them. The importance of research is needed for decision-makers at all levels to a high-quality accounting information about the value of the damage caused as a result of disasters suffered by Iraq for more than once in recent decades, and the presence of a number of accounting topics actors and absent from the local accounting procedures and requires the review and update accounting treatments approved by the Board of Supreme Audit to respond to the needs of decision makers first and to blend in with a private international requirements. This research depended on main hypothesis which refers to:(that building a system of accounting information in light of disasters responds to the need of the decision-maker requires renovation local accounting procedures in order to be more effective in the light of international applications .

The research has reached a number of conclusions including integrated accounting system is short of meeting the international financial reporting requirements as a result of not admitting much of the accounting procedures when disasters occur distorts the financial statements as they relate to the value of the losses incurred from the impact of disasters.                                              

The researcher found a set of recommendations including , The need to adapt international accounting procedures in light of disasters and wars in the local environment through the introduction of new items in the consolidated accounting manual, which applies in the Iraqi companies with customizable directory number and restrictions and to explain the item and the international standard which is based on the newly created item.


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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of using analytical procedures in the detection of creative accounting practices
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The research aims to identify the importance of using analytical procedures in the detection of creative accounting practices. To achieve this goal, (100) questionnaires were prepared and distributed to the auditors in the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau and the authorized auditors' offices and practitioners of the auditing profession in Iraq. For the purpose of testing the research hypothesis and analyzing data, some appropriate statistical methods have been used and the use of the statistical program (SPSS) to analyze the data. The results of the research showed that the analytical procedures and tests applied by the auditor have a role in revealing and limiting creative accounting practices and methods and that auditors u

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Disclosure of related parties in accordance with the requirements of International Accounting Standards: إنموذج قاعدة محاسبية مقترحه
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        Positions related parties have become a regular feature and the general business and trade these days as it can enter the facilities in transactions with related parties on terms no enters them is with the parties relationship in normal circumstances, and that he found the funniest people relationship have an effect on the outcome of activity and financial position of the entity and its decisions financial and operational. In order to ensure "transparency" in the financial reports, most accounting around the world standards determines that disclosure of transactions with related parties, it is important to have a local accounting rules these relations as well as the unnecessary disclosure of the

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Effective indicators of healthy cities in facing natural disasters (epidemics and diseases)
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The excessive and rapid urban growth witnessed by most cities in the world can be a cause of diseases and epidemics, especially those problems related to population, which include problems of transportation and increase in density in the centers, in addition to the lack of interest in planning and designing those cities to take into account the health aspect of the city and obtain The health well-being of the population, and each of these problems has negative effects on health in general and on human health in particular through its prevalence. Therefore, many concepts that serve as a tool for achieving public health and the physical health of the population have emerged, including the concept of city health, which is defined as cities

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measurement and accounting disclosure of intellectual capital using accounting models in the Iraqi insurance company
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The research aims to shed light on the possibility of measuring the intellectual capital in the Iraqi insurance company using accounting models, as well as disclosing it in the financial statements of the company, where human capital was measured using the present value factor model for discounted future revenues and the intellectual value-added factor model for measuring structural capital It was also disclosed in the financial statements based on the theory of stakeholders. The research problem lies in the fact that the Iraqi insurance company does not carry out the process of measuring and disclosing the intellectual capital while it is considered an important source for the company’s progress in the labor market recently. T

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Investigate the Microbial Load and Types of Preservatives Yogurt Available In Local Market.: Investigate the Microbial Load and Types of Preservatives Yogurt Available In Local Market.
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The aim of this study to investigate the microbial load and type of preservative for the types of yogurt available in the Iraqi market to ensure the safety of food provided to the consumer and protect through examining the types of yogurt from harmful bacteria as well as to contain ratios acceptable to yeasts and molds is to find out by comparing models curd careless Iraqi standard quality(ISQ) and see how they conform to these specifications have been collecting 12 brands of yoghurt types it was been (Kala, Activia 1, Activia 2, Mazia, Shelan, Aib, Mersin, Morsi, Al-Safi, Zabady, Zakho, Arbil). Bacteriological tests were conducted on samples of yogurt (total bacterial count, coliform count, counting yeasts and molds). The results showed

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposed mechanism to activate the role of the Federal board supreme Audit in the examination of the federal budget estimates of the state
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The aim of the research is to present and discuss the subject of the budgeting estimates and how to activate the role of the Federal board of supreme audit in examining these estimates through reference to Articles 6 and 10 of the Federal board of supreme Law, which did not restrict Federal board of supreme in Preventive control on examination process for planning which is prepared from the government units, as the result of a large amount  of government units Provisions and the weakness of estimates in most of its items, which rely on personal assessment and not based on scientific and logical basis of the estimate, which leads to the emergence of a deficit is not true in the general budget and this seems clear in most Iraq

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Extent of Iraqis oil companies commitment to implement internal control procedures in accordance to updated COSO framework (an applied study in Midland Oil Company)
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The research amid to find out the extent of Iraqi oil companies commitment to implement internal control procedures in accordance with the updated COSO framework. As the research problem was represented in the fact that many of the internal control procedures applied in the Iraqi oil companies are incompatible with most modern international frameworks for internal control, including the integrated COSO framework, issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tradeway Committee. The research followed the quantitative approach to handling and analysing data by designing a checklist to represent the research tool for collecting data. The study population was represented in the Iraqi oil companies, while the study sample

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The Impact of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) on the Public Budget in Iraq"
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     The aim of the research is to determine the impact of the Iraqi public budget on IPSASs by conducting the questionnaire; the research was based on the hypothesis that "there is an impact of the adoption of the International Accounting Standards in the general budget of Iraq”. The research concluded that the government accounting system closely interferes with the general budget at all stages. The shifting towards the accrual basis is the first element of the reform package towards reaching the reform of the state budget. Without reforming government accounting, it is almost impossible to develop the budget. IPSASs are a recognized reference to the assessment and development of governmen

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Enhancing audit procedures in accordance with the international assurance standard through the implementation of a proposed program
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                  The research seeks to identify the role of the International Assurance Standard (3402) in the auditor's procedures, as the importance of the research stems from providing assurance services for control tools through reports that are prepared according to this standard, which contribute to strengthening audit procedures through a proposed assurance program. Many conclusions were reached, the most important of which The assurance operations are considered among the operations with a special assignme

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Accounting Disclosure for non-current intangible assets according to international accounting standard (IAS16, 36): A Comparative Study of the State Company for Travelers and delegates Transportations
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The Accounting Disclosure for non-current intangible assets is necessary to rely on accounting information by decision makers in the economic unity, two international accounting standards issued (IAS16,36), which aims to provide the foundations of the recognition, measurement and disclosure of appropriate assets Non-current tangible. (IAS16) allowed to use re-evaluation approach to measure assets entrance due to the inadequacy of the accounting information resulting from the application of the historical cost of the entrance under increasing technical developments and continuing that leave clear their effects on non-current intangible assets, As well as the requirements of what came (IAS36) the importance of accounting for the impairment

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